Thanks for suggestions Michael!
May be a stupid question: how to shut down SBS? I didn't find any
button or menu for it on the user interface of SBS.
apeter's Profile:
Thanks for this nice program. I like the style very much!
There seem to be some graphic glitches. I don't see the album list on
the right side. It's just a white and empty place. Only when I move the
whole window out of sight and then back in, it's looking normal. But as
soon as I klick something
the applet doesn't appear on the server.
You have to install it via the applet-installer directly on your
Did you follow the instructions in the very first post ?
1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 1xSB-Radio
Server (7.4.1) running on SheevaPlu
I'm still having problems with Track and Artist name Info with accented
characters in the Player panel of Moose 7.3a running on the latest
builds SBS 7.6. The Album names are displayed correctly in the player
panel even if they have accented characters. The Track, Album and
Artist names info are d
I've just read about this plug-in and it looks great, but I can't seem
to find it within the plug-in extension repositories. I even added the
URL that was in the first posting but still nothing.
I see a plug-in named "Weather, date, and Time" but I don't see one
named "Weather Screensafer". Can s
Hi All, thought I'd keep you posted with the latest developments for the
next release...
1) Installable via a repo.
2) xml & lirc files are downloaded to the controller from the server by
the applet so you can kiss goodbye to SCP (unless you need to look at
the logs).
3) logging has been beefed up
There is still hope for getting some hardware to use SideSqueeze with.
You should be able to install ThreeMote on any Android device which
should then support SideSqueeze.
I have ordered an O2 Joggle, if I get Android satisfactorily installed
I will get a copy of ThreeMote and try it out.
Is it possible to install and run Neorouter (client) on the SBT?
It runs on some broadband routers.
Kind Regards
'LastFM' (
SB3, SB BOOM - vortex...@hp SFF
iPod Touch\iPeng