>Why are you trying to compile Python manually? You should use Homebrew to
>install Python in 99% of cases. (The package is python3)
I'm not the person you answered, but I can explain why I do things that are not
"optimal" or "easy" or "best".
I am interested, I want to learn something, I think
>Why are you trying to compile Python manually? You should use Homebrew to
>install Python in 99% of cases. (The package is python3)
I'm not the person you answered, but I can explain why I do things that are not
"optimal" or "easy" or "best".
I am interested, I want to learn something, I think
>Why are you trying to compile Python manually? You should use Homebrew to
>install Python in 99% of cases. (The package is python3)
I'm not the person you answered, but I can explain why I do things that are not
"optimal" or "easy" or "best".
I am interested, I want to learn something, I think
It seems like you are trying to run easy_install while running the Python
interpreter. I am not familiar with easy_install, but my guess would be to run
it outside the interpreter, in the command prompt.
2017-06-12 16:47 GMT+02:00 David Marquand
I am trying to lea
It seems like you are trying to run easy_install while running the Python
interpreter. I am not familiar with easy_install, but my guess would be to run
it outside the interpreter, in the command prompt.
2017-06-12 16:47 GMT+02:00 David Marquand
I am trying to lea
I have followed this discussion since the beginning, and I have been intrigued.
I recently read a relevant blog post that I'd like to share. It has arguments
for both sides: http://nullprogram.com/blog/2017/03/30/.
2017-05-20 0:01 GMT+02:00 eryk sun
On Fri, May 19, 2
I try to run the following code:
def generate_zip(object_list, template):
result = StringIO.StringIO()
zipped = zipfile.ZipFile(result, "w")
for object in object_list:
pdf = generate_pdf(object, template)
if not pdf:
raise IOError("Problem with generati
On Nov 28, 9:35 am, Carl Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, I'm not so sure the effect of os.chdir() on the import path
> is a good idea.
I'm not actually using os.chidir(), I just used it here to create a
clearer example.
Here is the simplest representation of the problem:
On Nov 28, 12:32 am, "Chris Rebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Python position on singletons is generally to just use a module
> instead (preferred), or apply the Borg
> pattern:http://code.activestate.com/recipes/66531/
The same problem appears if I use the module (as I pointed in the
A better way to do this was http://pastebin.com/m1130d1fe :)
But this means that there is no way to create a safe Singleton in
python, because the classes are also created twice.
This is the problem that I encountered. I created a complex
implementation of a Singleton pattern using metaclasses because I
needed the __init__ method to be called just once and
Here is the situation:
$ ls
$ cd test
$ ls
__init__.py data.py
$ cat __init__.py
$ cat data.py
DATA = {}
$ cd ..
$ python
>>> import os
>>> from test.data import DATA
>>> DATA['something'] = 33
>>> os.chdir('test')
>>> from data import DATA as NEW_DATA
>>> DATA
{'something': 33}
I figured out the first two solutions, but the third looks like the
most cleaner, think I'll use that one...
Thank you everyone. :)
On May 9, 3:24 pm, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The decorator does receive the correct function. The problem is that
> at this point __init__ is still
This completely slipped of my mind... :)
I'm trying to change the:
So if the function is method it prints ClassName.MethodName instead of
MethodName(self|klass|cls=<... ClassName>).
But it turned out that in the decorator, the wrapped function is
Can somebody give me an explanation what happened here (or point me to
some docs)?
HMMM = None
def w(fn):
print 'fn:', id(fn)
HMMM = fn
print 'HMMM:', id(HMMM)
def wrapper(*v, **kw):
fn(*v, **kw)
wrapper.i = fn
print 'wrapper:', id(wrapper)
return wrappe
use properties. However, Python already
> has properties. Their syntax is quite nice in my opinion, and
> rather explicit, too. Their only flaw is that they are not
> "virtual" (in C++ speak). In other words, you can't pass a "self"
> parameter to them.
WOW, thats true! :-D
(AFAIK these creations are rather complicated than just plain ugly.)
Thanks for your comment.
register observers for various events fired by
the property and so on.
This is advanced Python programming, not "cargo cult".
Regards, Viktor
PS.: Use Python 1.5.2 if you do not need advanced features. ;-)
developers to implement change
events for properties that allows any number of observers to monitor property
changes. This could be very useful in GUI programming, for example.
Regards, Viktor
xygen myself, but I'd prefer
> to have almost anything fill in this vacuum, rather than continue things
> the way they are.
Maybe the community should ask Guido to suggest a
"preferred" tool for documenting Python code.
Regars, Viktor
gt;>> fn()
return 'ok'
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Regard, Viktor
> @functools.wraps
Pass the function to be wrapped by the decorator to the wraps function.
Regards, Viktor
> cumbersome.
Please take a look at the documentation of the functools standard module in
the Python manual, especially the wraps decorator. It could probably help.
place of tuples? I don't think so. Ideas?)
This way all annotation based tools will be compatible and should work
seamlessly without imposing any unnecessary constraint.
Anybody with a better solution? Any comments?
Greetings, Viktor
Ok thanks a lot. I think i got the point.
I also thought that it could be possible to do something like this
globals().__setitem__ = custom_setter
but __setitem__ is readonly
I would to do something like this.
container = []
p1 = point()
l1 = line()
and i would like to override = method of the module so that its puts
all objects into container.
how i can do something like that.
thanks for help,
I succeeded :)))
And the winner is:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
opts = {
"py2exe": {
"includes": ["pango", "atk", "gobject", "gtk","gtk.glade"],
"dll_excludes": ["
Nope, it doesn't work... I've tried that and the only thing I got was:
ImportError: could not import pango
ImportError: could not import pango
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 5, in ?
File "gtk\__init__.pyc", line 113, in ?
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribut
Did anybody managed to "pack", a program that uses pygtk with pyexe?
The best result I got was:
Pango-ERROR **: file shape.c: line 75 (pango_shape): assertion faled:
(glyphs->num_glyphs > 0) aborting...
I'm using python2.4, pygtk-2.6.1-1.win32-py2.4, gtk-win32-2.6.4-rc1.
Thanks in advance.
Peter Hansen wrote:
> On which platform?
On Linux, and I'm watching the percentage of used memory with *top* or
*ps v* (I have 256 MB). The aplication started with 19% used and after
45 minutes playing I saw i eat up almost 70%.
I also noticed that:
>>> from Tkinter import *
>>> l = Listbox()
I just noticed that wxPython is leaking memory?! Playing with
wxPython-demo, I started with 19MB used, and ended whith almost 150MB
It's wxPython running on Python 2.4.
Lars wrote:
> Maybe you should describe your particular application and the reasons
> why you really need lightspeed widget rendering ? Stability goes
> without saying:)
It's a GUI for some database input, output routines. It sopouse to wark
24h/day, and about 150 input-outputs/h.
Fast: Because i
Which GUI is the most stable one? I don't need any fancy looking
widgets (look and feel doesn't realy matter to me), I "just" need it
to be rock stable and fast...
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