Re: [pygtk] python modules/classes best practices?

2011-01-31 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Robert Park wrote: On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Roberto Cavada wrote: On Sat, 2011-01-29 at 23:22 -0700, Robert Park wrote: [...] But I just can't shake this feeling that having a class to represent just the GUI when it's already inside of a module is somehow redundant.

Re: [pygtk] idle_add vs. threads_enter/threads_leave

2010-07-05 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Jason Heeris wrote: On 5 July 2010 17:36, A.T.Hofkamp wrote: Or you could drop threads entirely, and do your async activities using the Twisted framework, designed for making asynchronous programs (where GTK event handling is just one of the asynchronous sources). Please

Re: [pygtk] Updating a window

2010-06-23 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School) wrote: Thought I'd put together a small example to show what I mean: import pygtk pygtk.require(2.0) import gtk import sys import time def do_stuff(): time.sleep(5) print 'brian' # handles

Re: [pygtk] warning

2010-06-17 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
KB SU wrote: Hi, I have Ubuntu: Ubuntu-Server 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Release i386 Python: 2.6 and gtk 2 But when I try to import gtk, it gives warning like: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gtk/ GtkWarning: could not open display warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning)

Re: [pygtk] How to write an agenda view?

2010-03-01 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Martin Drautzburg wrote: Hello all, I need to write an agenda view, with a timesheet (hours/days) in the background and with items drawn as boxes with text. I dont' quite know where to start. Here are some specific questions: I usually just start with a simple approach, and learn the

Re: [pygtk] building pygtk applications using python3.1

2010-03-01 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
goli wrote: Hi all, I am a newbie to the python language, I used pygtk with python2.6 for a week, now I want to switch to python3. You should not do that, it is too early to use Python 3. I installed python3.1 and wrote a simple app to test it using pygtk. but python compiler says that

Re: [pygtk] Drawing point,rectangle etc over png using Cairo

2009-12-01 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
nipun batra wrote: For my application i need to draw and redraw(text,points,lines etc) over .png,.jpeg etc.I have been able to do the two separetely following tutorials from zetcode.But have not yet been able to integrate the two together.Please provide suggestions Read some of the archive of

Re: [pygtk] Drawing point,rectangle etc over png using Cairo

2009-12-01 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
[next time, plz use a reply-all to also send the reply to the list] nipun batra wrote: Actually what i wish to do is that on every timer cycle to draw newer points over the image.However till now i have been able to draw new points but the older points get erased..How do i keep the older

Re: [pygtk] Drawing point,rectangle etc over png using Cairo

2009-12-01 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
nipun batra wrote: Thanks This is my expose event function def expose(self, widget, event): cr = widget.window.cairo_create() cr.set_source_surface(self.surface, self.border, self.border) cr.paint() cr.set_source_rgb(0.5, 0, 0) #cr.paint() cr.rectangle(int(var1)*10,int(var2)*10,5,5)

Re: [pygtk] Drawing point,rectangle etc over png using Cairo

2009-12-01 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
nipun batra wrote: Ok..My code will be redrawing the background image apparently which is unneccesary.Still not Why do you think it is not needed? A DrawingArea does not keep track of its contents, every expose happens from the ground up. That's why you lost your previous plotted points.

Re: [pygtk] Drawing point,rectangle etc over png using Cairo

2009-12-01 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
nipun batra wrote: Ok Thanks for explaining this concept.But now what is the best solution assuming i will be needing new set of say rectangles to be plotted every timer cycle,more than 100 a second. Your monitor probably does 50 or 60 cycles at most, the human eye is even much less fast.

Re: [pygtk] Python VTE reference documentation

2009-10-30 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
László Monda wrote: It's not a huge problem for me but that's not an excuse for not having Pythonized documentation for VTE. Coduln't it be generated somehow? No doubt it can. As with any open source project, there are a zillion things to do, and only a limited number of developers. So

Re: [pygtk] Drawing over a scrolled image

2009-09-15 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Fabrice Delente wrote: I wasn't specific enough: when I say image, it's in fact a PNG file; I load it in a gtk.Image with load_from_file, and I didn't find any method in gtk.DrawingArea to display a pixbuf (as gtk.Image contains a pixbuf). Note the first two sentences in the PyGTK

Re: [pygtk] Drawing over a scrolled image

2009-09-14 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Fabrice DELENTE wrote: Hello. I'm trying to draw over a scrolled image; my image is loaded as a gtk.image in a scrolled window in which I added a viewport; this works ok. As I need to draw over this image, I tried to add a gtk.DrawingArea to the gtk.Image, but as gtk.Image is not a

Re: [pygtk] Pixmap, DrawingArea, Viewport, Scrolledwindow

2009-08-17 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Nick Peters wrote: A.T.Hofkamp wrote: Nick Peters wrote: if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: print open_dialog.get_filename(), 'selected' #load the Image the user selected. rpg_map = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(open_dialog.get_filename()) I am

Re: [pygtk] Updating image without closing window

2009-08-06 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
DINESHBABU DINAKARABABU wrote: Hi, I tried it. But, I need to do a key press for closing the first image and view the next image and so on. I am on the lookout for some method which opens and displays the first image, once the pixbuf gets updated, the first image closes and gets replaced by

Re: [pygtk] IOChannels with pygtk

2009-07-13 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
ShNaYkHs ShNaYkHs wrote: Hello, Do you know any tutorial or documentation about using IO Channels with pygtk ? I want to use it because it provides portable APIs common sockets that allow GUI programs using network features without blocking and without using threads. Depending on the

Re: [pygtk] Info neded : DrawingArea

2009-07-13 Thread A.T.Hofkamp wrote: Hi Guys, I have 3 question. 1) It's possible to crate custom widgets like edittext inside the drawingArea attached to the mouse pointer so when i move the mouse in the drawingArea the edit text follow the mouse and when i type some keyboar key the values gose

Re: [pygtk] R: Re: Info neded : DrawingArea

2009-07-13 Thread A.T.Hofkamp wrote: With a lot of programming it should be possible in some way. could you show me the right way to approch the problem ? creating custom gtkobject .. No, I have no clue how to do this, it is way beyond me. However I see no reason why it would not be possible, which is

Re: [pygtk] pygtk with directfb without x11

2009-07-06 Thread A.T.Hofkamp wrote: Hi, nobody who can help me to answer the question, is it possible to use pygtk with directfb without x11 libs ? I have no idea what directfb is, nor do I know anything about GTK or PyGTK internals, so I cannot make a fair estimate of how difficult it is going to

Re: [pygtk] very important plzz reply

2009-05-08 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Iffat Sadia wrote: hi, can any one tell me how to put an image in event box and connect it to button signals It is even better, how to do it is written down, and you can read about it: Good luck with your application, Albert PS Next time

Re: [pygtk] gobject.io_add_watch buffered?

2009-05-06 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Gabriele Lanaro wrote: def writeout(self,file,event): text=1 while text: text=file.readline() iter = self.buffer.get_end_iter() self.buffer.insert(iter,text) I have not analysed your program, so I may be wrong, but here

Re: [pygtk] The inevitable question: Images

2009-03-31 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Jason Benjamin wrote: I've read through the tutorial, and it shows how to use different images with buttons. It also shows a little bit on how to use pixmaps with DrawingArea. But I can't figure out how to place things like .gifs, .jpgs, etc... on the DrawingArea. It would be nice,

Re: [pygtk] scaling in slider

2009-03-24 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Sibtey Mehdi wrote: Hi all i am newbie to pygtk i am trying to add the slider in my application. i want the increment shuold be like 2,4,8,16, 32, can i do this. i am doing by this way but it is not working fine. x = 1 adj =

Re: [pygtk] hungry TreeStore...

2009-02-12 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Laszlo Pandy wrote: I have no idea what it is but I was having the a similar problem on my Ubuntu 8.10. Funny thing is that it wasn't consistent, so whenever i got terrible performance I restarted the app and this fixed it temporarily. Not sure if this is related because I didn't do any

Re: [pygtk] Fwd: image problem

2009-01-12 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Hello, I cannot make heads or tails from your post, it seems like you are asking several things at the same time. i i wrote: -- Forwarded message -- From: i i i am making an application.Its basically a learning game ,I want to set the label to a string

Re: [pygtk] examples

2008-11-17 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
carlos albornoz wrote: hello list. I'm new at this, and I'm looking for examples but I find nothing, I need to learn pygtk+mysql I think you should split the problem, and apply a divide-and-conquer strategy. pygtk is basically about entering/displaying/modifying values in the computer

Re: [pygtk] DrawingArea user feedback

2008-11-17 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Frédéric wrote: I have a special widget, based on a DrawingArea, which displays pictures positions for a panoamic head. See: In 'pause' mode, I would like to allow the user to select a previous shooting position by clicking on the wanted position... How can I do that? What is the mecanism

Re: [pygtk] Hi, all! I'm new to the list. How can I create please a frontend for a TUI command?

2008-10-29 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Néstor Amigo Cairo wrote: Ok, now I have some more comments. I have tried it, and it works fine when the application sends output as newlines, but sometimes, it prints a line and then waits to put some more output before the newline, and then, the application locks up. For example: #

Re: [pygtk] options for batch installazion of pygtk-2.12.1-1.win32-py2.5.exe

2008-10-29 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Alessandro Dentella wrote: Hi, i'd like to install pygtk on win via a batch. Is there anybody that can tell me if there are options/switches to determin via command line all the variables (PATH mainly) so that pygtk install will not open any popup and install quitely? It

Re: [pygtk] Hi, all! I'm new to the list. How can I create please a frontend for a TUI command?

2008-10-27 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Néstor Amigo Cairo wrote: Hi! I'm working in a GUI application as a frontend for some commands to copy some files into a Compact Flash. My question is: how can I execute the command from the GUI and show the output on a TextView inside the GUI application, line by line?? (the command is

Re: [pygtk] Asynchronous access at output of os.popen() call

2008-08-20 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
togix wrote: eg. imagine that I want to call a simple program work.exe that prints out some line, waiting some seconds in between: [code] /* Program work.c */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 0; for (i=0; i4; i++) { printf(Working... %d\n, i);

Re: [pygtk] Asynchronous access at output of os.popen() call

2008-08-20 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Pádraig Brady wrote: togix wrote: Hi, I'm working on a GUI in PyGTK that allows to insert some parameters and then to call a program (written in C) using the os.popen() function. The thing that I want to do is redirect the standard output of the called program into a gtk.TextView() box

Re: [pygtk] TreeModel from Dot Notation

2008-08-18 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Patty Ackermann wrote: Hi, I am trying to make a treeview out of some data, namely produce. The data contains an arbitrary number of items, with each item representing a series a levels. For example, produce_list = [Fruit.Apple.Green, Fruit.Orange.Tangerine, Fruit.Banana,

Re: [pygtk] Draw text over image

2008-08-05 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
[Sorry Rafael, I pressed the 'send' button instead of cancel] Rafael wrote: Hi, I have a question, and hope you could help me. I have a gtk.Image within a eventbox. The image is resized when the containter is resized. I want to write some text over this image and resize the text

Re: [pygtk] Drawing widget

2008-06-27 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Frédéric wrote: Hello, I would like to make a progress widget wich will display a representation (little square) of pictures beeing shot during a panoramic shooting. See file attached. Ideally, I would like to display all squares (just the border, in fact), in black, and depending of the

Re: [pygtk] Erasing/Undoing in Drawable

2008-06-18 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Adiv wrote: Is there a way to erase or undo something that has been drawn onto a gtk.gdk.Drawable? Or, if better, just moved to a different point in Drawable? I know the GIMP has an eraser tool, so it's gotta be possible. No, not as primitive. Instead, mark the old place as 'dirty' (ie needs

[pygtk] Assign pygtk version to python-version (was: get the version of gtk / pygtk used)

2008-06-16 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
awalter1 wrote: The question is now : how to assign a particular gtk+ or pygtk libraries ? For the time being, depending to the version of python used, the version of pygtk if not the same. You cannot assign versions, since each version has its own structure and expectations. (in the same way

[pygtk] nonlinear scale widget

2008-05-27 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Hello all, I'd like to have a nonlinear scale widget from about 1/10 to 10, where 1 is near the center of the scale. The gtk library seems to assume a linear scale only, so the question is how to do this. The simplest approach would be to make a function that translates the linear scale

Re: [pygtk] Table resize

2008-05-22 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The code: # Layout window.add(table) table.attach(view, 0, 1, 0, 1, gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL, gtk.EXPAND | gtk.FILL, 0 , 0) table.attach(scroller_v, 1, 2, 0, 1) table.attach(scroller_h, 0, 1, 1, 2) # Set scrollbar width and minimum height, then resize window to something

Re: [pygtk] gtk.TextView dimensions

2007-12-18 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Lennon Cook wrote: Is there a way to set the dimensions of a TextView in units of characters wide, and lines high? Eh, what is the 'unit of characters wide' with a proportional font? For a fixed font, take any character, query its width and height, and multiply by the desired number of lines

Re: [pygtk] gtk.TextView dimensions

2007-12-18 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Lennon Cook wrote: A.T.Hofkamp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: For a fixed font, take any character, query its width and height, How would I do this? For text in '', I do pango_layout.set_text( xlen_text, ylen_text = pango_layout.get_pixel_size() and that seems

Re: [pygtk] Expose event question - repeat

2007-12-11 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Donn wrote: Hi, I am stuck on this and thought it may have been lost in the noise, or didn't reach the list. Can anyone give me a suggestion? Let me try then. (Lack of response is usually a sign that you are asking something strange or impossible though, so not sure how far I get.) What

Re: [pygtk] PyGtk, Standard way to thread?

2007-06-18 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
NewbieNoob wrote: Hi Everyone I have been going around in circles for weeks now, I would love some help. Is there a standard way to thread or otherwise divide tasks with PyGtk. I know you can use: -the thread module -the threading module -the Queue module -the Gtasklets module with pseudo

Re: [pygtk] Pygtk or gtk

2007-06-13 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
varun_shrivastava wrote: hi i m new to pygtk and want to know how its better to use pygtk rather than gtk with pygtk, you can program the application in Python, with gtk you can program the application in C or c++ (possibly, I don't know precisely, ask in a gtk group). Obviously, in the

Re: [pygtk] draw_text (without pango)

2006-10-23 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Zoltán Kovács wrote: I realized that draw_text can only handle a signed 16 bit number for the input x. So, if I give draw_text(font,gc,-33000,y,text) it won't work (-32000 is OK). Is this a pygtk or gdk issue? Afaik it is an X11 issue, the graphical system under Unix is designed with the

Re: [pygtk] Newbe question .. Selecting the size of a gtk.Table column

2006-10-09 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Paul Borghese wrote: Hi, I have a question and would like to appologize ahead of time for it being very basic. I am building an application using the notebook widget. Inside the notebook is a tab I would like to divide into two columns using gtk.Table. The column on the left is a

Re: [pygtk] check button state continuously

2006-10-02 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Karsten Henke wrote: So in GTK there is no possibility to check the mouse-button (if it is released). I have to use a lower layer if i want to get the button released event? Can anyone suggest some reading how Events in GTK are created and how the infos (Button pressed and released) are

Re: [pygtk] Application running Slow (4,000 Lines of Code)

2006-06-09 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Hello, JUAN ERNESTO FLORES BELTRAN wrote: Hi you all, I am coding a pygtk/matplotlib/basemap application. Actually i have coded 4,000 lines and i consider 2,000 more lines will be required to finish my application. The point is the application is becoming to slow. Could you elaborate on

Re: [pygtk] Toggle menu item and toggle button syncronized

2006-05-08 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Hello all, Adolfo González Blázquez wrote: Hello, I'm trying to syncronize a toggle menu item, and a toggle button, so when one of them is activated, the other one gets activated as well. The problem comes when cliking the menu item, i try to activate the button, and this catch the 'clicked'

Re: [pygtk] A design question

2006-01-02 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Hello, Gary Jaffe wrote: I wrote a pygtk application that displays ascii letters and spaces arranged as 70 columns by 20 rows. Each letter and its background color represents a potential appointment spot in a doctor's office. The user can click on any of the letters to either make or view

Re: [pygtk] composition widget

2005-05-23 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Ross Burton wrote: On Mon, 2005-05-23 at 10:27 +0200, A.T.Hofkamp wrote: It is probably my Qt background that steered me in the wrong direction. There, a base class Widget is used to derive new widgets. I was looking for something similar but could not find it. Also, the tutorial didn't show

[pygtk] composition widget

2005-05-20 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
Hello all, I have just started using pygtk, no previous gtk experience, I did use Qt. I also read and played with the pygtk tutorial programs. As example application I thought I would write a Gantt chart widget in pygtk, basically a graph of people/machines/resources use against time. Since the