[protobuf] Allocator Support for strings

2011-07-06 Thread Gokul
Hi, In the application, i am working on, we are managing the memory of strings using allocators. But i find that the protobuf uses strings without any allocator support. Is there a plan to provide allocator support for strings in future? Or can someone guide me on how to go about implementing th

[protobuf] Re: Issue 296 in protobuf: Deploy protobuf-java 2.4.1 JAR to Maven Repository

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #15 on issue 296 by jhuxh...@googlemail.com: Deploy protobuf-java 2.4.1 JAR to Maven Repository http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=296 Thanks! The artifact has just reached the central maven repository. http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/

[protobuf] Re: Issue 296 in protobuf: Deploy protobuf-java 2.4.1 JAR to Maven Repository

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #14 on issue 296 by g...@google.com: Deploy protobuf-java 2.4.1 JAR to Maven Repository http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=296 Deployed to oss.sonatype.org and released. Sorry about the wait. -- You received this message because you are

[protobuf] Re: Issue 296 in protobuf: Deploy protobuf-java 2.4.1 JAR to Maven Repository

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #13 on issue 296 by g...@google.com: Deploy protobuf-java 2.4.1 JAR to Maven Repository http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=296 Ha. Yes it did. Then I got distracted by a long holiday weekend. Resuming now. :-) -- You received this message because you are subscr

[protobuf] Re: Issue 296 in protobuf: Deploy protobuf-java 2.4.1 JAR to Maven Repository

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #12 on issue 296 by trobi...@gmail.com: Deploy protobuf-java 2.4.1 JAR to Maven Repository http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=296 Has the build finished yet? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Protocol Buffers" group. To pos

[protobuf] Safe way to access the functionality of MutableCProtoInsidePyProto

2011-07-06 Thread A Richardson
I am writing a python extension (in C++) which needs to work with protobufs. I would also like to make use of the experimental C++/ Python extension in my application. (i.e. I would like my extension to handle python protobuf messages which are actually backed by c++ messages.) Is there a reasonab

Re: [protobuf] Re: Exceptions when reading protobuf messages in Java which were created in C++

2011-07-06 Thread Jason Hsueh
Can you not control the number of messages? In any event, I think the problem is the memory lifetime of the streambuf. >From the docs on async_write: b A basic_streambuf object from which data will be written. Ownership of the streambuf is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that it rem

Re: [protobuf] Re: Exceptions when reading protobuf messages in Java which were created in C++

2011-07-06 Thread Christopher Smith
Basic rule: if the memory is used outside the lifetime of the function call, you don't want it on the stack. Async_write very much requires the memory to be around later. --Chris On Jul 6, 2011, at 10:10 AM, platzhirsch wrote: > I find it difficult to check this by so many messages. This appr

[protobuf] Re: Exceptions when reading protobuf messages in Java which were created in C++

2011-07-06 Thread platzhirsch
I find it difficult to check this by so many messages. This approach was suggested by some people already, I don't know how I would realize this. On Jul 6, 6:56 pm, Jason Hsueh wrote: > I'm not familiar with the boost libraries you're using, but the use of > "async_write" and the stack-allocated

Re: [protobuf] Re: Exceptions when reading protobuf messages in Java which were created in C++

2011-07-06 Thread Jason Hsueh
I'm not familiar with the boost libraries you're using, but the use of "async_write" and the stack-allocated streambuf looks suspect. If nothing jumps out there, I would first check that the data read from the socket in Java exactly matches the data on the C++ side. On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 8:55 AM,

Re:Re: Re:Re: [protobuf] Re: Is any method available to convert a protobuf object to XML?

2011-07-06 Thread jianhua
Thanks Wright; Yes, protostuff has serialize tool for XML, but written by JAVA and my project is native C++. At 2011-06-27 22:15:48,"Ben Wright" wrote: Have you tried http://code.google.com/p/protostuff/ ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Protoc

[protobuf] Re: Issue 289 in protobuf: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #14 on issue 289 by m...@bakedbeans.com: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010 http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=289 Thanks for resolving this issue! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Protocol Buffers" group. T

[protobuf] Re: Issue 289 in protobuf: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #13 on issue 289 by liuj...@google.com: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010 http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=289 A Node for myself: The reason that gtest 1.6 didn't pass, because this diff http://code.google.com/p/googletest/source/diff?spec=svn500&r

[protobuf] Re: Issue 289 in protobuf: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #12 on issue 289 by m...@bakedbeans.com: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010 http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=289 No, I haven't defined PROTOBUF_USE_EXCEPTIONS anywhere. I tried using gtest 1.5, now all tests pass in release and debug modes. -- You re

[protobuf] Re: Issue 289 in protobuf: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #11 on issue 289 by liuj...@google.com: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010 http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=289 Wait, did you define PROTOBUF_USE_EXCEPTIONS? That seemed to be the reasons of these error. -- You received this message because you are

[protobuf] Re: Issue 289 in protobuf: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #10 on issue 289 by liuj...@google.com: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010 http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=289 Can you try gtest 1.5 instead? The death test change in gtest doesn't seem to be compatible with protobuf unittest. -- You received this

[protobuf] Re: Issue 289 in protobuf: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010

2011-07-06 Thread protobuf
Comment #9 on issue 289 by m...@bakedbeans.com: 64 bit release build unit tests fail in MSVC 2010 http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=289 I've applied the patch in r402, done a full clean rebuilds of both release and debug, but these unit tests still fail in both cases. Stran