G'day Sean,
On 24/12/2010, at 2:07 AM, Sean wrote:
> Is this just a visualization issue? You could store copies of the the
> road line with attribute data indicating direction or have a separate
> table with foreign keys to the geography and the direction data.
> Then, you just symbolize diff
G'day Puneet,
On 24/12/2010, at 2:17 AM, Puneet Kishor wrote:
> Sean wrote:
>> Is there a way to 'shift' the linestring to the left - after all,
> > that would be sensible side of the road to drive on...
> Which world do you live in? After all, the right side of the road is called
> the "righ
You're inappropriately mixing coordinate reference systems.
As an aside, you don't need to add a spatial_ref_sys entry, if you've
loaded the default PostGIS spatial_ref_sys table, the entry for 29610
is NAD823/UTM10N.
The key problem in your query is this part:
I'm just not having any luck determining if a point is in a polygon.
1. I add my SRID for NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_10N to the spatial ref.
2. Importing the City of Vancouver's boundary (MULTILINESTRING) with -s 1
(SRID=1) and load the SQL file.
3. Pick a point within the city from google map: 49.28
Hi all.
After compiling from svn, I get a few errors while uploading
Any hint?
Thanks a lot.
$ psql -d test -f raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql
psql:raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql:32: NOTICE: type "raster" is not yet
DETTAGLI: Creating a shell type definition.
Sean wrote:
Is there a way to 'shift' the linestring to the left - after all,
> that would be sensible side of the road to drive on...
Which world do you live in? After all, the right side of the road is
called the "right side" for a reason.
Puneet Kishor
Is this just a visualization issue? You could store copies of the the
road line with attribute data indicating direction or have a separate
table with foreign keys to the geography and the direction data.
Then, you just symbolize differently based on the attributes. Offset
the symbology not the
Just FYI, I have tries upgis_lineshift and in general it does a great job - at
a minimum for visualizing the different paths. However I have found that
sometimes the shifted line doesn't go in the direction you'd expect so you'll
get situations where the shifting switches sides and this can be p
I thought I had everything figured out with respect to my problems
unioning and differencing polygons, but I am running into more
TopologyExceptions that have me confused.
After looking at Paul Ramsey's FOSS4G presentation, I realized that what
I really wanted to do was an "ArcGIS Union Ope