it won't be a php-parameter. Seen as the script isn't executed when the
server decides it is the same as the cached version. So only if it deems
not to be, then it runs the script, and when it does that, the script
doesn't need to know anything about modified-since, because that checks
has long
This code seems to work. Have I got it right?
No. I have not. Sometimes the images are viewed from the cache, just
to get downloaded from the server again next time, just a minute later,
when I try again.
My local development server is running IIS, my production server is
running Apache. Whe
Your eyes are fine. You need to check for If-Modified-Since header, if
the time is older than file modification time (filemtime()) send
Last-Modified header and the image, else send 304 Not Modified response.
This code seems to work. Have I got it right?
// Get the time the cache file was last m
I put all my images outside the web root, the prevent direct access, and
then access them with a -tag like this:
where fnc_get_image.php is:
// Check if user is logged in
require_once 'global_includes.php';
$user =& new User();
// Get path to image for display
$path = $_GET['path'];
// Prepe
.htaccess file in my public_html dir and then access it as
What should the access rights to .htaccess be? -rw--- or something
anders thoresson
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curity Handbook
Coming mid-2004
Nice. From which publisher?
anders thoresson
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$dbQuery will be query string like "INSERT INTO $article_table SET
a_header = '$a_header'". Is there anything I can do, inside the method, to
increase security?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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is needed?
What I don't understand, and hence the questions, is wether session
variables are accessible by my website's visitors, or just to the
php-scripts on the server.
anders thoresson
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Save yourself a lot of headache learn how to use PEAR and OOP all in one
fell swoop by using PEAR::Config
I've already had a look at it, but it's to big for me to get. Though
learning by doing would be a better way.
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
" as new value. Not only the change value.
anders thoresson
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nclude the controlling code in my constructor?
anders thoresson
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$contents = $new_contents;
$fp = fopen($this->configurationFile, "w" );
fwrite($fp, $contents);
Best regards,
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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od way and which I can have a look
at to see how things are done.
Best regards,
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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> while ($editor = mysql_fetch_row($editorresult))
How about changing from an assignment operator "=" to a comparison
operator "==".
No. I want to step through each and every one of the rows in the result
set, and that's done that way.
anders thoresson
You more than likely have register globals ON, so by setting $editor to
some value above, you are also changing the value of $_SESSION['editor'].
Yes! Settings at ISP was with globals on, but at my local server they were
off. Which added quite a lot to my confusion.
SSION['editor'], but leaving others,
like $_SESSION['admin'] untouched. At the first debug, I get "Admin: Y
Editor: Y" printed (which is the way I suppose things to be), but at the
second debug I just get "Admin: Y Editor:".
I can't find the error
causing the editor menu not being shown.
A check through all my source code shows that the only instance where I
assign is in accesscontrol() shown above.
Are there any known circumstances where session variables are lost?
(I guess that the answer is no, and this is an error caused by mysel
s set, here I display
the login form
And since reloads brings up the login form, $_SESSION['uname'] is not set
anymore, for some reason.
anders thoresson
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Does it work when you refresh the page?
No. A reload in Internet Explorer kicks me out of my web application. Does
a reload within IE reset session variables?
Reloading a page in the application using Opera works.
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
When I push the back buttom in Opera, I get back to the previous
(database/php-generated) page in my site, but when I'm using IE and push
back, I get a message saying that the page isn't valid any more.
Is this an internal IE-issue, or could I make my php-script IE-friendly?
t, all with
command Sleep. Does MySQL clean this list when they've been to sleep for
too long?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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nd then no more new a added, but the
"time" column reset, which I take means that that id is reuses?
Thank's for helping me sort things out!
anders thoresson
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What is the error you get?
Problem solved: it was a combination of permissions and wrong options.
anders thoresson
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eally understand how
session.use_trans_sid made the difference?
anders thoresson
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works fine on my local Win2k, php 4.3.1, but not on my ISP:s Sun
Solaris/php 4.3.2 machine I get a parse error. What am I doing wrong?
Is there a better way to backup my database?
anders thoresson
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$unsafe_string = htmlentities($unsafe_string);
$unsafe_string = strip_tags($unsafe_string);
$unsafe_string = trim($unsafe_string);
Return $unsafe_string;
Are the last steps (AddSlashes through trim) overkill? I want to make it
safe for mysql.
anders thoresson
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gth is passed, and $max_length gets the value -1, the if-
loop if ($max_length > -1) is still run.
2) Calls to my own function error doesn't work. Instead of creating a
popupwindow with javascript (which works in other places where error() is
called) the errormessage is printed like html.
ether $max_length is set or not
Is there really something wrong with this logic (since it doesn't work, it
obvious is, but what)?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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= opendir('/web/un/backup')) {
echo "Files:\n";
/* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { echo "Download $file
closedir($handle); }
anders thoresson
PHP Gene
What happens when the user doesn't finish editing or the browser
simply crashes on him?
Well. Didn't think of that.
So how can I avoid that two editors loads the same record for editing at
the same time, while still making all records available for regular
visitors to read?
gth is passed, and $max_length gets the value -1, the if-
loop if ($max_length > -1) is still run.
2) Calls to my own function error doesn't work. Instead of creating a
popupwindow with javascript (which works in other places where error() is
called) the errormessage is printed like html.
ock() is called to make sure that no other
editor opens the content before it's saved and release_lock() is called,
which will remove the line from table_lock again.
Is this a good way to do this? Or are there any other suggestions?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (http://
e tried with "zero", "null" and "0" as signals to the
function that a max_length isn't applied. Nothing works.
But I've several functions with the same syntax, all working...
anders thoresson
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heir own set ow include_directories?
anders thoresson
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s.php should be placed in a directory
outside the html/php-directories. Today, my web directory is
/home/anders/public_html and subdirectories to public_html. Should
settings.php be placed in /home/anders/include?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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pt work on my localhost? Next
step is to try the script that work at my ISP's server at my localhost. ;-)
anders thoresson
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AFAIK in PHP, if you don't specifically return something from a function,
the function will not return anything.
True. I'm so frustrated over here that I miss the most obvious things.
Strange thing is that it worked at my localhost, though.
anders thoresson
e any feeling that helps me, no matter
how faint, are wanted. I'm going crazy here. ;-))
anders thoresson
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ON['u_id'] changes.
And at my localhost, $_SESSION's stays put.
I'm going crazy here.
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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'] and $_POST['u_pwd1'] as well as
$unchecked_password1 and $unchecked_password2 contains the entered values,
but $u_pwd is empty.
As with my previous problems this evening, it works on my local server,
but not on my ISP's. At home I'm running Windows 2000 and
se also at my local server?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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her queries on
the table, in between which I do some PHP work, and then release the lock
several queries and lines of PHP code later?
In general, when is it wise to use a lock, and when is it uneeded?
anders thoresson
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The following line of code doesn't work for me:
$previous_issue_unixdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $previous_issue_month,
$previous_issue_day, $previous_issue_year, 0);
$previous_issue_month is set to 06, _issue_day is 30 and _issue_year to
2003. Still $previous_issue_unixdate is emtpy.
$issue_number = 1;
$current_date = $current_date + 86400;
$current_date = $current_date + 86400;
This is the first upload script I'm writing.
anders thoresson
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mp_name'])) {
die("Problem: Filen är inte uppladdad");
$upfile = "__traningsmatcher.txt";
if(!copy($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $upfile)) {
die("Kunde inte spara filen");
echo("Filen är sparad!");
anders thoresson
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I've been trying to learn PHP for three months now, but tonight was the
first time I sat down with my project for two week, so I'm sorry if I'm
bothering you with something obvious that I've just forgotten. :)
But I need to kn
rom OOP?
2. When is OOP a good choice for a PHP script, and when is ordinary
functions a better call?
anders thoresson
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Which is more efficient:
function admin_menu() {
echo " Meny ";
echo "Medlemmar";
echo "Album";
echo "Huvudmeny";
echo "Logga ut";
function admin_menu() {
Any reasons ot
Where can I find good guidelines on how to write PHP-code that's easy to
read for a human?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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sed along.
From what I understand, information about unchecked boxes is never passed?
Right now, my solution is to first set the field access in the table
accessrights to N for every user and then update the table with an Y for
those with checked boxes.
But how can I limit the MySQL queries to
w many checkboxes there are,
and what their names will be. How do I do this?
Is the form ok, or is a bad form design the reason I can't figure out what
to form processing code should be?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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_name)) {
$result = mysql_query($query)
But what commands/functions should I use to build the query?
anders thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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I've understood things right, there is functions within PHP that
can handle picture resizing? Is that correct?
Best regards,
Anders Thoresson
PHP General Mailing List (
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I've been using Apache, MySQL and PHP under Win2k for a while to learn
PHP. At the moment, I'm running PHP 4.2.2, MySQL 3.23.39 and Apache 2.0.40.
During the holidays, I've read about a security hole in MySQL and
therefore plans to upgrade to 3.23.54a. At the same time, I want to install
I've seen both guest books and user forums "hacked" by users who enter
javascript or other code, and that way redirects vistors to other sites or
do other unwelcome things. What expressions should I look for and not allow
in my forms?
Best regards,
PHP General Mailing List (http
I'm trying to write a function that validates the input in a textarea. I
just want to allow alphanumrical characters, and if the user enters
anything else, I display an error message by calling error().
But the following doesn't work. Even if I enter "hello" in the textarea,
I get the er
What's wrong with the following regular expression? As far as I can se,
only alphabetic characters including the special swedish ones, should be
let through, but whatever character passed on in $_REQUEST['f_name'] passes
the test?
if(!ereg("(^[a-zA-ZåÅäÄöÖ]{4,20})", $_REQUEST['f_name'])) {
addslashes should be enough and put qoutes arround your strings in the sql
Meaning that a query like this one is safe, as long as I first have
$e_namn = addslashes($e_namn);?
$query = "INSERT INTO addr (last_name, first_name, email)
PHP Gene
Would this function do the trick?
// validate.php - functions that validates form input
function validate_string($unsafe_string) {
// create array containing bad words
$badwords = array(";","--","select","drop","insert","xp_","delete");
$goodwords = array(":","---","choose","leave","add",
sy for me to
track what happens when.
Is this a good way to do things?
When is it a good thing to write multi-purpose scripts like my skeleton
above, where one thing is shown on first run and then different things
depending on what the user does, and when is it better to put not just
Hi again,
I'm still trying to understand sessions, and have made some progress
during the afternoon, thanks to Ernest E. Vogelsinger. I'm at the moment
trying to get a login-script up and running, but without 100 percent success.
The script is split up in two major parts: bilder.php, which is
ink that's the version when this was
Best regards,
Anders Thoresson
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The session id isn't attached to the link in the end of the script, and
therefore $count always is '1', even after I click the link.
But the $_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"] does contain a value.
I'm using PHP 4.2.2 and according to phpinfo() session.use_trans_si
64 matches
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