Re: [Puppet-dev] Module Testing and Facter 3

2015-05-22 Thread Kylo Ginsberg
Thanks for the feedback, Gareth and Josh. We need to figure out the steps here, so this is super useful. A couple minor comments below, and I'm consolidating the replies. On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Gareth Rushgrove wrote: > I'd be happy to see a PR against puppet-module-skeleton > (https

Re: [Puppet-dev] Module Testing and Facter 3

2015-05-17 Thread Joshua Hoblitt
I don't typically have system packages for either puppet or facter in my dev environment as I've had bazaar issues in the past where the system facter has leaked into the bundler env and cause odd test failures. Has anyone looked into embedding cfacter in a gem? Another implication, which is CI s

Re: [Puppet-dev] Module Testing and Facter 3

2015-05-17 Thread Gareth Rushgrove
I'd be happy to see a PR against puppet-module-skeleton ( for how you envisage testing against puppet-agent to work on (on Travis in this case). That might be a good way of getting a few people from the module community to comment too. Ditto a PR r

[Puppet-dev] Module Testing and Facter 3

2015-05-15 Thread Kylo Ginsberg
In the next few weeks we’ll be releasing facter 3, a native (compiled C++11) implementation of facter. Note that the only packages containing facter 3 will be the puppet-agent packages (e.g. there will be no facter 3 gems). This change may have some workflow implications for module developers, and