Re: [pygame] Website updates - 26 March 2014

2014-03-27 Thread Christopher Arndt
Am 27.03.2014 15:19, schrieb paolo lo bello: blender2.70 why? Because you can write games with Blender and Python. Also, PyOpenGL 3.1.0 is around the corner: And pygame_cffi (PyGame on PyPy) is making progress:

Re: [pygame] Python3 version packaged?

2014-03-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 21.03.2014 02:06, Jason Marshall wrote: PS. I think the most recent version of pyportmidi, 0.0.7, is here: That's exactly the problem. It's not clear, what the most recent version or even the definite distribution of pyportmidi is. There are, to my knowledge at least three versions, maybe

Re: [pygame] Python3 version packaged?

2014-03-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
Am 21.03.2014 12:45, schrieb Jake b: I tried to find what version SDL2 uses, but I didn't see any mention off portmidi. SDL has, to my knowledge, never included any MIDI interfacing. MIDI support was a PyGame addition. PyGame should, IMHO, ditch the included pyportmidi module altogether and

Re: [pygame] Python3 version packaged?

2014-03-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
Am 21.03.2014 14:32, schrieb diliup gabadamudalige: 10 days ago i wrote to John Harrision the author of pyportMIDI and he said that he has discontinued the development and to use the MIDI in pygame. below is his relevant text I haven't worked on pyPortMidi in years, unfortunately, so I've lost

Re: [pygame] Python3 version packaged?

2014-03-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 21.03.2014 16:58, Michiel Overtoom wrote: Thanks for the tip. I was looking around for a cross-platform python midi module which can do output and timestamped input. RtMidi and its python binding looks promising. I'm creating a FretsOnFire/BandHero-like training program, for drums only.

pygame.MIDI input (Was: [pygame] Python3 version packaged?)

2014-03-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 21.03.2014 17:44, diliup gabadamudalige wrote: I am writing a music software and I need to calculate MIDI note on and note off from [...] MIDI input? Can I use the pygame.midi.time() counter to do that? You could, but I would just use the pygame.event queue to handle all events in the same

Re: [pygame] Python3 version packaged?

2014-03-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
Am 21.03.2014 13:18, schrieb Christopher Arndt: One could easily write a module for providing a pygame.midi backwards-compatible API to a third-party MIDI module. In fact, I'm doing that for my python-rtmidi [1] module right now. There you go:

Re: [pygame] Midi Crashes on Error

2013-11-03 Thread Christopher Arndt
Hi Lenard, On 02.11.2013 02:25, Lenard Lindstrom wrote: Just wondering, if the Python level callback is found to be too slow, could a C level callback mechanism be provided? how would you suggest this should be used? From Python or C? In python-rtmidi this is currently not possible from

Re: [pygame] Midi Crashes on Error

2013-11-01 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 01.11.2013 09:52, William Heatley wrote: Suggested Solution: Do not define PM_CHECK_ERRORS. This is defined in the underlying portmidi library, which AFAIK is linked dynamically. So it is up to your OS to provide a version of libportmidi without PM_CHECK_ERRORS defined. This has been a

Re: [pygame] pygame.midi

2012-08-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 21.08.2012 08:40, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: [0x89, 60, 0] means a note_off message with a note_off velocity value of 0. A (small) number of synths understands note_off velocity. You can describe it in physical terms as a key that is released extremely slowly. I have seen a synth (an old AKAI

Re: [pygame] pygame.midi

2012-08-18 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 17.08.2012 11:22, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: Any pygame.midi gurus here ? I didn't write the pygame.midi or the pyportmidi stuff, but I did a cleanup of the Cython code a while ago. For various reasons though (among them the confusing situation regarding the different pyportidi forks/code bases

Re: [pygame] Pygame Docs, Sphinx 1.1 is now out

2012-03-22 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 22.03.2012 19:01, Lenard Lindstrom wrote: * I'm also using 1.1.3 for another project, and don't feel like re-installing 1.0.7 just to make a small update to the scrap doc. The solution to these kind of problems is called virtualenv. Still, getting the pygame docs to build with a current

Re: [pygame] Game not running

2012-03-11 Thread Christopher Arndt
Am 11.03.12 18:11, schrieb Avirup Kundu: I tried the file approach but being a newbie couldn't make anything. I will try the sqlite. It will be easier i believe . Let's see.. Using sqlite is certainly not easier than using plain files (though it can be more robust, depending on your use

Re: [pygame] Declaring variables in function as if at code's line-level

2012-03-10 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 10.03.2012 23:35, Christopher Night wrote: DO: * Access variables. (Move game according to current-variable-status and player-input) * Output to graphics and sound card. (Display game according to current-variable-status.) LOOP That's really all we

Re: [pygame] Declaring variables in function as if at code's line-level

2012-03-10 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 11.03.2012 01:15, Brian Brown wrote: Haven't I just given you one of the most profound statements of efficient game programming? Shouldn't you be grateful? That's not true, Matt. Chris

Re: [pygame] Re: Mac OS X MIDI support success (MacPorts)

2012-03-05 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 05.03.2012 23:13, Russell Owen wrote: The problem I'm having is that it insists on trying to use Mac OS X 10.5 SDK, which doesn't even exist on my operating system I have tried everything I can think of, based on google searches, including: $ export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4 $ export

Re: [pygame] Mac OS X MIDI support success (MacPorts)

2012-03-03 Thread Christopher Arndt
Am 03.03.12 17:36, schrieb René Dudfield: you're right. It picks the non framework build over the Framework build if they are both there. Without your patch, when there is nothing in /usr/local, but there are Framework builds it does not work. I think, that means I got it right, good. :)

Re: [pygame] Mac OS X MIDI support success (MacPorts)

2012-03-01 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 01.03.2012 15:06, René Dudfield wrote: Nice one. Thanks. Do you want to make a pull request? If not, I can apply the patch. If you apply it, that would be nice. I don't have much experience with hg yet. You should probably split this in two commits: 1) Fixing the CoreMIDI framework

Re: [pygame] Re: Mac OS X MIDI support success (MacPorts)

2012-03-01 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 02.03.2012 01:07, Russell E. Owen wrote: My problem is that I just can't figure out how to build portmidi from source -- at least on Mac OS X 10.4 (which is my usual platform for building such installers, as it turns out to be more reliably backward compatible) with gcc 4.0.1 (required

[pygame] Mac OS X MIDI support success (MacPorts)

2012-02-27 Thread Christopher Arndt
Some people here on the list seemed to have had problems getting MIDI to compile / work on Mac OS X with the latest pygame. I'm not sure which was the OS X version in question, but I have successfully compiled pygame from mercurial with MIDI support under OS X 10.6 and Python 2.7 from

Re: [pygame] Antialiased circle

2012-02-27 Thread Christopher Arndt
Am 26.02.12 20:18, schrieb Lenard Lindstrom: I guess I need to take another look at pexdra. I played around a bit with pexdra the last two days and created a small demo for drawing rounded rectangles: You can either use the

Re: [pygame] Antialiased circle

2012-02-25 Thread Christopher Arndt
Am 18.01.12 22:39, schrieb jug: Here is a small module that works on top of pygame.gfxdraw to draw some nice (filled) aacircles, lines and rounded rects (have a look at the examples): this was mainly a test to see whats possible and also to compare

Re: [pygame] pygame sdl_image png/jpeg support

2012-02-14 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 14.02.2012 17:05, AntCox wrote: I am trying to build pygame and during the dependency check it is only missing PNG and JPEG support [...] SDL_image is installed with both png and jpg support libpng and libjpg and respective -dev libraries are also installed. [...] I am running this on

Re: [pygame] Pygame, pyglet, 2d, 3d, and performance (reflexions/discussion)

2012-02-13 Thread Christopher Arndt
Hi Santiago,, without going into to your remarks in detail, I want to give these general observations on the matter: there are two main issues here a) programming style and graphics access and b) graphics technologies and accelaration. Even Pygame if allows one to do pixel pushing, I prefer to

Re: [pygame] Compiling pygame on Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric JPGE not found

2012-01-31 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 28.01.2012 00:42, Christopher Arndt wrote: I stumbled over one issue: even though I had all the dependencies installed, the configure script said JPGEG: not found. When I looked into it, I found that the package libjpeg62[-dev] installed[.62] only in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu

Re: [pygame] Compiling pygame on Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric JPGE not found

2012-01-29 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 28.01.2012 21:52, Lenard Lindstrom wrote: checks what libraries are present to determine which Pygame modules are built. Otherwise, yes, the linker can find the libraries. The ldconfig program lists the shared libraries recognized by the run-time linker. So that could replace

[pygame] Compiling pygame on Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric JPGE not found

2012-01-27 Thread Christopher Arndt
Hi everybody, today I upgraded my laptop to Ubuntu 11.10 and one of the first things I did after the upgrade completed was to compile pygame from source for Python 2.7 because I need the latest pypm module code for my projects. I stumbled over one issue: even though I had all the dependencies

Re: [pygame] antialiasing routine

2012-01-23 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 24.01.2012 00:54, Silver wrote: Anybody know a really fast antialiasing routine for python/pygame? Before asking further questions, it would be nice to give some feedback on the answers you got to your last one. Chris

Re: [pygame] Re: Python optimization help

2012-01-20 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 20.01.2012 04:45, Robert Xiao wrote: If you are CPU-bound, extra threads won't help in Python due to the GIL (it limits an entire Python process to one core, even with multiple threads). He doesn't use threads though, he uses multiprocessing, which makes your point somewhat moot. Also,

Re: [pygame] Adding functions to library

2011-11-16 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 16.11.2011 17:39, Luke Paireepinart wrote: Quick question, are there any cython extensions in pygame currently? or ctypes? or is it purely C? If so, what wrapper is used? The pyportmidi binding for portmidi, which is wrapped by pygame.midi is written in Cython. The source file is here:

Re: [pygame] game idea (sound output)

2011-09-03 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 03.09.2011 02:47, Greg Ewing wrote: So I've found a solution, on MacOSX at least. However, it's a bit disappointing that I have to rely on an external program instead of being able to make the whole thing self-contained. It will make it more difficult for other people to use my application,

Re: [pygame] recommended reading for organizing code / project

2011-09-01 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 01.09.11 23:24, Sean Wolfe wrote: I'm looking for something to read about organizing one's code. Any recommendations? This thread from 2009 on the python mailing list has some great practical advice (if I may say so, having written a reply there myself). Be sure to follow the link to

Re: [pygame] growing out of idle ide

2011-08-17 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 16.08.11 18:06, Devon Scott-Tunkin wrote: I really like geany it's a very lightweight ide for anything with a clean, ituitive user interface. I've used it for my python and c projects. Nice suggestion. Just checked it out yesterday and it might replace SciTE as my

Re: [pygame] Resolution for a 2d game

2011-05-16 Thread Christopher Arndt
to F11, but if you want to get fancy, make an option menu and an option whether to start in fullscreen mode or not. Christopher Arndt schrieb: Just make your game fullscreen and choose a fixed resolution that will fit on the smallest supported monitor. On 15.05.11 19:47, BIAGINI wrote: So my game

Re: [pygame] Resolution for a 2d game

2011-05-15 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 15.05.11 19:47, BIAGINI wrote: I really dont know how to handle several resolution especially for my online game. Just make your game fullscreen and choose a fixed resolution that will fit on the smallest supported monitor. Chris

Re: [pygame] pygame.mixer.quit() not working correctly?

2011-04-18 Thread Christopher Arndt
Florian Krause schrieb: Does this have to do with the fact that the movie is playing in another thread? Yes, that is the exact reason. You need to keep you main thread alive while the movie is playing. see this recipe on the Python cookbook which I posted ages ago for an example how this works

Re: [pygame] Making UPS smart with Pygame and Joystick input socket

2011-04-13 Thread Christopher Arndt
Scott Sumner schrieb: I believe that the joystick can be initialized and read without a window. [...] If you don't use the event system and just use the read the joystick directly function I think it'll just work. You can still use the event module (which depends on the display module) on a

Re: [pygame] High CPU usage drawing static boxes

2011-04-04 Thread Christopher Arndt
João Pinto schrieb: I can't see a measurable difference in CPU usage here. Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 GHz. Hello Ian, that's odd. On an Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz the python process is using around 25% CPU (from a single core). I can confirm the high CPU load here (OS X w/

Re: [pygame] PATCH: pyportmidi object de-allocation error (and fix)

2011-03-08 Thread Christopher Arndt
René Dudfield schrieb: It's Committed revision 3019. in pygame svn. I'll also check it into the portmidi subversion too later. Excellent. Thanks! Chris

Re: [pygame] PATCH: pyportmidi object de-allocation error (and fix)

2011-03-03 Thread Christopher Arndt
Christopher Arndt schrieb: René Dudfield schrieb: I will review them and apply them to both the pygame repo, and the portmidi repo. The python bindings now live with portmidi, so no need to send them to the bitbucket page. Ok, so I'm attaching my second patch here as well. Any thoughts

Re: [pygame] PATCH: pyportmidi object de-allocation error (and fix)

2011-03-03 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 04.03.2011 00:38, René Dudfield wrote: I'll do a review tomorrow tomorrow morning (in 8 hours or so), then check it in. Thanks. Have you tried it with the pygame.examples.midi input and output? Yes, I just did. All seemed to work normally but since I have never used these examples before,

Re: [pygame] PATCH: pyportmidi object de-allocation error (and fix)

2011-02-26 Thread Christopher Arndt
) +++ src/pypm.pyx(Arbeitskopie) @@ -4,12 +4,17 @@ # # # written in Pyrex -__version__=0.05 +__version__ = 0.0.6 + import array # CHANGES: +# 0.0.6: (Feb 25, 2011) christopher arndt +# Do not try

[pygame] PATCH: pyportmidi object de-allocation error (and fix)

2011-02-25 Thread Christopher Arndt
Hi all, this has been bugging me for some time but now I finally found the time to look into this thoroughly: each time when using pygame.midi on Ubuntu, I got a BadPointer error when closing an Input or Output instance or when the program ends: from pygame import midi midi.init()

[pygame] Re: Fullscreen Display

2007-12-04 Thread Christopher Arndt
Matt Smith schrieb: I have seen the following line used to initialise a full screen display in a number of books and tutorials: screen = pygame.display.set_mode((xsize, ysize), FULLSCREEN, 32) NameError: name 'FULLSCREEN' is not defined Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong? You

Re: [pygame] Making A Module

2007-10-29 Thread Christopher Arndt
RR4CLB schrieb: How do you make a module so you can place all your functions into it? I want to be able to load the functions in without having a long list. 8 # __all__ = [ 'func1', 'func2', 'func3', 'funcn', ] def func1(): print Function 1 def

Re: [pygame] [PATCH] Smooth Scaling v2 (pygame.transform.smoothscale)

2007-06-23 Thread Christopher Arndt
Charles Joseph Christie II schrieb: If I remember correctly, i486 introduced MMX. No, that was the Pentium MMX, an improved version of the Pentium I (i586). Chris