m not sure who is managing the wiki currently.
Happy to help if needed.
James Turnbull
- --
Author of:
* Pro Linux System Administration (http://tinyurl.com/linuxadmin)
* Pulling Strings with Puppet (http://tinyurl.com/pupbook)
* Pro Nagios 2.0 (http://tinyurl.com/pronagios)
* Hardening
; Is this anything to worry about, or harmless noise? Either way, should
> prob. be cleaned up.
You can ignore that:
James Turnbull
Author of:
* Pro Linux Systems Administration
* Pul
J wrote:
> Can we get this put into the wiki?
Feel free to edit the wiki. It's open to all.
James Turnbull
Author of:
* Pro Linux Systems Administration
* Pulling Strings with Puppet
urse - I'm happy to host it myself if Steve isn't able to.
James Turnbull
- --
Author of:
* Pulling Strings with Puppet
* Pro Nagios 2.0
* Hardening Linux
mind is unrelated to my spam filtering
> setup to avoid any conflict of interest, and would be located
> in Manchester UK.)
I helped somewhat with the current wiki - let me know if you'd like a
hand maintaining it.
James Turnbull
- --
Author of:
* Pulling Strings with Pu
Hash: SHA1
Matt Sergeant wrote:
> Shall we do a release for xmas? It's been forever...
Yes please. Lovely present. :)
James Turnbull
- --
Author of:
* Pulling Strings with Puppet
* Pro Nagios 2
John Peacock wrote:
> Are we at a state where we could release? I'd like to get Net::SMTP::ESMTP
> released before OSCON (so I can do a lightning talk on it), but I rely on an
> installed qpsmtpd instance for the test suite (go figure, you need an MTA to
> test a SMTP client).
> Anything I c
Hash: SHA1
Chris Lewis wrote:
|> I think we need more consensus on this patch.
| I strongly object to this change. It's deliberately destroying useful
| information for no sound reason.
James Turnbull
- --
Author of:
* Pulling Stri
> I've been using it on my firewalls since september with no problems
> at all.
> Chris
I had no comment on it but I am using it currently and am quite happy
with it.
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Ask and Matt
What's the current release status of qpsmtpd? The SVN is tagged 0.43
but the latest on the website seems to be 0.40. Time for a release and
James Turnbull ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Author of:
* Pulling Strings with Puppet
Hash: SHA1
Juerd Waalboer wrote:
| James Turnbull skribis 2008-02-03 22:48 (+1100):
|> Does anyone use qpsmtpd with Mailman? Is there a recommended way to do
|> recipient checking? I use check_goodrcptto currently and can obviously
|> add the addr
custom plug-in for this that they would be willing
to share?
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
- --
Author of:
- - Pulling Strings with Puppet
- - Pro Nagios 2.0
- - Hardening
ld with
> such egregious behaviour, they should be shamed by public disclosure.
There are quite a lot of badly coded applications that send email - they
often don't handle error message well - I recently fixed a Ruby app that
barfed on 4xx errors.
James Turnbull
- --
James T
Hash: SHA1
Juerd Waalboer wrote:
> For your convenience,
This would make a great addition to the Wiki - http://wiki.qpsmtpd.org
James Turnbull
- --
Author of:
- - Pulling Strings with Puppet
ademarks - they require registration.
But since most Americans think our legal professionals ride to work on
kangaroos the issue might be moot... :)
James Turnbull *
* = not a lawyer
- --
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- ---
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
x though
and I don't use qmail anywhere.
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- ---
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
- ---
PGP Key (http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pk
gle.com/p/smtpd/issues/list and attaching the patch there.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
PGP Key (http://pgp.mit.edu:11
Angelo Brigante Jr. wrote:
> Would it not be a good idea to remove the authnull plugin from the
> "default" install to avoid this?
It's been done - Ask removed it recently - see revision #793.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tab at this a while ago but I never
got libdkim to compile correctly - though from memory John might have -
and so I ditched the idea. You can probably find our discussions in the
mailing list archives.
Be good to develop a plug-in that validates and signs...
James Turnbull
bhan wrote:
Hi ,
My requirement is to compare two given
directories.Inorder to achieve this i have
used File::DirCompare perl module.And i have written
the below program to get the output.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTEC
c growth, no reason to ruin it.
> -R
It was an arbitrary release number but I think it greatly helps users if
some future direction is given - organic growth is good but vision also
helps people to grasp where qpsmtpd is going, if anywhere ( :) ).
James Turnbull
James Turnbull
ll for feature requests. Then
place the TODO/requests on a dev plan - with some direction for 0.5 -> 1.0?
Not sure what suits you and Ask but I find that helps me... :)
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
urirhssub URIBL_RHS_DOB dob.sibl.support-intelligence.net A
body URIBL_RHS_DOB eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_RHS_DOB')
describe URIBL_RHS_DOB Contains an URI of a new domain (Day Old Bread)
tflags URIBL_RHS_DOBnet
score URIBL_RHS_DOB 2.75
down by more than 50% at apache. Way to go qpsmtpd!
Thanks - I'll update the Wiki with the more detailed information. Is
there any more detail that might interest people - qpsmtpd's use at
apache.org is an excellent tangible example of how powerful qpsmtpd is?
James Turnbu
John Peacock wrote:
> The trunk version of qpsmtpd handles multiple ports (well, the forkserver code
> does anyway) for a while now, including SMTPS. You can either run trunk (I do
> and it tastes great!) or wait until the next "official" release...
Give me an 'R'! Give me an 'E'! Give me an 'A
Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote:
> On May 23, 2007, at 5:24 PM, James Turnbull wrote:
>> Someone has disabled the CheckoutView view option in ViewVC. It needs
>> to be re-enabled.
> Easier to just use the "raw" svn url then:
> http://svn.perl.
>> '403 Forbidden')
path, rev = _orig_path(request)
fp, revision = request.repos.openfile(path, rev)
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
James Turnbull
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
ng nothing and keeping it
for myself.
Added -
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
The best place for the plug-in is to add it to the Wiki -
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
Hi all
I've just been reviewing the last bunch of SVN changes.
Is it perhaps time for another release? Or is there a TODO list
James Turnbull
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
, which I would prefer not to.
Then I wouldn't use qpsmtpd for this - I'd look at something like
amavisd-new (http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/).
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
sms's and discard the mail after
forwarding it to his mail box.
How is it forwarded?
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-SPF: pass (landm.net: local policy)
I suppose SPF check the sender domain, not my domain, isn´t it?
We want to accept all messages and put more info in the header.
Try here first:
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagi
ck or even the original author Norman Maurer perhaps - might have a
copy. You could also try on the dspam mailing list - it was originally
posted there.
James Turnbull
add files to MANIFEST when they add them to the repository... ;-)
James Turnbull
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
ve any issues using auth_imap with 0.33 so something in 0.31
is obviously different. You could try the previous version of the
plug-in - http://wiw.org/~chris/auth_imap.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
What auth_imap are you using? The one from the Wiki?
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
PGP Key (http://pgp.mit.
Or there was a post a while ago with a very simple plug-in for checking
the alias directory:
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- ---
Author of Pro Nagi
locations to Sourceforge.
I think whatever happens there needs to be some central collection point
for plug-ins - rather than the 7-8 locations (including the Wiki) that
there are now.
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- ---
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
thers please feel free
to update the Wiki with them.
James Turnbull
ot overly elegant).
James Turnbull
>> trunk (that's only on the 0.3x branch).
>> Did you forget to merges something???
> Looks that way. Fixed now - sorry :-)
The qpsmtpd-async only allows binding to one port/address unlike
forkserver. Might be worth updating it to support the same option
Hash: SHA1
> I third that.
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- ---
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
- ---
ely the list archives don't include attachments :-(
> Did it make it into svn yet ? I confess I've not had time to try the SMTPA
> bit of it out as I said I would. Will install it later on and check.
It made it in - r703 of the 0.3x branch.
James Turnbull
- --
John Peacock wrote:
>> But when I try to use auth_smtpd plugin, the users connaot get
>> validation because TLS. (I think this is the cause).
> Where did you get the auth_smtpd plugin from (it's not part of the main
> distro)? Shouldn't you ask James Turnbu
Hans Salvisberg wrote:
> James Turnbull wrote:
>> What I meant to add was that the xinetd page got rolled into the
>> deployment options summary - it seemed unnecessary to have a page
>> dedicated to x(inetd) alone - the content of the page was changed to
>> mention Pet
Hash: SHA1
James Turnbull wrote:
> See http://wiki.qpsmtpd.org/deploy:start
> I talks about x(inetd) and links to the patch provided to fix it at 0.32.
> Linked off the main page start page.
Sorry should wait for coffee to boil and get
> The last revision of the page can be seen here:
> http://wiki.qpsmtpd.org/deploy:inetd?rev=1168341647
See http://wiki.qpsmtpd.org/deploy:start
I talks about x(inetd) and links to the patch provided to fix it at 0.32.
Linked off the main page start page.
James Turnbull
the Redhat box.
I've used spamd with Bayes and autolearning on RHEL 3/4 and Fedora Core
4/5/6 since version 3.1.0 of SpamAssassin I think (currently 3.1.4 on
RHEL4 and Fedora Core 6) with no issues.
I had a poke through the doco and couldn't find mention of any issues.
James Turnbull
Hash: SHA1
James Turnbull wrote:
>> The backlink problem is still there ... same message. I'll send a
>> proper bug report to the docuwiki guys ... but if I find out how to fix
>> it I'll let you know.
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- ---
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
- ---
PGP Key (http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x0
lean it up the
page. With this in mind one of the things I've noticed about 'catchy'
projects/wikis is a graphic or symbol of some kind. Does anyone have
one for qpsmtpd and/or is interested in creating one?
Comments/criticism/gasps of horror naturally most welcome.
James T
; I suspect links will have to be updated manually but perhaps we'll get
> lucky there too. Otherwise, it ought to be a fairly simple script to
> move things around.
Some links seem to update automatically (anything back-linked certainly
does) but others may have to be manually updat
wikiDefault wiki help pages
users Registered users pages
This is an initial cut and will probably expand with input and further
review of the current wiki contents.
Comment welcomed.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of
he two BSD variants I have running - the
sendmail binary seems to be designed to mimic default Sendmail
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
cts mail into the local queue via SMTP. It's
> certainly not the case with the sendmail provided by qmail.
Neither do I - Postfix for example drops mail from sendmail into the
maildrop queue - not into the SMTP daemon.
Unless you replaced sendmail with some other mechanism your sendmail
:) If we can get a test environment up and running
with the existing content I'd be happy to mock up a proposed new
structure for comment.
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- ---
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
> I'd still want the wiki to direct all the forum (and list) RTFM's to...
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
n). So if one has
> better suggestions (i would also like to get rid of the security nightmare
> also known as php), i would like to hear about it.
My preference is TWiki - stable, powerful, extensible and Perl rather
than PHP.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EM
#x27;s a good idea for a potential feature - though you do need to also
distribute some way for people to securely hash their passwords.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
s fairly tricky) and no one else has an
interest I'll not devote too many tuits to it. I have plenty of other
projects to undertake.
But thought I'd ask the question.
James Turnbull
- --
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- ---
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
ble it for roving
So my question - has anyone added DIGEST-MD5 support to qpsmtpd? It
looks relatively easy to add another elseif to Auth.pm but I confess the
DIGEST-MD5 syntax - is realm used?, qop etc etc has always confused me.
Thanks in advance,
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EM
KIM signing plug-in also). Did you get any further with this?
I lodged a bug with the libdkim people but got no response.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
James Turnbull wrote:
> I had similar problems and got an error message in the main Apache
> error_log of:
> [Sat Oct 07 09:40:45 2006] [error] Could not create SSL context:
> Permission denied at /home/smtpd/plugins/tls line 79.\n
I fixed this issue - SSL debug revealed
not create SSL context:
Permission denied at /home/smtpd/plugins/tls line 79.\n
No idea if it's related and haven't had a chance to debug. Anyone know
where Apache creates the SSL context?
James Turnbull
P.S. Also drop the last / on your PerlSetVar QpsmtpdDir statement -
amhaus isn't under the jurisdiction
of US law - it's a UK entity. If Linhardt wants to stop them he is
going to have to file the same case in a UK court and the laws regarding
spam in the UK are considerably different.
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&
the Makefile.PL clears up is the location of the configuration files and
the plug-ins. Or that the code is adjusted internally to do so. There
doesn't seem to be a consistent approach in the mainline or the plug-ins
to finding these locations. This makes packaging qpsmtpd difficult.
> be
> a stretch.
Shouldn't that be if config/tls_before_auth != 0 then it displays AUTH
only after STARTTLS?
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
Just wondering what the plans were for the pollserver - will the
unstable branch be merged into the 0.3x branch (or vice versa)?
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
PGP Key (http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x0C42DF40)
simple and I'd welcome any feedback. Hope it is useful to
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
PGP Key (ht
I also have a [natural] bias that I
> won't spend [that much] time on something that I'm not willing/able to
> run myself.
Yes - just discovered that little compilation problem. I'll raise it
with them and see if I get a response.
James Turnbull
Hi all,
Does anyone know of a DKIM plugin? I found the DomainKeys plugin and am
wondering if anyone has developed one for DKIM also?
James Turnbull
James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0
Hardening Linux
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