Re: why brackets commas in func calls can't be ommited? (maybe it couldbe PEP?)

2007-03-22 Thread Enrico 'Mc Osten' Franchi
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: But I think in some situations Ruby allows to omit them, solving some of the impossibile problems shown in this thread. This makes Ruby a bit better than Python to create application-specific mini languages, that are quite useful in some situations. Yes. However,

Re: Best Free and Open Source Python IDE

2007-02-08 Thread Enrico 'Mc Osten' Franchi
Srikanth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All I need is a good IDE, I can't find something like Eclipse (JDT). Eclipse has a Python IDE plug-in but it's not that great. Have you tried the 'full' plugin (you have to pay about 30 $ IIRC or something like that)? My favourite Python editor is TextMate a

Re: Running Python script from C++ code(.NET)

2006-09-24 Thread Mc Osten
volcano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: A trivial question - I have a working Python script that I have to invoke from C++ code. No fancy stuff - just run the whole script with its parameters. No callbacks, no signalling - nada, just stupid,primitive, straightforward call. In a unix based

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-24 Thread Mc Osten
Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Those of you experiencing a temporary obsession with this topic are encouraged to study The Great Language Shootout, until the obsession goes away. ;) I think that everybody knows GLS. However, when I have results different from what I expected, I try to

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-24 Thread Mc Osten
Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Those of you experiencing a temporary obsession with this topic are encouraged to study The Great Language Shootout, until the obsession goes away. ;) I think that everybody knows GLS. However, when I have results different from what I expected, I try to

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread Mc Osten
Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm using VC++ Express, I didn't care to tweak the optimizations, I merely chose the Release configuration for the executable. It's blazing fast, taking only 30+ ms each run. Of course it is faster. We are looping 100 times, you just 1. -- blog:

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread Mc Osten
Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Not really, see my test, in my other post in the same thread. I'm using VC++ Express 2005. If we're comparing with Python 2.5 I think it's just fair that for C++ we're using the latest as well. In your test, you are looping 1 times, we looped 100. In

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread Mc Osten
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That's to say, python is still much faster? Yes it is. But of course you can't sat that Python is faster than C++. We found that the code to do this, written in the most natural way, is a lot faster in Python. However, if you optimze the code, C++ gets almost as fast.

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread Mc Osten
Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Certainly--I was not comparing 100 against 1. Referring to the OP's statement: However, while the python code gave the result almost instantly, the C++ code took several seconds to run! 30ms sounds like a definite improvement over several seconds! Of

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread Mc Osten
GHUM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Proofed @ EuroPython 2006 in CERN, near the LHC Beta, in the same room many Nobel laurates gave their presentations before. Have you some link? I suppose it's kind of a joke they did or something like that... -- blog: |

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread Mc Osten
Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yeah, my guess would be either he used the Debug configuration or he actually created a Managed executable instead of a pure Win32 application. Sigh, now I can't wait to get home and try it out :) Can be. But I suppose a Managed should not get *that* slow.

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread Mc Osten
Tim N. van der Leeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have to admit to a stupid mistake, for which I feel quite ashamed - I got the loop-size wrong in the Python code. So all Python results posted by me were off by a factor of 10 :-( I feel quite bad about that! Well, this makes *my* results quite

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread Mc Osten
Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Great to know that my model of how the world works is still correct! (at least in relation to Python and C++!) :) So please explain my results. I loop the same number of times. -- blog: | Uccidete i filosofi, site:

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Mc Osten
Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It must be the debugging, the compiler or a poor STL implementation. With gcc 4 it runs instantly on my computer (using -O2), even with 10x the number of values. $ gcc --version i686-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Mc Osten
Tim N. van der Leeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm curious though, if on the OP's machine the slowed-down Python version is still faster than the C++ version. I tested both on my machine (my other post in the thread) -- blog: | Uccidete i filosofi, site:

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Mc Osten
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Python's memory allocator is also quite fast, compared to most generic allocators... In fact also in the two slow versions Python outperforms C++. I didn't notice it in the first place. -- blog: | Uccidete i

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Mc Osten
Tim N. van der Leeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: But your C++ program outputs times in seconds, right? So all compilations except for the first two give results in less than a second, right? (meaning the optimizations of your standard-compilation give worst results than -O3?) Yes. It's in

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Mc Osten
Tim N. van der Leeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oh boy; yes indeed the slow python is faster than the fast C++ version... Must be something really awful happening in the STL implementation that comes with GCC 3.4! And the Python version does the very same number of iterations than the C++ one?

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Mc Osten
Tim N. van der Leeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: NB: Your code now tests for address-equality. Does it also still test for string-equality? It looks to me that it does, but it's not quite clear to me. It does it. setstring* b(a.begin(), a.end()); setstring c; // well ordered set (b is

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Mc Osten
Tim N. van der Leeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My conclusion from that is, that the vector or set implementations of GCC are far superior to those of VC++ 6, but that memory allocation for GCC 3.4.5 (MinGW version) is far worse than that of MSCRT / VC++ 6. (And Python still smokes them both).

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Mc Osten
Tim N. van der Leeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: And the results of IronPython (1.0rc2) are just in as well: I can't test this one. And for Python 2.5: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/My Documents/Python $ /cygdrive/c/Python25/python.exe Begin Test Number of unique string objects: 4 so

Re: Simulation Programming Skills and Python

2006-03-07 Thread Mc Osten
On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:48:46 -0500, Richard Blackwood wrote: Two, is Python a good language for simulation programming? Civilization 4 is (partly) written in Python. I suppose they thought Python was a good language for that. I said partly because as far as I know some code is C++ for speed

Re: sockets, where can I find documentation?

2006-03-03 Thread Mc Osten
On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 11:41:05 GMT, John Pote wrote: Where can I get the various papers mentioned in the manual? And as I like books sitting on the shelf can someone recommend a book on sockets. Unix Network Programming by Stevens -- USB Priests for only 10$ --

Re: how do you move to a new line in your text editor?

2006-03-03 Thread Mc Osten
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 18:58:50 GMT, John Salerno wrote: I use UltraEdit right now, and it is possible to convert spaces and tabs back and forth, but it's just an extra step. I wouldn't definitely suggest UltraEdit to code Python. Probably you should try scite. I'm using TextMate (but it's

Re: how do you move to a new line in your text editor?

2006-03-03 Thread Mc Osten
On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 16:48:11 GMT, John Salerno wrote: Why do you say that? Because I tried it and it just lacks a lot of functionality you get with TextMate or Emacs. It is quite stupid when indenting, just to name one. -- USB Priests for only 10$ --

Re: Is it better to use class variables or pass parameters?

2006-03-01 Thread Mc Osten
On 1 Mar 2006 11:32:02 -0800, Derek Basch wrote: This one has always bugged me. Is it better to just slap a self in front of any variable that will be used by more than one class method or should I pass around variable between the methods? I think there is no clear general answer. A criterion

Re: Path completion in 'raw-input'?

2006-03-01 Thread Mc Osten
On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:00:43 -0800, Johannes Graumann wrote: There's also the rlcompleter module, but in the interest of better platform agnosis I'd like to stick with cmd ... I would have suggested readline.. This works on Windows: This

Re: Threading - will threads run in parallel?

2006-03-01 Thread Mc Osten
On 28 Feb 2006 11:20:05 -0800, SolaFide wrote: (get() is a function which waits for a ping on a specific port, thus stopping the program for a while.) It's a busy wait? -- USB Priests for only 10$ --

Re: Is Python a Zen language?

2006-02-28 Thread Mc Osten
On 26 Feb 2006 14:55:04 -0800, Andrea Griffini wrote: IMO another language that would be hard to classify is COBOL ... but for other reasons :-) According to Dijkstra: The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offence. That makes Cobol a