Re: [PHP] Question About Blocking Email Addresses in Forms

2008-01-18 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Javier Huerta wrote: I am wondering if there is a way to block out email addresses in specific format from a form? We ahve a form that people have to enter an email address, and the form has been getting used by bots to send spam to a listserv. The email address they enter is in this type of

Re: [PHP] DESC order results

2008-01-13 Thread Silvio Porcellana
$query = 'SELECT * FROM eChart WHERE clientNo = 2 ORDER BY ChartNo DESC'; If you want just one record: $query = 'SELECT * FROM eChart WHERE clientNo = 2 ORDER BY ChartNo DESC LIMIT 0, 1'; BTW, you'd better ask the MySQL mlist: HTH, cheers Silvio -- PHP General

Re: [PHP] mysql date question

2008-01-03 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Uhm, a shot in the dark - try: select date_format(contract.length_start, '%m-%d-%Y') as length_start HTH, cheers! Silvio Adam Williams wrote: I have a field in mysql as shown by describe contract; | length_start | date| YES | | NULL || Which

Re: [PHP] Comparison Problems with 5.2.5

2007-12-30 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Magnus Anderson wrote: ...snip... This will not work (I expect this to work since _USER['level'] is 5) if($_USER['level'] = 5) Try if($_USER['level'] = 5) maybe it helps ('=' is used when assigning values in an hash, maybe you are triggering something strange...) -- Antinori and

Re: [PHP] is_prefix() - checking wheather $A is prefix for $B

2007-12-29 Thread Silvio Porcellana
You should benchmark and tell us - anyway, just looking at the code, I'd say 'is_prefix2()' is faster since there's 1 function call instead of 2 AmirBehzad Eslami wrote: In case you haven't realized it, I have already written two functions to check for a prefix !! The question is: Which

Re: [PHP] Getting The Document Root

2006-02-02 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Jeremy Privett wrote: I'm looking for a method that would be able to extract the user's true document root (e.g. /home/jeremy/public_html/) so that I can use it for some filesystem scanning functions. I'm trying to avoid hard-coding supported document roots in favor of being able to

Re: [PHP] PHP 5 Backwards Compatability

2006-01-30 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Tod Thomas wrote: Is their a list of portability problems to be aware of when switching from v4 to v5? Maybe a table that compares the two? Thanks. You can start here: Silvio -- tradeOver | ...ready to become the King of the

Re: [PHP] Regular expression

2006-01-30 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Barry wrote: Simple reg help please i want to match the last , in a,b,c,d and replace it with and Without using a regexp, you could do: code $string = 'a,b,c,d'; $letters = explode(',', $string); $last_letter = array_pop($letters); $final_string = implode(',', $letters) . ' and '

Re: [PHP] PHP hosting with multiple domains?

2006-01-30 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: snip / hah.. I'll stop now. Think you get the idea. The convenient management of multiple domains with a hosting provider is my ultimate goal. Go with I've got a couple of domains with them - and I think they are great. Silvio -- tradeOver |

Re: [PHP] How can I get ENUM values from column info?

2006-01-29 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If I have columns type ENUM('live', 'hidden', 'pending'), $flags will show ONLY 'enum'. How can I get all ENUM values? Thanks for any help or direction. -afan This doesn't really seem a PHP question... BUT... give a look here:

Re: [PHP] query problem.

2006-01-24 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Angelo Zanetti wrote: (...) Why does the cause that not to be displayed? or is it retrieving it correctly but not showing it because of the (which might be conflicting with HTML tags? When showing things in an HTML page it's always a good idea to use 'htmlspecialchars' (or

Re: [PHP] Re: hiding the index.php page.

2006-01-23 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Barry wrote: Gregory Machin wrote: Hi I would like to know how i would hide my index page so that it is not shown at the end of the url like how gmail does it and many cms do it .. And what is it called when one does this .. Thank you If you use Apache, what you are looking for is

Re: [PHP] date(H, $datevalue) always adds an hour?

2006-01-20 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
David Grant wrote: Murray, I can't think what else it might be. Sorry! David What does date(I, $datevalue) return? (it's a capital 'i') I guess you already checked out this page... -- tradeOver | ...ready to become the King of the World? --

Re: [PHP] adding script

2006-01-20 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Ross wrote: This was a page I did ages ago The problem with it is when you add or subtact an item is it always button press behind. This must be because of the way the page self submits or something? The script is here

Re: [PHP] getting list of files included

2006-01-20 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Diana Castillo wrote: does anyone know of a command in php that will give you a list of the files already included . Something that would tell you whether a file is already included before you do the require_once ? Try this: Oh,

Re: [PHP] input validation?

2006-01-12 Thread Silvio Porcellana
William Stokes wrote: Hello, I need to check that user input text is less than 300 characters long. How? Thanks -Will Try with strlen: Silvio -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] fopen/fwrite and owner/group settings

2006-01-05 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Mathijs wrote: Hello there, I Have a problem with some file writeing. I Use fopen to create a new file, but that file gets the owner and group the same as the apache owner and group. How can i change it so that the file gets the same owner/group as the files i upload with FTP? Thx

Re: [PHP] Access Client IP address

2006-01-04 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Nilanjan Dasgupta wrote: Hi, Is there any way to client's IP address inside a php document. I am trying to generate a code that depends on the IP address of the client. thanks a lot, Nilanjan Give a look at $_SERVER, and more specifically $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]

Re: [PHP] forms

2006-01-03 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Mark wrote: Hi can any one show me how make another form appear below another once the 1st form has been submitted. [not really a PHP solution...] You can do like this: the 'SUBMIT' button of the first form only makes visible the (hidden) DIV where the second form is, and only *that*

Re: [PHP] Earlier versions hurt PHP 5

2005-12-29 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Anas Mughal wrote: Here is a PHP5 hosting company: Aaargh! I wouldn't suggest that one, I've had a really really bad experience with them (they shut down my site *w/o any notice* because they said I was using too much of their resources - while this was not true). I

Re: [PHP] XML Reader

2005-12-29 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there any easy php script to run to view an xml file such as new headlines like so: or can anyone point me in the right direction for good online tutorials or books. You can start here: Magpie

Re: [PHP] Location ....

2005-12-28 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Christian Ista wrote: Hello, Could you tell me a efficient solution for change page (new location) in PHP? I tried this code : header(Location: mypage.php); note: HTTP/1.1 requires an absolute URI But in some case, I have error message heade already send. Then I use

Re: [PHP] gdf fonts

2005-12-21 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Adrian Bruce wrote: Hi Does anyone know where i can get some decent gdf fonts for using in the imageloadfont() function, i have found some on the net but they are all a bit naf so far. I'm really just looking for something like Arial or verdana. Im creating pie charts on the fly but at

Re: [PHP] mutiple file upload

2005-12-21 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Ross wrote: Hi, I am trying create a multiple file upload to a mysql server. Google is your friend... And, by the way, if you are uploading and storing images in your MySQL DB, you might want to consider that there

Re: [PHP] Problem with fopen and sending POST vars

2005-12-20 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Barry wrote: Hello everyone! I have a problem sending POST vars via fopen. It was possible for me to send some xml data but that's all. Anyone know how to send POST vars? Big probleme here is also that i have to connect via SSL. cURL can be your friend...

Re: [PHP] Filtering URLs problem..

2005-12-20 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Anders Norrbring wrote: I'm writing a filter/parsing function for texts entered by users, and I've run into a problem... What I'm trying to do is to parse URLs of different sorts, ftp, http, mms, irc etc and format them as links, that part was real easy.. You might want to consider using

Re: [PHP] Re: [Bulk] Re: [PHP] PHP errors in Apache error logs

2005-12-19 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Jose Borquez wrote: I installed PHP from the ports and did not do any configuration. I set up the phpinfo page and the configuration line did not set disable session. Thanks in advance, Jose Maybe you have this: '--disable-all' (not sure, thou, this should enable sessions anyway,

Re: [PHP] Passing $_POST values to a php script

2005-12-19 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Jay Blanchard wrote: [snip] I am trying to develop a testing framework for a bunch of php scripts. These files expect various kinds of data from the $_POST array. They work fine when invoked from the browser. But I am wondering if I can programmatically pass these values so that I can

Re: [PHP] Random Images with no duplicates?

2005-12-18 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Jared Williams wrote: Hi, Just unset the ones you've picked ?php #random images example #this is your file $file = images.txt; #open the file $openFile = file($file); #generate a random number srand((double)microtime()*100); #get one of the entries in the file for ($i = 0;

Re: [PHP] Random Images with no duplicates?

2005-12-18 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver] wrote: code $file = images.txt; $openFile = file($file); $num_images = 10; # don't need this is PHP 4.2.0 srand((float) microtime() * 1000); $random_keys = array_rand($openFile, $num_images); foreach

Re: [PHP] XSS via curl

2005-11-30 Thread Silvio Porcellana [tradeOver]
Sandy Keathley wrote: Is there a way to detect that a script is being accessed by curl, and not by a browser? ENV ($_SERVER) variables won't work, as those can be forged. Use a CAPTCHA test: HTH, cheers! Silvio -- tradeOver |

Re: [PHP] Run a php script as a separate thread/process

2005-10-11 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Tommy Jensehaugen wrote: snip / The reason why I want to do this is because separate_script.php has to be fully executed even if the request for example.php is stopped in the middle of more logic. I am using PHP Version 4.3.11. You might also want to give a look at this:

Re: [PHP] Help with logic :(

2005-10-11 Thread Silvio Porcellana
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ?php include (../; $date = date(U); $dateExpire = $date + 90 * 86400; $code = jack; $query = INSERT INTO CouponTable VALUES ('','$date','0','$code','preset','$dateExpire','3.75'); $result =

Re: [PHP] Handling competing edits in a wiki engine?

2005-10-04 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Murray @ PlanetThoughtful wrote: Out of curiosity, does anyone know if it's possible to tell whether an individual session is still alive from PHP? I don't mean from within code being run for a particular user, but in code that, for example, might be executed by a cron job, which would

Re: [PHP] Array Select from database

2005-09-28 Thread Silvio Porcellana
A.J. Brown wrote: [code] $values = join(', ', $array); $query = SELECT * FROM client WHERE clientaccountmanager IN ('$values') [/code] Actually this doesn't seem right, the join should be: $values = join(', ', $array); # notice the ' inside the In addiction, I would (SQL)escape the

Re: [PHP] variable instant value

2005-09-27 Thread Silvio Porcellana
FSA wrote: Hi all, i have a question :), i need to display the instant value of a variable (think at a variable that stores the interface trafic at one moment) in browser, without having to refresh browser. I was wondering if i can do that with php (not perl, cgi, etc). If i missed something

Re: [PHP] Pre global configuration

2005-09-27 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Jake Gardner wrote: This is a stretch and I doubt you can do this very easily, but I was wondering if there is a way to define behaviors that happen throughout a script before execution for example if the OS is windows, all strings are terminated with \r\n, if Linux, then \n without adding

Re: [PHP] Array - partical path to the array's path....

2005-09-27 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Scott Fletcher wrote: What I want this to work instead is [code] $array = array(); $array['col1']['col2'] = Test #1; $array['col3']['col2'] = Test #2; $prefix = ['col3']['col2']; echo $array.$prefix; //Spitted out result as Test #2... [/code] Try something like this: code $var

Re: [PHP] mysql/php date functions..

2005-09-26 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Jim Moseby wrote: Hi Bruce! MySQL and PHP both have extensive built-in date functions that are clearly documented and extraordinarily easy to use. For the vast majority of situations, there is no need to manually write any custom date-handling code. The decision to use MySQL or PHP to

Re: [PHP] selfreferencing script with output

2005-09-25 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Sabine wrote: Thanks for your answer, Gustav, now I see I didn't explain good enough what my problem is. My problem is not how to construct a status bar, but not it is possible to provide any output before the headering (*Warning*: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent

Re: [PHP] selfreferencing script with output

2005-09-25 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Sabine wrote: Thanks you very much Silvio, for your answer. Yes, it seems to be complicated. Especially regarding the time I have to do the programming for this part of my work. Now I reduced the time the preparing of the mailtext needs and hope for the moment that the servers time my script

Re: [PHP] new ways to add an html body?

2005-09-25 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Ross wrote: Hi, I am using php mailer and am trying to find a new way to make the html email body instead of the old $mail_body = trtd width=\314\div align=\center\img src=\my_logo3.gif\ width=\100\ height=\139\/div/td/tr; $mail_body .= BRBRBRBR; $mail_body .= font size=\2\

Re: [PHP] Connecting To Multiple MySQL Databases

2005-02-07 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Richard Lynch wrote: snip / Actually, you want a few SPARE MySQL connections, so you can use the mysql command line monitor to do things -- Particularly in case of a run-away PHP/MySQL script which slams the server into over-drive... If you don't have a connection available cuz they're all used

Re: [PHP] Multiple permisions, different sessions.

2004-10-22 Thread Silvio Porcellana
): anyway, I hope it helped a bit. Silvio Porcellana Pablo D Marotta wrote: Hi, I´m developing an intranet on Apache-PHP-Mssql. I need to know if there´s any way of managing users to have access to specific areas inside my site, and at the same time, managing other users, giving them permision to acces

Re: [PHP] str_replace problem

2004-10-20 Thread Silvio Porcellana
be better to use the 'htmlspecialchars()' function [] Anyway, probably I didn't understand what you want from your code... Cheers! Silvio Porcellana -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] File Copy

2004-10-20 Thread Silvio Porcellana
these pages: HTH, cheers! Silvio Porcellana -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] File Copy

2004-10-20 Thread Silvio Porcellana
://]. That is, he opens the files he wants to copy and PUTs it via this function. Since he is logged in - using 'ftp_connect()' and 'ftp_login()' - the files will be owned by the user he used to login. My .2 euros... Cheers, Silvio Porcellana snip

Re: [PHP] Add to regex help

2004-10-19 Thread Silvio Porcellana
Uhm, I guess you are looking for links (following a 'href') in your HTML page, so why don't you just do something like: preg_match_all('/href=[\\']?([^\\'\s]*)[\\']?/i', $url, $matches) (note the '\s' added inside the bracket that should match the link, as you could have: a

Re: [PHP] how to create multiple selects within php

2004-10-18 Thread Silvio Porcellana
to do with HTML and JavaScript than PHP... HTH, cheers Silvio Porcellana bruce wrote: ok... it appears to be a case of user err.. the spec seems to state that if the user doesn't select/specify an item, the select should return the 1st item within the list... arrrgggh!! this is what's happening... so

Re: [PHP] Multiple pages of data.

2004-09-29 Thread Silvio Porcellana
You can solve it totally with SQL, using the FOUND_ROWS() function [] I think this is the most efficient way of doing it... HTH, cheers Silvio Porcellana Nick Patsaros wrote: I'm trying to build a bulletin style system right now. I

Re: [PHP] Searching My Database

2004-09-29 Thread Silvio Porcellana
I don't think this is the best list to ask questions about SQL, try Cheers! Silvio Porcellana Harlequin wrote: Morning everyone. I've read around the subject of searching and although using the FULLTEXT capability of MySQL might be the proper way of doing this I feel it's

Re: [PHP] Setcookie doenn't work

2004-09-24 Thread Silvio Porcellana
$ok = setcookie(client_id, argh, 259300); //* expire in a month ish Nope, it expired a long time ago... :-) Read the manual for setcookie: (mainly the part about the expire parameter) HTH, cheers Silvio -- PHP General Mailing List

Re: [PHP] Split haystack at nth occurrence of needle?

2004-09-22 Thread Silvio Porcellana
'three') all you have to do is: $out[1][1][1] = 14 Just my .2 euros... Silvio Porcellana - Original Message - From: Brian Dunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 5:54 PM Subject: [PHP] Split haystack at nth occurrence of needle? I've been RTFMing