Re: [Qgis-user] Hackfest Essen. Place vacant in Linux hotel, sleep in tents

2014-09-10 Thread Marco Hugentobler
Hi I've moved Mathias Walker (#1 in the second list) to that place and exchanged my place in the Linuxhotel with Sandro Mani (#2 in second list). Hope that's ok. Regards, Marco On 11.09.2014 08:31, Diethard Jansen wrote: Hi there, I have decided not to stay at the Linux hotel but to move t

[Qgis-user] Hackfest Essen. Place vacant in Linux hotel, sleep in tents

2014-09-10 Thread Diethard Jansen
Hi there, I have decided not to stay at the Linux hotel but to move to the campsite which is situated 600 m from the linux hotel. I will sleep in a Bauwagen. All Bauwagens are occupied now. Line 25 on the list of the linuxhotel is now vacant. Someone can take the vacant p