Re: ANN: Sarge, a library wrapping the subprocess module, has been released.

2012-02-12 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
Having written something with similar purpose (, here are my comments: * Having command parsed from a string is complicated. Why not just have an OOP API to construct commands? extproc does this, but you opted to write a recursive descent parser. I'm sure it's

Re: ANN: Sarge, a library wrapping the subprocess module, has been released.

2012-02-12 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
It's not hard for the user I think most users like to use Python, or they'd use Bash. I think people prefer not another language that is different from both, and having little benefits. My own opinion of course. Re. threads fork():

Re: ANN: Sarge, a library wrapping the subprocess module, has been released.

2012-02-12 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
For a careful impl of fork-exec with threads, see I forgot to mention that this impl is indeed correct only because you cannot start thread or call fork() directly in the Go language, other than use goroutines and the ForkExec() function

Re: ANN: Sarge, a library wrapping the subprocess module, has been released.

2012-02-12 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Monday, February 13, 2012 3:13:17 AM UTC+7, Vinay Sajip wrote: On Feb 12, 3:35 pm, Anh Hai Trinh wrote: I think most users like to use Python, or they'd use Bash. I think people prefer not another language that is different from both, and having little

Re: ANN: Sarge, a library wrapping the subprocess module, has been released.

2012-02-12 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
Objection! Does the defense REALLY expect this court to believe that he can testify as to how MOST members of the Python community would or would not favor bash over Python? And IF they do in fact prefer bash, is this display of haughty arrogance nothing more than a hastily stuffed straw-man 0.0.3, process control -- easy fork-exec and pipe with I/O redirection

2010-08-24 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
I'd like to announce an early release of is a layer on top of subprocess. The subprocess module supports a rich API but is clumsy for many common use cases, namely sync/async fork-exec, command substitution and pipelining, all of which is trivial to do on system shells. The goal is

[issue3548] subprocess.pipe function

2010-08-23 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
Anh Hai Trinh added the comment: I've written a package which can do this with arbitrary redirection in all subcommands (and some more). You can, for example, do this: Pipe(Sh('echo -n foo 2', {2: 1}), Sh('cat; echo ERROR 2', {2: os.devnull})).capture(1).read

Re: Interesting talk on Python vs. Ruby and how he would like Python to have just a bit more syntactic flexibility.

2010-02-23 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Feb 23, 1:03 pm, Alf P. Steinbach wrote: Uhm, Paganini... As I understand it he invented the destroy your instruments on stage. :-) Cheers, - Alf (off-topic) You probably meant Franz Liszt, who regularly broke piano strings. Paganini was also a rock-star virtuoso but he

Re: Writing an assembler in Python

2010-02-23 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Feb 23, 10:08 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek- central.gen.new_zealand wrote: Let me suggest an alternative approach: use Python itself as the assembler. Call routines in your library to output the code. That way you have a language more powerful than any assembler. See

Re: Interesting talk on Python vs. Ruby and how he would like Python to have just a bit more syntactic flexibility.

2010-02-19 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Feb 19, 1:44 pm, Steve Howell wrote: def coroutine(co):    def _inner(*args, **kwargs):        gen = co(*args, **kwargs)        return gen    return _inner def squares_and_cubes(lst, target):    for n in lst:        target.send((n * n, n

Re: Overcoming python performance penalty for multicore CPU

2010-02-04 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Feb 4, 10:46 am, John Nagle wrote:     There's enough intercommunication between the threads working on a single site that it's a pain to do them as subprocesses. And I definitely don't want to launch subprocesses for each page; the Python load time would be worse than

Re: Is python not good enough?

2010-01-18 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Jan 18, 6:03 pm, Phlip wrote: On Jan 12, 7:09 am, ikuta liu wrote: Go language try to merge low level, hight level and browser language. Go uses := for assignment. Except that it doesn't. := is a declaration. s := foo is short for var s string =

ANN: stream 0.8 -- pipelining and parallelizing list processing

2010-01-16 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
I am pleased to announce that stream 0.8 is available. Stream is a module that lets one express a list-processing task as a pipeline and provide ways to easily parallelize it. An introductory article is available at The reference documentation can be viewed

Re: iterators and views of lists

2009-12-19 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Dec 19, 5:47 am, Bearophile wrote: It seems you have missed my post, so here it is, more explicitly: Interestingly, my `listagent` can be used as a lazy iterator and thus using itertools we

Re: iterators and views of lists

2009-12-19 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Dec 20, 12:04 am, Anh Hai Trinh wrote: chain:   sorted(itertools.chain(listagent(x)[::2], listagent(y)[-1:1:-2]))   [0, 4, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19] zip:   sorted(itertools.izip(listagent(z)[1::3], listagent(x)[2::3]))   [(452, 16), (758, 4), (898, 10)] I

Re: iterators and views of lists

2009-12-18 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Dec 18, 3:07 am, Brendan Miller wrote: Well, it doesn't really need to be any slower than a normal list. You only need to use index and do extra additions because it's in python. However, if listagent were written in C, you would just have a pointer into the contents

Re: iterators and views of lists

2009-12-17 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
I have a couple of thoughts: 1. Since [:] by convention already creates a copy, it might violate people's expectations if that syntax were used. Indeed, listagent returns self on __getitem__[:]. What I meant was this: x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] a = listagent(x)[::2] a[:] =

Re: iterators and views of lists

2009-12-16 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Dec 16, 10:39 am, Brendan Miller wrote: I was trying to reimplement some of the c++ library of generic algorithms in c++ in python, but I was finding that this is problematic to do this in a generic way because there isn't any equivalent of c++'s forward iterators,

Re: iterators and views of lists

2009-12-16 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On Dec 16, 2:48 pm, Brendan Miller wrote: No, that's what I'm getting at... Most of the existing mutating algorithms in python (sort, reverse) operate over entire collections, not partial collections delimited by indexes... which would be really awkward anyway. Ok it

Re: Seek support for new slice syntax PEP.

2009-12-15 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
        from numpy import s_         s_[1:2:3]         slice(1, 2, 3)         s_[1:2:3, ..., 4:5]         (slice(1, 2, 3), Ellipsis, slice(4, 5, None)) Or would it be possible to define slice itself so that it implements __getitem__ and __getslice__? Indeed! Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706,

which pi formula is given in the decimal module documentation?

2009-12-11 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
I'm just curious which formula for pi is given here: http:// def pi(): Compute Pi to the current precision. print pi() 3.141592653589793238462643383 getcontext().prec += 2 # extra digits for intermediate steps three =

Re: A different take on finding primes

2009-11-18 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
1) google list of prime numbers 2) see Prime numbers list in the results (number 3 in the results) 3) click link that leads I found 455042511 prime numbers in approx 15 seconds. Not bad at all. How about using (written in Python). sage:

Re: substituting list comprehensions for map()

2009-11-03 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
Yes, just about any ‘map()’ operation has a corresponding list comprehension. (Does anyone know of a counter-example, a ‘map()’ operation that doesn't have a correspondingly simple list comprehension?) Try turning this into a list comprehension: vectorsum = lambda *args: map(sum,

Re: substituting list comprehensions for map()

2009-11-02 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
On the other hand, list comps using an if clause can't be written as pure maps. You can do this: [func(x) for x in seq if cond(x)] filter(cond, map(func, seq)) but the second version may use much more temporary memory if seq is huge and cond very rarely true. You could use ifilter, imap

Re: substituting list comprehensions for map()

2009-11-02 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
Try turning this into a list comprehension:   vectorsum = lambda *args: map(sum, zip(*args))   vectorsum([1,2], [3,4], [5,6]) -[9, 12]   vectorsum([1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8]) -[16, 20] Nvm, it's actually easy: vectorsum = lambda *args: [sum(i) for i in zip(*args)] --

Re: How about adding slice notation to iterators/generators?

2009-10-26 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
I've written something that is better than you could've imagine. Get it here: It works with anything iterable, no need to alter anything. from itertools import count from stream import item c = count() c item[1:10:2] -[1, 3, 5, 7, 9] c item[:5] -[10,

[issue6280] calendar.timegm() belongs in time module, next to time.gmtime()

2009-10-08 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
Changes by Anh Hai Trinh -- nosy: +aht versions: +Python 2.6 ___ Python tracker

Re: Dataflow programming in Python

2009-09-12 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
Does it have any advantage to generator comprehension? import re mm = mapmethod('strip')        # Is mapmethod something in the stdlib? pat = re.compile('[Pp]attern') result = (mm(line) for line in open('log') if which is also lazy Generator expression accomplishes the

Dataflow programming in Python

2009-09-11 Thread Anh Hai Trinh
Hello all, I just want to share with you something that I've worked on recently. It is a library which implements streams -- generalized iterators with a pipelining mechanism and lazy-evaluation to enable data-flow programming in Python. The idea is to be able to take the output of a function