D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-17 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment. Yeah, this definitely morphed into a more general discussion about Breeze design, and a desire to make lists look somewhat more like the screenshot you posted, Roman (in terms of borders and lines; no discussion yet on background color). REPOSITORY R31 Breeze

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-14 Thread Roman Gilg
romangg added subscribers: hein, romangg. romangg added a comment. I agree with you @ngraham that the current design is not optimal and is not standardized enough in our HIG nor in practical usage by KDE apps and Plasma. But simply changing the default and by that adding more frames

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-13 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham abandoned this revision. ngraham added a comment. Wow, I didn't know what a minefield I was stepping into with this topic... but I believe my suspicions are confirmed that this design choice represented a compromise that did not satisfy everyone--hence the option. I can see now that

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-13 Thread Dominik Haumann
dhaumann added a comment. I as someone being around for 15 years now also immediately thought "huh? Why this forth and back and forth..."? I believe you need much more investigation here and discussion with the visual design group, maybe a blog asking about what people like more.

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-13 Thread Hugo Pereira Da Costa
hpereiradacosta added a comment. Note: I am not saying that the current design is the best one. However it was designed as an improvement to the framed one. Reverting to the framed version is basically discarding this work. I would rather see some work done on improving upon what has been

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-13 Thread Hugo Pereira Da Costa
hpereiradacosta added a comment. Note that there is no bug report, to my knowledge, complaining about this. (neither usability wise nor design wise). REPOSITORY R31 Breeze BRANCH borders-around-settings-window-side-panels (branched from master) REVISION DETAIL

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-13 Thread Hugo Pereira Da Costa
hpereiradacosta added a comment. Maybe it is just me who has been around for too long ... REPOSITORY R31 Breeze BRANCH borders-around-settings-window-side-panels (branched from master) REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D12835 To: ngraham, andreaska Cc: hpereiradacosta,

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-13 Thread Hugo Pereira Da Costa
hpereiradacosta added a comment. This is really interesting how things go back and forth if you wait long enough ... Removing this frame (by default) was a _big_ thing at the time breeze was designed, and there was countless discussion on how to do it. Wait five years, and the same

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-13 Thread Henrik Fehlauer
rkflx added a comment. If you revert a design decision, your summary should include a reference to the arguments of the original decision, a justification for changing it back again based on those, and you should try to get consent from the original authors and designers. In general

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-12 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a subscriber: abetts. ngraham added a comment. I wasn't around for the KDE4/oxygen days, so I wasn't aware this represented a reversion of anything; I just think this patch results in better visual design that the status quo. Breeze may be a minimalistic theme, but

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-12 Thread Henrik Fehlauer
rkflx added a comment. Is it really necessary to revert design decisions made for Breeze (compared to its predecessor Oxygen)? FWIW, I find the "after" screenshots look quite dated, and I cannot see any functional or visual improvement. In addition, I find the overall design direction

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-12 Thread Christoph Feck
cfeck added a comment. While I also use this setting, we probably should not make it default, unless the QtQuick dialogs (try desktop RMB > Configure Desktop ...) also respects this setting. REPOSITORY R31 Breeze REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D12835 To: ngraham Cc:

D12835: Draw borders around side panels by default

2018-05-12 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham created this revision. Restricted Application added a project: Plasma. Restricted Application added a subscriber: plasma-devel. ngraham requested review of this revision. REVISION SUMMARY This patch changes the defaults to draw borders around side panels in settings windows.