Greetings, Hainarosie.
24 января 2007 г., 22:13:34 you have wrote:
> My host is and I also host domain and,
> my question is in what domain host file shall I place the spf record?
Each and every domain you want to enable SPF for has to have SPF
records in its zone
Greetings, Eric.
24 января 2007 г., 20:22:35 you have wrote:
> Alexey Loukianov wrote:
>> Greetings, Eric.
>> 24 ?? 2007 ?., 19:01:12 you have wrote:
>>> P.S. Personally, I use to manage my domain records. It simplifies
>>> DNS management tremendously, and provides reliability
Greetings, Eric.
24 ?? 2007 ?., 19:01:12 you have wrote:
> P.S. Personally, I use to manage my domain records. It simplifies
> DNS management tremendously, and provides reliability you just can't do
> yourself.
Do you REALLY think that third-party general DNS service is anyway