Robert Kern wrote:
>snd = swmixer.Sound(data=tone_data)
> Well, sort of. You probably need to scale your data and convert it to
> int16 format. It's currently in floating point format.
Done and working, thanks. As "file" was not needed for file="test.wav" I
assumed the data prefix for
On 2009-02-07 08:46, Peter Chant wrote:
I'm a bit of a python newby. I want to play and record sound
simultaneously. SWMixer seems able to do this but the examples use WAV
files. I'm trying to play a test tone. Can anyone give me a steer as to
why this fails?
Looking at the SWMixer
I'm a bit of a python newby. I want to play and record sound
simultaneously. SWMixer seems able to do this but the examples use WAV
files. I'm trying to play a test tone. Can anyone give me a steer as to
why this fails?
import sys
import swmixer
import numpy