Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Roy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -python has true closures (although nothing like ruby's blocks) What is a true closure? Or, maybe what I'm asking is what kind of closure wouldn't be a true closure? Is there some kind of ersatz

Re: define loop statement?

2006-02-19 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Admiration wins out over revulsion. ;-) Thanks, Alan Isaac PS Here's the motivation. Python closely resembles pseudocode. With a very little LaTeX

Re: Print a PDF transparently

2006-02-17 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Daniel Crespo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi to all, I want to print a PDF right from my python app transparently. With transparently I mean that no matter what program handles the print petition, the user shouldn't be noticed about it. For example, when I want to

Re: Print a PDF transparently

2006-02-17 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Based on all this, I have been investigating about postscript files. I realize that printers do handle this language, so I think if I have a .ps file and send it directly to the printer, it should do the job, right? (this

Re: embedding python in HTML

2006-02-17 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: bruno at modulix wrote: You've got to understand that Python is *not* a 'ServerPage' language (- php, asp, jsp etc) in itself. Your server can now run python, fine, but *how* ? CGI ? FastCGI ? mod_python ? other ? (hint: it's

Re: HTTP tcl

2006-02-17 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: alf wrote: Hi I would like to convert the program to Tcl (line by line). See This program sends pages using WCTP. I know nothing about Python or XML

Re: commenting out blocks of code

2006-02-17 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . IMO this is a missing feature in Python. However, if the block of code you are wanting to comment out doesn't happen to contain any triple-quotes, you

Re: Is python very slow compared to C

2006-02-14 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Javascript has leveraged its early advantage in the Netscape browser to become the only universally available language for client-side in the browser

Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-02-14 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michael Tobis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Among the Python components and Python bindings of special interest to scientists are the elegant and powerful matplotlib plotting package, which began

Arcane deployment considerations (was: Single-file executables)

2006-02-13 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Usually the bundle=1 option in py2exe can create a single file exe, but it also allows to have a separate shared file, which is useful if

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Feb 13)

2006-02-13 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: Dangit! I need to find a less honest programming language. Anyone have a Perl cookbook handy? ... - Lonnie Princehouse The pursuit of orthogonality, while admirable, can lead to insanity if pushed too far. - Steve Holden One of this week's half-dozen examples of the, Is there a

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Feb 13)

2006-02-13 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: Dangit! I need to find a less honest programming language. Anyone have a Perl cookbook handy? ... - Lonnie Princehouse The pursuit of orthogonality, while admirable, can lead to insanity if pushed too far. - Steve Holden One of this week's half-dozen examples of the, Is there a

Re: Is python very slow compared to C

2006-02-12 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Luis M. González [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Python helps you write shorter code with fewer bugs, much quicker, than C. If you discover a specific problem that runs too slow in Python, it is

Re: Netstat in python. Does it's possible?

2006-02-12 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jorgen Grahn wrote: There might still be a problem for people doing things like this: netstat might use unstable or non-public APIs to find the things it lists. This is fine because it's typically your OS vendor who have to

Is Forth for real?

2006-02-12 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . on the web for each language. By comparison, even Forth gives 13 million plus hits, and who uses Forth? .

Re: Tkinter, X-windows and ebay

2006-02-10 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bob Greschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Bob Greschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What I came up with was the user can just create a text file (a kind of a transaction log of what things were

Re: Hi reliability files, writing,reading,maintaining

2006-02-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin P. Hellwig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: John Pote wrote: cut So my request: 1. Are there any python modules 'out there' that might help in securely writing such files. 2. Can anyone suggest a book or two on this kind of file management. (These kind of problems

Re: get output of cmd-line command under MS windows

2006-02-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bernard Lebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You should give a go to os.popen( system command here ). Article 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 in the Python Library doc. I recently wrote a program that would create a pipe using the popen() method, and would enter a while loop. At each

Re: Tkinter, X-windows and ebay

2006-02-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bob Greschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When you post something on eBay (and other places) you can use a 'browse' button on a web page to send a picture file from your hard drive to them for inclusion in your listing. Can the same kind of thing (not the same exact

Re: Hi reliability files, writing,reading,maintaining

2006-02-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Pote [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . The motivation to look at http: is the widespread avaiability of internet connections and standard servers able to run CGI scripts. In particular the

Re: Mining strings from a HTML document.

2006-01-26 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Derick van Niekerk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . I suppose very few books on python start off with HTML processing in stead of 'hello world' :p . .

Re: OT: introduction to computing clusters?

2006-01-22 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], I asked: In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . The first step I recommend is to be clear on the benefits you're targetting. For you, is clustering about A. HPC B.

Re: OT: introduction to computing clusters?

2006-01-20 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sorry for the off-topic post, but I know of no better collection of brains than this one. I'm starting to investigate clustering as a means to address some growing computing needs at work, but know essentially zip about the concept. If you

Re: JINI service -- Python client

2006-01-10 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Roedy Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 6 Jan 2006 11:17:58 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone who said : does anybody knows how to use JINI service from Python? IF you use it from JPython, it is almost identical to using it from

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 10)

2006-01-10 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: I'm a huge fan of single digit numbers ... - Jim Hugunin, illustrating his undiminished grasp on the Pythonic ethos It's hard to say exactly what constitutes research in the computer world, but as a first approximation, it's software that doesn't have users. - Paul Graham Microsoft

Re: Groupkit and python

2006-01-07 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I've built an app using this great software called groupkit ( based on tcl/tk language, now I'd like to test python possibilities for groupware. Anyone knows about this, I have made a google

Re: python concurrency proposal

2006-01-03 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Tillotson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd really like to see a concurrency system come into python based on theories such as Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) or its derivatives lambda or pi calculus. These provide an analytic framework for developing

Re: Tkinter Scrollbar not working

2006-01-03 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dustan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: BTW, experience tells me it is necessary for me to explicitly state that I'm a newbie (otherwise I get rude people saying I should already know such-and-such). That experience generalize poorly to comp.lang.python. --

Re: Any wing2.0 users here?

2006-01-03 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alvin A. Delagon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . A little bit OT, I too have been programming python without a debugger, I got used to php's lack of debugger. Thanks again guys! ?! With

Re: Hypergeometric distribution

2006-01-03 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Raven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, what to say? I am very happy for all the solutions you guys have posted :-) For Paul: I would prefer not to use Stirling's approximation The problem with long integers is that to calculate the hypergeometric I need to do float

Re: Application architecture (long post - sorry)

2006-01-03 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: In response to Mike's post... I know exactly where you're coming from and you are right a web based solution is the simplest and would be the fastest to develop and rollout etc. but.. The cost is

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 3)

2006-01-03 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: People who are smart and care about correctness -- the 'reality-based community' -- often don't realise just how many decisions are made on the basis of unfacts ... - Steven D'Aprano QOTW: [PyPy will not bring about the Singularity.] But if it did, imagine how cool that would look on the

Re: Python or Java or maybe PHP?

2006-01-02 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . [much valuable and correct detail that somehow managed to avoid mentioning Forth or Smalltalk] .

Re: Python or Java or maybe PHP?

2006-01-02 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . [valuable remarks on scientific evidence and so on] . . Finally, there's a camp that pushes static typing up

Re: how to tell the version of tk shipped with Python

2005-12-29 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am a newbie to the Python and wonder how I can know version of tk bound with Python Can some one tell me? import Tkinter print Tkinter.TclVersion 8.4 /F ... and, if you need more detail,

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 27)

2005-12-28 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: My wild-ass guess is that, same as most other Open Source communities, we average about one asshole per member. - Tim Peters [T]he only fundamentally new concept that has been added since Python 1.5.2 is

Late binding and late execution (was: Beautiful Python)

2005-12-28 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 21:35:46 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python: Wow ?! I've only started looking at python but that sounds like very dangerous programming ! Can you give an example.

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 27)

2005-12-27 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: My wild-ass guess is that, same as most other Open Source communities, we average about one asshole per member. - Tim Peters [T]he only fundamentally new concept that has been added since Python 1.5.2 is

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 21)

2005-12-22 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: [P]ortability is an n-way street. - Paul McGuire Python's polymorphism support is so good that it makes inheritance much less important than it is in other languages. - Ben Sizer Skip Montanaro presents the affirmative case for Python as a unit-testing framework for C++:

Re: Guido at Google

2005-12-22 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Well, this may be the CPython way of open source but I don't know if that is Open source in general. Another way is that if someone(or group) don't like the current

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 21)

2005-12-22 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: [P]ortability is an n-way street. - Paul McGuire Python's polymorphism support is so good that it makes inheritance much less important than it is in other languages. - Ben Sizer Skip Montanaro presents the affirmative case for Python as a unit-testing framework for C++:

Herds of cats (was: Guido at Google)

2005-12-22 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nicola Musatti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Ah, the closed source days! Back then you could just buy the company and be done with it. Now you have to chase developers one by one all over the

Python's ontology and governance (was: Guido at Google)

2005-12-22 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . The question is, can anyone just fork a new one using the python name, as part of the project, without the permission from the foundation ? Say for example, anyone

The Varieties of Pythonic Experience (was: Guido at Google)

2005-12-22 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Graham Fawcett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . ...though not a lot of forks/variations that have persisted past the early-alpha phase. Many of those projects are stale or defunct, alas.

Re: expect-like package

2005-12-21 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stephen Thorne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 21/12/05, Eric McCoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So for HTTP, for example, I'd use something like this: send HEAD / HTTP/1.0 send Host: send expect ... ^HTTP/1\.0 200.* then return success

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 21)

2005-12-21 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: [P]ortability is an n-way street. - Paul McGuire Python's polymorphism support is so good that it makes inheritance much less important than it is in other languages. - Ben Sizer Skip Montanaro presents the affirmative case for Python as a unit-testing framework for C++:

Re: lambda (and reduce) are valuable

2005-12-16 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . # create numeric pad digit(7, 1, 1); digit(8, 2, 1); digit(9, 3, 1) digit(4, 1, 2); digit(5, 2, 2); digit(6, 3, 2) digit(1, 1, 3);

Nested loops, cross products, and so on (was: new in programing)

2005-12-16 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dan Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Cameron Laird wrote: ... for hextuple in [(i, j, k, l, m, n) for i in range(1, lim + 1) \ for j in range (1, lim + 2) \ for k in range (1, lim + 3) \ for l in range (1, lim + 4

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 14)

2005-12-15 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: If I feel the need for languages that enforce my design decisions, I know where to find them. - Mike Meyer There's ... unavoidable complexity involved in managing a software distribution composed of third party software packages. At the very least, you've got the original sources and the

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 14)

2005-12-15 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: If I feel the need for languages that enforce my design decisions, I know where to find them. - Mike Meyer There's ... unavoidable complexity involved in managing a software distribution composed of third party software packages. At the very least, you've got the original sources and the

Re: Dectecting dir changes

2005-12-15 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], chuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . While I do appreciate the suggestions but I have to say that if the twisted folks spent half the time writing documentation as they do code - twisted would

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 14)

2005-12-14 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: If I feel the need for languages that enforce my design decisions, I know where to find them. - Mike Meyer There's ... unavoidable complexity involved in managing a software distribution composed of third party software packages. At the very least, you've got the original sources and the

Re: Python packages on OS X vs Windows

2005-12-14 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kenneth McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . And on a somewhat related note, do people find ipython to be a decent replacement on Windows for the fact that the Windows shell is braindead?

Re: Python is incredible!

2005-12-13 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, Cameron Laird wrote: While there is indeed much to love about Lisp, please be aware that meaningful AI work has already been done in Python Wait - meaningful AI work has been done

Re: Python is incredible!

2005-12-12 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tolga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Actually I loved Lisp and still don't want to throw it away beacuse of my interest of artificial intelligence, but using Python is not programming, it IS a

Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 7)

2005-12-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Cameron Laird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jibes against the lambda-clingers lead eventually to serious questions of style in regard to variable namespacing, lifespan, cleanup, and so

Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 7)

2005-12-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], I reported: . . . Python has more web application frameworks than keywords. - Skip Montanaro (but probably others going back years) . .

Re: new in programing

2005-12-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike C. Fletcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Python iterates over things (objects), of which integer numbers are just one possible choice. The range built-in command produces ranges of integers which are useful for tasks such as this. lim = 3 for i in range( 1,

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 7)

2005-12-08 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: ... and to my utter surprise it worked. - Andrew Nagel on his move from wxPython to programming Tkinter in desperation Python has more web application frameworks than keywords. - Skip Montanaro (but probably others going back years) Frithiof Andreas Jensen writes frankly on use of

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 7)

2005-12-07 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: ... and to my utter surprise it worked. - Andrew Nagel on his move from wxPython to programming Tkinter in desperation Python has more web application frameworks than keywords. - Skip Montanaro (but probably others going back years) Frithiof Andreas Jensen writes frankly on use of

Re: Ant (with Python extensions) good replacement for distutils?

2005-12-06 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I know distutils well but don't know anything about Ant except that it is a build tool from Apache project. Could it possible be better or as good as distutils? (There are extensions for

Re: Use python to test Java and Windows (dll) applciations

2005-12-05 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], jb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello everybody: I need help, and please let me know if python is the language of choice to implement following functionalities: I am trying to test a Java application and a C++ (win32) application. I want to be able to write python code

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 2)

2005-12-04 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: Python makes it easy to implement algorithms. - casevh Most of the discussion of immutables here seems to be caused by newcomers wanting to copy an idiom from another language which doesn't have immutable variables. Their real problem is usually with binding, not immutability. - Mike Meyer

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 2)

2005-12-04 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: Python makes it easy to implement algorithms. - casevh Most of the discussion of immutables here seems to be caused by newcomers wanting to copy an idiom from another language which doesn't have immutable variables. Their real problem is usually with binding, not immutability. - Mike Meyer

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 2)

2005-12-02 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: Python makes it easy to implement algorithms. - casevh Most of the discussion of immutables here seems to be caused by newcomers wanting to copy an idiom from another language which doesn't have immutable variables. Their real problem is usually with binding, not immutability. - Mike Meyer

Re: python speed

2005-12-01 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Isaac Gouy wrote: Which stated Python is doing the heavy lifting with GMPY which is a compiled C program with a Python wrapper - but didn't seem to compare that to GMPY with a Java wrapper? You are missing the main idea: Java is by

Re: How to write an API for a Python application?

2005-11-29 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Yeah, O'Reilly tools have this delightful penchant for inserting a space between two adjacent underscores, drives me crazy:-(. Alex Do more of us

Re: How to get started in GUI Programming?

2005-11-29 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kay Schluehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am trying to learn GUI programming in Python, but have to confess I am finding it difficult. Don't do it if you can prevent it. GUI - toolkits are very complex beasts and at least to me a source of

Re: How to write an API for a Python application?

2005-11-28 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Note also that you can freely download all of the code in my book as (it's just 36 KB).

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 26)

2005-11-27 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: ... '[B]ut assume that I have some other use case' isn't a valid use case. - Fredrik Lundh Rolling your own solution, on the other hand, can end in a long road discovering what those CORBA people were doing for all those years. - Paul Boddie NOTW: sceptifications. Steven D'Aprano

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 26)

2005-11-27 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: ... '[B]ut assume that I have some other use case' isn't a valid use case. - Fredrik Lundh Rolling your own solution, on the other hand, can end in a long road discovering what those CORBA people were doing for all those years. - Paul Boddie NOTW: sceptifications. Steven D'Aprano

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 26)

2005-11-26 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: ... '[B]ut assume that I have some other use case' isn't a valid use case. - Fredrik Lundh Rolling your own solution, on the other hand, can end in a long road discovering what those CORBA people were doing for all those years. - Paul Boddie NOTW: sceptifications. Steven D'Aprano

Re: running functions

2005-11-17 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gorlon the Impossible [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . the fly' so to speak. I checked out the threading module and its working for what I am trying to do at the moment, but I am open to

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 16)

2005-11-16 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: You can tell everything is well in the world of dynamic languages when someone posts a question with nuclear flame war potential like 'python vs. ruby' and after a while people go off singing hymns about the beauty of Scheme... - vdrab ctypes completely rocks. - Grant Edwards Michael

Re: running functions

2005-11-16 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 2005-11-16, Gorlon the Impossible [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm not sure how to phrase this question. I have a Python function that sends MIDI messages to a synth. When I run it, I of course have to wait until it is

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 16)

2005-11-15 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: You can tell everything is well in the world of dynamic languages when someone posts a question with nuclear flame war potential like 'python vs. ruby' and after a while people go off singing hymns about the beauty of Scheme... - vdrab ctypes completely rocks. - Grant Edwards Michael

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 9)

2005-11-10 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: The lesson for me is to spend much less time on Python discussion and much more on unfinished projects. So even if I never use the new syntax, I will have gained something ;-) - Terry Reedy In short, this group is a broad church, and those readers with brains the size of planets should

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 9)

2005-11-10 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: The lesson for me is to spend much less time on Python discussion and much more on unfinished projects. So even if I never use the new syntax, I will have gained something ;-) - Terry Reedy In short, this group is a broad church, and those readers with brains the size of planets should

Re: Invoking Python from Python

2005-11-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Since Cameron didn't provide examples, let me grab a simple one. The cheetah templating system works by creating Python programs from the template. The

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 9)

2005-11-09 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: The lesson for me is to spend much less time on Python discussion and much more on unfinished projects. So even if I never use the new syntax, I will have gained something ;-) - Terry Reedy In short, this group is a broad church, and those readers with brains the size of planets should

Re: Invoking Python from Python

2005-11-09 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . It's very flexible - but at this point, the configuration file is a Python program, and not really suitable to use by non-programmers.

Re: Invoking Python from Python

2005-11-08 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . creating source code with a script, is no good solution. Once I had to maintain lisp code which stored its data in lisp code, too (incl.

Re: A Tcl/Tk programmer learns Python--any advice?

2005-11-08 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Russell E. Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . [acute observations] . . Features of Python that are well integrated and well worth using include: - objects - collection classes

Re: A Tcl/Tk programmer learns Python--any advice?

2005-11-07 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kevin Walzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . I've gotten all the approropriate resources for learning Python (docs, books, tutorials), so my question is this: are there any gotchas that Tcl

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 6)

2005-11-06 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: - don't use SAX unless your document is huge - don't use DOM unless someone is putting a gun to your head - Istvan Albert I wouldn't fret too much about a sharp remark from Fredrik Lundh. They're pretty much all that way. ;) It looks like you already did the right thing - read past the

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 6)

2005-11-06 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: - don't use SAX unless your document is huge - don't use DOM unless someone is putting a gun to your head - Istvan Albert I wouldn't fret too much about a sharp remark from Fredrik Lundh. They're pretty much all that way. ;) It looks like you already did the right thing - read past the

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 6)

2005-11-06 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: - don't use SAX unless your document is huge - don't use DOM unless someone is putting a gun to your head - Istvan Albert I wouldn't fret too much about a sharp remark from Fredrik Lundh. They're pretty much all that way. ;) It looks like you already did the right thing - read past the

Re: Cheapest pocket device to code python on

2005-11-04 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sybren Stuvel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Devan L enlightened us with: I would not recommend trying to code on a handheld device. Small screen size and [usually] small keyboards make it less-than-practical. Stick with a laptop, or write it in a notebook, if you

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 26)

2005-10-26 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: Using Unix for 20+ years probably warps one's perception of what's obvious and what isn't. -- Grant Edwards ... windoze users--despite their unfortunate ignorance, they are people too. -- James Stroud The Widget Construction Kit (WCK) is an extension API that allows you to

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 26)

2005-10-26 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: Using Unix for 20+ years probably warps one's perception of what's obvious and what isn't. -- Grant Edwards ... windoze users--despite their unfortunate ignorance, they are people too. -- James Stroud The Widget Construction Kit (WCK) is an extension API that allows you to

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 26)

2005-10-25 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: Using Unix for 20+ years probably warps one's perception of what's obvious and what isn't. -- Grant Edwards ... windoze users--despite their unfortunate ignorance, they are people too. -- James Stroud The Widget Construction Kit (WCK) is an extension API that allows you to

Re: Python vs Ruby

2005-10-20 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], bruno modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Bryan wrote: Amol Vaidya wrote: Hi. I am interested in learning a new programming language, and have been debating whether to learn Ruby or Python. (snip) why don't you do what i did? download ruby and spend a day or

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 17)

2005-10-17 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: If you don't have the time to be paranoid, try taking the time to straighten out identity theft. -- K. G. Schneider The best way to make classes on the fly is generally to call the metaclass with suitable parameters (just like, the best way to make instances of any type is generally to call

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Oct 17)

2005-10-17 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW: If you don't have the time to be paranoid, try taking the time to straighten out identity theft. -- K. G. Schneider The best way to make classes on the fly is generally to call the metaclass with suitable parameters (just like, the best way to make instances of any type is generally to call

Re: Can Python replace TCL/Expect

2005-10-06 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi I'm learning Python. I don't know whether Python can do something like Expect can do. If yes, please show me how to do it. I want to do something automatically: open connection to a ftp server,

Re: Can Python replace TCL/Expect

2005-10-06 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jorgen Grahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . It depends. I do not feel /that/ advanced, but I've been bitten by pexpect's limitations several times in several places. ... which puts me in a weird

Re: how to get any available port

2005-10-04 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . Here's how it behaved over several runs: $ python ('', 34205) $ python ('', 34206) $ python ('', 34207) I don't know

Re: New project coming up...stay with Python, or go with a dot net language??? Your thoughts please!

2005-10-04 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], spiffo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: . . . I am a corporate developer, working for a single company. Got a new project coming up and wondering if I should stay with Python for this new, fairly large

Re: Well, Reading is hard to learn...

2005-09-01 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: bruno wrote: joking I have spent 1 week on learning reading and felt good. but I still don't understand most part of Emmanuel Kant's writings. /joking Monty Python really missed out there: cut to a sketch featuring three year

Re: Calling ftp commands from python

2005-08-31 Thread Cameron Laird
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Your best bet would be to use pexpect module. Code may look something like: import pexpect import sys child = pexpect.spawn ('ftp') child.expect ('Name .*: ') child.sendline ('username') child.expect

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