Caledonian26 wrote:
> However, I keep getting the error:
> IndexError: list index out of range.
> Could anyone give me a helping hand
> as to where I am going wrong?
I appended a single arbitrary value for limits
since the limits list ha
On 8/06/20 10:38 AM, MRAB wrote:
On 2020-06-07 23:24, DL Neil via Python-list wrote:
On 8/06/20 7:06 AM, Caledonian26 wrote:
However, I keep getting the error: IndexError: list index out of
range. Could anyone give me a helping hand as to where I am going wrong?
When things go wrong
On 2020-06-07 23:24, DL Neil via Python-list wrote:
On 8/06/20 7:06 AM, Caledonian26 wrote:
However, I keep getting the error: IndexError: list index out of range. Could
anyone give me a helping hand as to where I am going wrong?
When things go wrong, Python tries to be helpful by
On 8/06/20 7:06 AM, Caledonian26 wrote:
However, I keep getting the error: IndexError: list index out of range. Could
anyone give me a helping hand as to where I am going wrong?
When things go wrong, Python tries to be helpful by providing a
"traceback". Please copy-paste
larMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
4. Here, a different colour is assigned to each bar in the bar chart depending
on the values in the column 'colourofbars'. I then try to plot a legend showing
this colour gradient scale.
However, I keep getting the error: IndexError: list index out of range. Could
anyone give me a helping hand as to where I am going wrong?
On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 12:45:49 PM UTC+3:30, Peter Otten wrote:
> Elnaz wrote:
> > hi
> > i am begginer in python. I have written a code and given this error:
> > IndexError: list index out of range
> >
> > In my program, I have h=32 bits input
Elnaz wrote:
> hi
> i am begginer in python. I have written a code and given this error:
> IndexError: list index out of range
> In my program, I have h=32 bits input. i divide this 32 bits to 4*8 block
> and every 8-block is n. so n=0:7;(h=int(n/4)) I want to rotate 0 to 7
i am begginer in python. I have written a code and given this error:
IndexError: list index out of range
In my program, I have h=32 bits input. i divide this 32 bits to 4*8 block and
every 8-block is n. so n=0:7;(h=int(n/4))
I want to rotate 0 to 7 bits for 2 bits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
On 27 February 2016 at 16:50, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> Iam on python 2.6 and Linux , I need input on the below program ,
> here is the spinet of my program
It would be much better if you presented a complete program here.
Otherwise the missing parts will confuse people. See:
> file
On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 03:50 am, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> Iam on python 2.6 and Linux , I need input on the below program ,
> here is the spinet of my program
> filename='/tmp2/2.txt'
> def check_file():
> """
> Run the command parallel on all the machines , if there is a
> file named /
> what is run(...)
The run (_ is a wrapper it uses suprocess.Popen and returns stdout
,error and extitcod e
> not a good idea to have catchall exception
how to fix this ?
>> > return False
>> > if __name__ == '__main__':
>> > main()
>> >
>> --
> copy and paste your tr
On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> changed baddr="" to file ="" in the example program , sorry for the typo
> > filename='/tmp2/2.txt'
> >
> > def check_file():
don't use global filename. just pass filename into check_file
def check_file(filename):
> > """
> > R
changed baddr="" to file ="" in the example program , sorry for the typo
> filename='/tmp2/2.txt'
> def check_file():
> """
> Run the command parallel on all the machines , if there is a
> file named /tmp/file2.txt extract file2.txt
> """
> global filename
> file = ''
Iam on python 2.6 and Linux , I need input on the below program ,
here is the spinet of my program
def check_file():
Run the command parallel on all the machines , if there is a
file named /tmp/file2.txt extract file2.txt
global filename
On Mon, 01 Jul 2013 09:45:52 +0100, Robert Kern wrote:
> On 2013-06-29 16:52, Joshua Landau wrote:
>> On 29 June 2013 15:30, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>>> On 29/06/2013 14:44, Dave Angel wrote:
Since you're using the arrogant and buggy GoogleGroups, this
On 2013-06-29 16:52, Joshua Landau wrote:
On 29 June 2013 15:30, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 29/06/2013 14:44, Dave Angel wrote:
Since you're using the arrogant and buggy GoogleGroups, this
Please don't make comments like this, you'll upset the P
On 29 June 2013 15:30, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 29/06/2013 14:44, Dave Angel wrote:
>> Since you're using the arrogant and buggy GoogleGroups, this
> Please don't make comments like this, you'll upset the Python Mailing List
> Police.
On 29/06/2013 14:44, Dave Angel wrote:
On 06/28/2013 11:35 PM, Titiksha wrote:
Since you're using the arrogant and buggy GoogleGroups, this
Please don't make comments like this, you'll upset the Python Mailing
List Police.
"Steve is going
On 06/28/2013 11:35 PM, Titiksha wrote:
On Friday, June 28, 2013 8:20:28 PM UTC-5, Titiksha wrote:
m=['631138', '601034', '2834', '2908', '64808']
['LAKEFLD 3227,631138\n', 'NOBLES 3013,601034\n']
Since you're using the arrogant and buggy GoogleGroups, this
On Friday, June 28, 2013 8:20:28 PM UTC-5, Titiksha wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on the following code but am getting the error: list index out
> of range. I surfed through the group but somehow I am not able to fix my
> error.Please guide.Structure is given below:
On 06/28/2013 09:20 PM, Titiksha Joshi wrote:
I am working on the following code but am getting the error: list index out of
range. I surfed through the group but somehow I am not able to fix my
error.Please guide.Structure is given below:
m is a list of 5 elements. I have to match
On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Titiksha Joshi
> Hi,
> I am working on the following code but am getting the error: list index out
> of range. I surfed through the group but somehow I am not able to fix my
> error.Please guide.Structure is given below:
> m is a list o
I am working on the following code but am getting the error: list index out of
range. I surfed through the group but somehow I am not able to fix my
error.Please guide.Structure is given below:
m is a list of 5 elements. I have to match elements of m from fields in file
. Here's my code:
csvfile = csv.reader(datastr.split('\n'), delimiter=';')
r = ''
for i in csvfile:
for j in i:
print j
print i[0]
the "print j" statement works, but "
>> >> for i in csvfile:
>> >> for j in i:
>> >> print j
>> >> print i[0]
>> >>
>> >> the "print j" statement works, but "print i[0]" re
ncountered an odd
> >> problem. Here's my code:
> >>
> >>csvfile = csv.reader(datastr.split('\n'), delimiter=';')
> >>r = ''
> >>for i in csvfile:
> >>for j in i:
> >>
>> for j in i:
>> print j
>> print i[0]
>> the "print j" statement works, but "print i[0]" returns "IndexError:
>> list index out of range". Am I missing something?
for j in i:
> print j
> print i[0]
> the "print j" statement works, but "print i[0]" returns "IndexError:
> list index out of range". Am I missing something?
print i[0]
print i
print j
print i[0]
the "print j" statement works, but "print i[0]" returns "IndexError:
list index out of range". Am I missing something?
Are you sure the output you get from the "print j" is from the same loop
print i[0]
the "print j" statement works, but "print i[0]" returns "IndexError:
list index out of range". Am I missing something?
10:50:38+0300 [-] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/",
line 568, in findsource
2010-09-25 10:50:38+0300 [-] if pat.match(lines[lnum]): break
2010-09-25 10:50:38+0300 [-] IndexError: list index out of range
It is hard to reproduce the error with a script. I will work and send
if I succ
On Samstag 25 September 2010, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> My guess is that you've copied the .pyc file onto the server,
> BUT there is also an older version of the .py file there as
> well. Because the modification date is older than that of the
> .pyc file, Python executes the compiled code from the
10:50:38+0300 [-] lines, lnum = findsource(frame)
> 2010-09-25 10:50:38+0300 [-] File "/usr/lib/python2.6/",
> line 568, in findsource
> 2010-09-25 10:50:38+0300 [-] if pat.match(lines[lnum]): break
> 2010-09-25 10:50:38+0300 [-] IndexError: list index out of
e code works on local development environment both on linux
> > and windows. When checked in to production environment,
> > inspect.currentframe() or inspect.stack() function gives "List index
> > out of range error".
> > When I googled, I found only one clue o
ect.currentframe() or inspect.stack() function gives "List index
> out of range error".
> When I googled, I found only one clue of copying pyc files:
> Why inspect modules gives this error? OR Is there another wa
= inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2)
This sample code works on local development environment both on linux
and windows. When checked in to production environment,
inspect.currentframe() or inspect.stack() function gives "List index
out of range error".
On May 13, 2:39 pm, Georgy Panterov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> def deal_hand(deck):
> HAND=[]
> for _ in range(2):
> i=random.randint(0,len(deck)) #produces a random card from the deck
^ Here i can be from 0 thru (the number of cards in the
> HAND.appen
then it gives an
error of "list index out of range."
The strange thing is that it will sometimes run for 10 iterations sometimes
for only a few and sometimes won't run at all (seemingly arbitrary).
Here is some of the code:
for _ in range(100):
handA=deal_hand(DECK) #deals 2
I am a relatively new python user. I am writing an economic simulation of a
card-game. The simulation runs fine for a few iteration but then it gives an
error of "list index out of range."
The strange thing is that it will sometimes run for 10 iterations sometimes for
only a few and
On Oct 10, 1:57 am, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think we'll just have to agree to differ in this repsecrt, as I don't
> see your suggestions for extending the sequence API as particularly
> helpful.
No worries. :)
On Oct 10, 11:22 am, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> s
> *) insert martelli essay here.
for example:
Terry Reedy wrote:
> Is there an outer loop being 'break'ed?
> This break is swallowed by the for loop, so not exactly equivalent, I
> think.
the code is supposed to break out of the outer loop when it runs out of
lines, so yes, monkeeboy's code is broken in more than one way.
> In any
MonkeeSage wrote:
> In Libs/, lines 302-306:
> try:
> for i in range(lineno, lineno + self.MAXLINES):
> print self.__lines[i]
> except IndexError:
> break
> With my proposal, that could be written as:
"MonkeeSage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> But even so, here is a simple use case from the standard library
> (python 2.5 release source):
> In Libs/, lines 302-306:
>for i in range(lineno, lineno + self.MAXLINES):
MonkeeSage wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2:31 am, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Keep right on guessing.
> I hope I'm not offending one whom I consider to be much more skilled
> and versed than I am, not only in python, but in programming in
> general; but I must say: it seems you are bein
On Oct 9, 2:31 am, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Keep right on guessing.
I hope I'm not offending one whom I consider to be much more skilled
and versed than I am, not only in python, but in programming in
general; but I must say: it seems you are being rather obtuse here. I
think I l
MonkeeSage wrote:
> On Oct 8, 3:05 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>No: you are proposing to add features to the sequence interface for
>>which there are few demonstrable use cases.
> If I really wanted to find them, how many instances do you think I
> could find [in the stand
On Oct 8, 3:05 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No: you are proposing to add features to the sequence interface for
> which there are few demonstrable use cases.
If I really wanted to find them, how many instances do you think I
could find [in the standard lib and community-respected
MonkeeSage wrote:
>> but "let's hypergeneralize and treat sequences and mappings as the same
>> thing" proposals are nothing new; a trip to the archives might be help-
>> ful.
> Huh? I don't want to treat sequences and mappings as the same thing.
> I'm talking about adding two similar convenien
MonkeeSage wrote:
> On Oct 8, 1:44 pm, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>but "let's hypergeneralize and treat sequences and mappings as the same
>>thing" proposals are nothing new; a trip to the archives might be help-
> Huh? I don't want to treat sequences and mappings as
On Oct 8, 1:44 pm, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> but "let's hypergeneralize and treat sequences and mappings as the same
> thing" proposals are nothing new; a trip to the archives might be help-
> ful.
Huh? I don't want to treat sequences and mappings as the same thing.
I'm talking a
MonkeeSage wrote:
> With list.has_index() / get(), the following (pretty common I think)
> idiom:
> try:
> data = some_unknown_seq[2]
> except IndexError:
> data = None
> if data: ...
umm. you could at least write:
data = some_unknown_seq[2]
except IndexError:
On Oct 8, 5:57 am, Steven D'Aprano
> No, *less* often. That's the point -- it is fairly common for people to
> want dictionary lookup to return a default value, but quite rare for them
> to want sequence lookup to return a default value. A sequence with a
> default value
On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 18:06:47 -0700, MonkeeSage wrote:
> On Oct 7, 7:59 pm, Steven D'Aprano
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Because they aren't needed often, and when they are, they are easy to
>> implement?
> More often and easier to implement than dict.has_key / get?
No, *less* often. That's
On Oct 7, 8:06 pm, "MonkeeSage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> More often and easier to implement than dict.has_key / get?
More -> Less
MonkeeSage wrote:
> On Oct 7, 7:14 pm, Duncan Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>No. The above constructs a list of keys and searches the list for the
>>key, O(n). "key in somedict" is a lookup, O(1).
> My point wasn't in regard to implementation details, but in regard to
> convenienc
On Oct 7, 7:41 pm, Steven D'Aprano
> Are you just making a philosophical point? In which case I agree: *if* you
> make the analogy "a dictionary key is analogous to a sequence index",
> *then* the operation of "in" isn't semantically analogous between mappings
> and sequ
On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 17:25:15 -0700, MonkeeSage wrote:
> My point wasn't in regard to implementation details, but in regard to
> convenience methods. Obviously the sugary dict methods are tweaked for
> the best performance (one would hope!), as would be sugary sequence
> methods were they to be add
On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 10:26:22 -0700, MonkeeSage wrote:
> On Oct 7, 3:27 am, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The meaning comes from the most common usage.
> I wasn't suggesting that the "in" keyword have a different sematic for
> sequence types. I was just saying that regard
On Oct 7, 7:14 pm, Duncan Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No. The above constructs a list of keys and searches the list for the
> key, O(n). "key in somedict" is a lookup, O(1).
My point wasn't in regard to implementation details, but in regard to
convenience methods. Obviously the sugary d
MonkeeSage wrote:
> On Oct 7, 12:37 pm, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>for what?
> key in self.keys()
No. The above constructs a list of keys and searches the list for the
key, O(n). "key in somedict" is a lookup, O(1).
On Oct 7, 12:37 pm, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> for what?
key in self.keys()
And d.get() looks like sugar for:
if self.has_key(key):
return self[key]
return default_value
Why not have the same sugar for sequence types? E.g.,
def has_index(self, index):
MonkeeSage wrote:
> True. But valid dictionary keys are exactly d.keys(). The has_key
> method is just sugar.
for what? are you sure you're using "sugar" as it is usually used when
talking about computer languages?
On Oct 7, 3:27 am, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The meaning comes from the most common usage.
I wasn't suggesting that the "in" keyword have a different sematic for
sequence types. I was just saying that regarding the question whether
there is anything similar to "dict.has_key
At Saturday 7/10/2006 02:15, MonkeeSage wrote:
On Oct 6, 8:23 pm, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if 2 in [1,2,3]: print "Use the same (in) operator"
> elif 'E' in ('E','r','i','k'): print "Works for any sequence"
> elif 'o' in 'hello': print "Even strings"
This isn't really anal
On Oct 6, 8:23 pm, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if 2 in [1,2,3]: print "Use the same (in) operator"
> elif 'E' in ('E','r','i','k'): print "Works for any sequence"
> elif 'o' in 'hello': print "Even strings"
This isn't really analogous is it? For "somedict.has_key(k)" or "k in
On 6 Oct 2006 16:57:23 -0700, erikcw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I ended up using len(sys.argv) > 1 for this particular problem. But I
> think slicing is closer to the tool I was looking for.
> I found a.has_key(k) or "k in a" for dictionaries - but haven't found
> anything similar for lists.
At Friday 6/10/2006 20:57, erikcw wrote:
I ended up using len(sys.argv) > 1 for this particular problem. But I
think slicing is closer to the tool I was looking for.
I found a.has_key(k) or "k in a" for dictionaries - but haven't found
anything similar for lists. Does it exist?
if 2 in [1,2
ching all
> > afternoon and can't find the answer!
> >
> > I'm trying to get this bit of code to work without triggering the
> > IndexError.
> >
> > import shutil, os, sys
> >
> > if sys.argv[1] != None:
> > ver = sys.argv[1]
> > else
os, sys
> if sys.argv[1] != None:
> ver = sys.argv[1]
> else:
> ver = '2.14'
> Of course, whenever I run it, I get list index out of range.
> I'm coming from the php world where I can do:
> if $_GET['var'] != Null {
> $ver
Terry Reedy wrote bloated code:
> if sys.argv[1:2] != []:
if sys.argv[1:2]:
"Leif K-Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> I'm trying to get this bit of code to work without triggering the
>> IndexError.
>> import shutil, os, sys
>> if sys.argv[1] != None:
>> ver = sys.argv[1]
>> else:
>> ver = '2.1
> I'm trying to get this bit of code to work without triggering the
> IndexError.
> import shutil, os, sys
> if sys.argv[1] != None:
> ver = sys.argv[1]
> else:
> ver = '2.14'
Something like::
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
ver = sys.argv[1]
> I'm trying to get this bit of code to work without triggering the
> IndexError.
> import shutil, os, sys
> if sys.argv[1] != None:
> ver = sys.argv[1]
> else:
> ver = '2.14'
Catch it:
ver = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
ver = '2.14'
= '2.14'
Of course, whenever I run it, I get list index out of range.
I'm coming from the php world where I can do:
if $_GET['var'] != Null {
$ver = $_GET['var'];
} else {
$ver = '2.14';
Can anyone tell me how to make this work in python?
sam wrote:
I gues: no_lines=len(list_initial)
> for j in range(0, no_lines):
range returns 0, 1, 2, ..., no_lines-1
> k = 0
> while k < no_lines:
> sorted_check = 0
> if list_initial[k] < list_initial[k+1]:
When j gets its last value (no_lines-1) k has the same va
> Now that your main problem is gone, just a few comments:
> - python lists know their length, so you don't need explicit no_lines
> and no_lines_2
> - list_initial.remove(temp_str) is fairly slow - it has to *scan* the
> list to locate temp_str. Just keep its index instead, and use del
At Wednesday 20/9/2006 19:39, sam wrote:
thanks again for your help. that sorted out something that had really
been bugging me.
Now that your main problem is gone, just a few comments:
- python lists know their length, so you don't need explicit no_lines
and no_lines_2
- list_initial.remove(t
"sam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> hey everybody, this is my first time posting here. i'm pretty new to
> python and programming in general (as you'll soon work out for
> yourselves...)
On behalf of the entire Python community, *thank you* for putting this
disclaimer only in the body of your mes
for what it's worth. and it is approx. five times quicker than the
bubblesort i wrote to begin with on a 286-word highly unordered list,
so i wasn't wasting my time after all...
import time
file_input = open('wordlist.txt', 'r
yes, yes, of course, thank you. not sure what i thought i was doing
i'll see if i can get it running now...
; list_initial[k+1]:
> temp_str = list_initial[k+1]
> sorted_check = 1
> k += 1
> list_initial.remove(temp_str)
> list_final.append(temp_str)
> no_lines -= 1
> if sorted_check == 0:
> break
> problem
actually, that little bit of code i wrote is obscenely wrong anyway, so
please don't bother analyzing the flow.
any insight into the "list index out of range" error would still be
welcome, though.
elif list_initial[k] > list_initial[k+1]:
temp_str = list_initial[k+1]
sorted_check = 1
k += 1
no_lines -= 1
if sorted_check == 0:
problem is, i keep gett
84 matches
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