Re: [postgis-users] gridded data

2011-05-09 Thread Pierre Racine
Yes. This is really at the convenience of your application. Pierre -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Stephen Crawford Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 12:13 PM To: PostGIS Users Discussion

Re: [postgis-users] gridded data

2011-05-09 Thread Stephen Crawford
Great info, thanks a lot. If you think it best to store each weather variable in a separate table, then I imagine that would be by date too, i.e. a table named "max_temp_05_09_2011" or something like that? Thanks, Steve On 5/9/2011 11:55 AM, Pierre Racine wrote: I want to use daily weather

Re: [postgis-users] gridded data

2011-05-09 Thread Pierre Racine
> I want to use daily weather variables that are in a grid for USA. I > would want store the daily variables ( a new grid each day) so I can > have a database that will allow the client to send a point lat/lon and > then return a calculation based on a few days worth of two or three > variables. >

Re: [postgis-users] gridded data

2011-05-09 Thread John Callahan
This does sound like a job for PostGIS raster in v2.0. I hope to do the same in the near future. You can query values (ST_Value) and perform other functions listed here Generating maps from PostGIS rasters would come thro

[postgis-users] gridded data

2011-05-09 Thread Stephen Crawford
Hi, How do I best use gridded data in postgres-postgis (I've only used vector data before)? I want to use daily weather variables that are in a grid for USA. I would want store the daily variables ( a new grid each day) so I can have a database that will allow the client to send a point lat

[postgis-users] Simple update query on a big table is too long

2011-05-09 Thread F T
Hi list I use PostgreSQL 8.4.4. with Postgis 1.4 I have a simple update query that takes hours to run. The table is rather big (2 millions records) but it takes more than 5 hours to run !! The query is just : *UPDATE grille SET inter = 0* The explain command seems ok : "Seq Scan on grille50 (c

Re: [postgis-users] shp2pgsql in a bash script question

2011-05-09 Thread Morin , Marc-André
The easiest way is to lauch pgAdmin and connect to the server. At the first time, a little window will be prompted asking you password for the user postgres, and once you will have entered this password, just check the option "Store password"... And you will never be asked to enter this passwo

[postgis-users] Clip a table using a donut geometry

2011-05-09 Thread Júlio Almeida
Hello, I'm trying do clip some geometry tables (very big) using a donut geometry. This geometry is the difference between a site area and a buffer area arround de same site. I wrote: SELECT r.*, ST_Intersection(r.the_geom, m.the_geom) AS int_geom FROM big_table AS r, (SELECT ST_Difference(b.t