Duman Wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the response.
> I was under the impression that the IR Blaster plugin receives a code
> from the Slim remote and, based on a mapping specified in the plugin's
> settings page, blasts one or more other IR codes defined in a stored
> .conf file. VERY cool indeed.
Craig, James (IT) Wrote:
> Hi Diarmuid,
> Sounds like you need an iTunesUpdateOSX.pl right?
> I will put this on my to-do list... Should be pretty easy.
> James
> NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender. S
All seems to work now (nearly):
AlienBBC on both the SBx hardware, and softsqueeze, but not the web
page slimserver.
Live365 shows up as playing, but only plays through the hardware, not
through the web page slimserver or softsqueeze.
Perhaps a reinstall will solve. One for escaping the family
Try running slimserver with the d_plugins debug option set. This should
output some useful information that might pin down what is wrong.
tgoldstone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=
Patrick Dixon Wrote:
> My compiled version of MPlayer for Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) is here
> http://www.patrickdixon.plus.com/
Patrick, I'm trying to update SlimCD with a more recent mplayer.
Thought this is also Debian based, your mplayer build crashes. Do you
have a tarball of the sources availab
Patrick Dixon posted a patched version here:
Thanks for that link! I must have missed it. But still: it does not work
for me :-(
Also, could you update the AlienBBC plugin to 1.00.
I did, thanks.
Patrick Dixon posted a patched version here:
Also, could you update the AlienBBC plugin to 1.00.
Neil Sleightholm
Neil Sleightholm's Profile: http://
I have slimserver 6.2.2 nightly and auto dim display v .04. It doesn't
turn the display off at the selected time nor does it turnit back on.
I have the players display set to 0 for when power is off.
Am I not doing something else required?
you mean this?
...except that I need it for Linux ;-)
Help translate SlimServer by using the
StringEditor Plugin (http://www.herger.net/slim/)
you mean this?
bouton's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=539
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18942
while you are updating slimCD with the updated mplayer (which I do use
I can't so far as I do not have an updated binary, yet. If somebody could
tell me what version exactly I should install... there's talk about pre7
or cvs or...
to get rid of the garbled bbc4), can you maybe add the for
while you are updating slimCD with the updated mplayer (which I do use
to get rid of the garbled bbc4), can you maybe add the forecast plugin
by kdf and auto dim display.
that would make it perfect
If he means the "garbled audio" problem - try any one of the live BBC
stations R1-R4. Problems usually shows up within 20 mins - quicker at
peak times.
bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=
Milhouse Wrote:
> With all the recent mplayer bug squashing the version of mplayer on
> SlimCD 1.1 is a touch out of date - it certainly isn't working reliably
> for me with the "two streams" problem
Could you give me any hint, how I can reproduce this problem? Is it
with certain channels only?
Kyle Wrote:
> Greg, bowl season is upon us! Are you going to try to do a college
> football ticker? I got my SuperDateTime working, BTW. I don't know
> what finally did it, but I think a PC reboot was what did the trick.
Ugh. I know it's been mentioned before... I just now looked at th
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