On 07/02/2011 15:03, Nicolas Morales wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that when the mapfile has many layers, the performance in
> Internet Explorer is low especially when the map zoom changes.
> I discovered that the javascript function that consumes most of the time in
> IE is tocUpdateScale () in pm.toc.js
> Is there any way to fix this problem?
> I'm using version 4.1.1
> Thanks

well, this is an issue of the Javascript speed in IE. The update layers 
function has to loop through all layers and add one style and remove 
another, stepping through the DOM tree, for IE this might take a 
while... It's not possible to change without removing the functionality, 
or wait for IE 9...

I don't know if there are any optimizations possible on the jQuery side 
and it's selector functions. p.mapper 4.1.1 is already using the latest 
jQuery version I think. On the other hand I think the map is loaded 
normally, just the TOC update takes some time.

The only possibilities that directly come into my mind are:
  - use fewer layers
    (maybe allow adding/removing them via the layerselect plugin)

  - disable the "greying-out" of the layers when not visible
    at the current scale. This I could provide with an additinal
    check of a parameter. You can try this by adding as first line
    in the tocUpdateScale() function
       return false;
    and see how much faster it is.
    You could also check if it could be related to the AJAX call (which
    I don't think) and comment out just the part of the closure
        $.each(layers, function(l, cl) {


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