Re: MinGW and Python

2006-04-24 Thread Josef Meile
Is there any specific reason for not using MinGW to build the official distribution of Python for Win32? A quick Google search did not reveal the answer to my question. If a link is available, please post it. You may look at this thread: * E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

Re: how to install PYCURL 7.15.2 on windows 2003?

2006-04-13 Thread Josef Meile
I download it from and then extract it to D:\usr\pycurl-7.15.2 then D:\usr\ install --curl-dir=d:\usr\pycurl-7.15.2 Using curl directory: d:\usr\pycurl-7.15.2 Traceback (most recent call last): File

Re: Old Python Logo

2006-03-13 Thread Josef Meile
Can someone post a link or email me an image of the old Python logo? I'd like to save a copy of it, I rather liked it - very retro. the dot matrix logo ? you can get a copy from this page: That website is down. You could try the archive as well:

Re: writing IM bots

2005-12-13 Thread Josef Meile
Hi, I am trying to write an IM Bot, which automatically replies to a message, in Python. I was wondering If there are python modules for connecting to Yahoo!, msn networks ... ideally I would like to have a multithreaded module. This is one I found for msn, if anyone has used it please

Re: Overloading

2005-12-09 Thread Josef Meile
In C++ you can overload functions and constructors. For example if I have a class that represents a complex number, than it would be nice if I can write two seperate constructors Python doesn't support this, but it does support default arguments: Yes, in part you are right since the python

Re: Overloading

2005-12-09 Thread Josef Meile
In C++ you can overload functions and constructors. For example if I have a class that represents a complex number, than it would be nice if I can write two seperate constructors Python doesn't support this, but it does support default arguments: Yes, in part you are right since the

Re: Sending an event from a python COM server to a VB COM client

2005-11-16 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Gary, I am trying to send an event from a Python COM server to a VB (or VB.NET) COM client. I am a newbie both in VB and in python. Can anyone give me a simple (but complete) code example both of the Python server side and the VB client side for raising a single event. Do you mean

Re: useradd command in Zope

2005-11-07 Thread Josef Meile
su zope (or whoever your zope runs) ./ someuser somepass You will see it fail (apart from the fact you need the #!/path/to/python.bin and set the execution bit with chmod a+x before you try) i tried using another user outside of zope .

Re: useradd command in Zope

2005-11-07 Thread Josef Meile
Sorry, I replied to the Wrong list :-( Josef Meile wrote: su zope (or whoever your zope runs) ./ someuser somepass You will see it fail (apart from the fact you need the #!/path/to/python.bin and set the execution bit with chmod a+x before you try

Re: OpenSSL in Python

2005-11-01 Thread Josef Meile
First, is the PYTHON OpenSSL C wrapper what I need to get running. I think that first you have to get OpenSSL running. Only then can you think about wrapping it. I think Sybren is allright here. After installing openssl, pyopenssl won't be a problem. So, if you want to install openssl, you

Re: Double replace or single re.sub?

2005-10-26 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Iain, Would this be a quicker/better way of doing it? I don't know if this is faster, but it is for sure more elegant: I really like it because of its simplicity an easy use. (Thanks to Fredrik Lundh for the script).

Re: Send password over TCP connection

2005-10-10 Thread Josef Meile
Anyone know of a simple ssl api in python :-) Perhaps pow may help: or pyopenssl: Regards, Josef --

Re: testing a website from python

2005-09-21 Thread Josef Meile
Hi, I just want to test that a given website is up or not from a python script. I thought of using wget as an os command. Any better ideas? Here is how I did it: import urllib2 import socket def checkUrl(url, timeout=1): Checks an url for a python version greater than 2.3.3.

Re: OCR librarys

2005-09-13 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Timothy i'm looking for ocr librarys with reasonably free licensing and the ablity to use python with them. c library's that i can call from python are acceptable. This thread may give you an start: It

Re: OCR librarys

2005-09-12 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Timothy, first at all, sorry if you receive this message twice, but I sent a message five hours ago and I don't see it on Now at least the OP will receive it since I included it in a CC. This thread may give you an start:

Re: Zope, Python 2.4 pythonScripts import problem

2005-08-13 Thread Josef Meile
Hi, I have installed brand new platform - Zope-2-7-6, Python 2.4.1, Plone 2.0.5, OS Debian 1:3.3.6-2. You may then ask in a zope or plone list. This is a python specific list. But I will answer you any way. After import a old Plone site from the following platform Zope-2-7-4, Python 2.3.3,

Re: functions without parentheses

2005-07-29 Thread Josef Meile
Steven D'Aprano wrote: On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 06:37:52 +, Bengt Richter wrote: I suggested in a previous thread that one could support such a syntax by supporting an invisible binary operator between two expressions, so that examine string translates to examine.__invisbinop__(string) if

Re: Web Framework Reviews

2005-07-19 Thread Josef Meile
barely use python with it and can only be used with these two are not entirely true. Zope development can be done in a through-the-web (TTW) fashion or via filesystem products. When developing TTW, it is true that you are somewhat limited in the amount of Python that you will be able to

Re: String Manipulation

2005-07-13 Thread Josef Meile
Hi, for punctuation in punctuations: line=line.replace(punctuation,'') I would use maketrans or even a regex instead. However, If you care about speed, it is well known that in some cases regex take more time than multiple replaces. Even the maketrans could take more time (I don't

Re: Office COM automatisation - calling python from VBA

2005-06-25 Thread Josef Meile
Hi guy, I'll be using COM, and I could probably make an application that controls Outlook (externally). But I'd also like to have this functionality exposed in OL itself. So I guess I'll need to use VBA, but I don't really like VBA - relax, please, it's just an opinion.. ;) So, ideally,

Re: how to export data from ZODB to text files

2005-06-10 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Lucasz, Thank you so much. I will ask our Plone administrator to test your script and I will write about result here. You are wellcome. I think it is one of the easiest way of doing it. I thought also about Python script like //connect to database from ZODB import FileStorage, DB

Re: how to export data from ZODB to text files

2005-06-10 Thread Josef Meile
the command line. I haven't tested this, but I hope it helps. Regards, Josef Meile --

Re: circular import Module

2005-06-08 Thread Josef Meile
Circular import does not work on module level, but you can import the module in a method: import file2 # import file1 # Does not work! def foo(): import file1 # Does work Cool idea ! It works on local namespaces, wich dont cause trouble to the whole program.

Re: how to export data from ZODB to text files

2005-06-08 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Lukasz, Yes, I'm traing to escape from Zope-land, to be more clarify I want to migrate from Plone to PHP Application, which uses MySQL database engine, so I have to move all data from ZODB to MySQL. I suppose that python script shouldn`t be so complex. I need just iterate ZODB and write

Re: PHPParser pod Zope

2005-05-04 Thread Josef Meile
George Sakkis wrote: Bruno Desthuilliers wrote: JZ a crit : Probuje zainstalowac modul php pod zope i tam napisali dziwna rzecz ze potrzebuje PHP CGI program a nie PHP CLI. Kompilacja php 5.0.4 pod linuksem daje mi w wyniku mod_php + 5 plikow binarnych: pear, php, php-config,

Re: Zope3 and Plone

2005-04-18 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Mir, you are asking in the wrong place. This is a python specific list. You can find a suitable list here: Regards, Josef Mir Nazim wrote: Hi, I wanted to know what will happen to plone once Zope3 will be official version. Is plone being ported to Zope3. I

Re: IronPython 0.7 released!

2005-03-24 Thread Josef Meile
well that's nice, but I don't do blogs and certainly don't do M$ Passport logins which it seems the gotdotnet site requires. I agree, even for reading the FAQ and the Readme you need a password :-( --

Re: fastest postgresql module

2005-03-18 Thread Josef Meile
my only issue with psycopg, is last time i looked they had no win32 port? Not completely true. Since long time ago there is a website with unofficial psycopg binaries: Regards, Josef --

Re: Web framework

2005-03-14 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Joe, Not wrong. I am aware of this, but it's not like that many development tools can work through FTP or WebDav... Besides, how to have the source code under source control if it's stuck in the ZODB? I guess you are reffering to Python Scripts and ZClasses, which indeed are stuck in the ZODB.

Re: capturing text from a GUI window

2005-03-10 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Earl, Anyone know how to capture text from GUI output? I need to process information returned via a GUI window. Earl Assuming Windows, then these guys have an interesting tool: It's not free, but you can try it before you buy it. You will need COM to

Re: split a directory string into a list

2005-02-28 Thread Josef Meile
The most obvious case where it wouldn't work would be for a UNC path name. Using the string split method gives two empty strings: os.path.normpath(r'\\machine\share').split(os.path.sep) ['', '', 'machine', 'share'] whereas the splitpath function I proposed gives you:

Re: split a directory string into a list

2005-02-25 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Duncan, This should work reasonably reliably on Windows and Unix: somestring = '/foo/bar/beer/sex/cigarettes/drugs/alcohol/' os.path.normpath(somestring).split(os.path.sep) ['', 'foo', 'bar', 'beer', 'sex', 'cigarettes', 'drugs', 'alcohol'] However a better solution is probably to call

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-18 Thread Josef Meile
It looks like here the only worth words are yours. Didn't you close this thread? I will refresh your mind with your own unpolite way: Ilias Lazaridis wrote: [...] closing thread Anyway, I will add some comments: The

Re: Testing web applications

2005-02-11 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Achim, I'm looking for frameworks to make testing web applications - i.e. parsing and filling out forms - easier. I found Puffin, which looks good but not very usable in the current state. I know that I once read about other nice frameworks, but could not find one via google. Any hints? Zope

Re: Curses on Windows

2005-02-08 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Peter, Last November I posted a message asking for advice on using simple screen handling techniques under Windows. Since then I have been occupied with family / job /Christmas /living and trying to understand curses under linux (it works, seems very complex, sure I'm missing something ...).

Re: Python 2.4 binaries for accessing PostgreSQL from Windows?

2005-02-04 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Frank I tried the psycopg site, but it does not seem to have binaries at all. Does anyone know if either of these will be available in binary form for Python 2.4 on Windows? For psycopg, there is a site with binaries for windows: Regards,

Re: Possibly OT: Controlling winamp with Python

2005-02-04 Thread Josef Meile
Hi Brent, Brent W. Hughes wrote: The Python program won't decide whether a commercial is playing, I will. At that point, I will run my program which will press mute, wait 20 seconds, and then press mute again. Actually, I could leave the program running but minimized to the task bar. When I