Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Qt-Jambi building on Windows with VS2010

2012-11-03 Thread Darryl Miles
created is not a fix. Kenny Moens wrote: On 01/11/2012 20:13, Darryl Miles wrote: Need to get the unit tests working for you, so the soname 1 issue needs to be sorted for your setup. The crash reported is in a well tested piece of code using QApplication initialization. I've just managed

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Qt-Jambi building on Windows with VS2010

2012-11-03 Thread Darryl Miles
Kenny Moens wrote: Consider sending (via private email) the following 3 things: - ZIPing up all your buildlogs in all your attempts (both failed and successful), maybe from file in buildlogs/* subdirectory but also stdout/stderr info if you have it. If you have already sent me info like

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Finally got it to build... but.

2012-10-23 Thread Darryl Miles
doug brann wrote: I finally got the awt bridge to build, and there weren't any errors that I could find. However, when I tried to use it in a test, I got this: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/trolltech/qt/osinfo/OSInfo at

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Jambi 4.7 release can't find com_trolltech_research_qtjambiawtbridge_generated.pri

2012-10-18 Thread Darryl Miles
doug brann wrote: When I use the qt-jambi-qt-jambi directory un-tared from the git community, set up the environment as you say below, and type ant I get Buildfile: c:\qt-jambi-qt-jambi\build.xml DUILD FAILED target does not exist in the project null. what have I

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Jambi 4.7 release can't find com_trolltech_research_qtjambiawtbridge_generated.pri

2012-10-15 Thread Darryl Miles
Ivan Brezina wrote: few moths ago I also went through this painful procedure of building Jambi. Maybe I also sow the same/similar error. I recall that there was some problems with double quotes, backslashes and spaces in the paths. The build (no-awt one) also failed for me and I had to

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] communication between qthreads and threads

2012-10-15 Thread Darryl Miles
Hector Miuler Malpica Gallegos wrote: Good evening, I have a gui program from the application by clicking created a smtp server (using netty) on a different thread. As I can communicate these two threads? communicate a QThread as a Thread? Events between in qthreas. A QThread is a wrapped

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Jambi 4.7 release can't find com_trolltech_research_qtjambiawtbridge_generated.pri

2012-10-15 Thread Darryl Miles
doug brann wrote: When you run vcvars32.bat, it seems to set the envs in quote marks ( ). I guess in Windows, that's how you tell the OS to read spaces as part of a path. Frank reminded me of this over the weekend. I don't see any extra quote marks myself in my environment (when I run command

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Jambi 4.7 release can't find com_trolltech_research_qtjambiawtbridge_generated.pri

2012-10-14 Thread Darryl Miles
Which version of ANT are you using ? ant -version 1.8.x is expected by default now (as it has been mainstream for a few years) but a branch/patch exist for 1.7.x if you really wish to use that. With the older git tree 'qtjambi-4_7' you were trying to use expect ANT 1.7.x. You are best

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Jambi 4.7 release can't find com_trolltech_research_qtjambiawtbridge_generated.pri

2012-10-12 Thread Darryl Miles
What is the QtJambi tree you are building against and the commit-id ? I keep seeing reference to: qt-jambi-qtjambi-4_7 Which looks like an old tree that is no longer maintained and all changes should be included in the qtjambi-community tree. So a heads up that what you are tying might be a

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Jambi 4.7 release - this has gotten a bit ugly

2012-10-11 Thread Darryl Miles
I build for Qt 4.7.4 and 4.8.x and using the GIT tree qtjambi-community. Did you begin from the microsoft SDK environment ? With Visual Studio you run 'vcvars32.bat' or use the Microsoft Prompt from the start menu ? I use Microsoft PSDK and setup Command Prompt for each environment: x86

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Jambi 4.7 release

2012-10-08 Thread Darryl Miles
doug brann wrote: Is there any news on the timetable for the 4.7.x final release? Failing that, I'm eager to get your fixes for the awt bridge. It looks like there are no win32 binaries with your fixes, so I'm willing to build them myself, but I'm not sure what I'd need to do that. Can you

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Compiling QTJambi - Dependencies

2012-08-24 Thread Darryl Miles
Gowthamram Nallan wrote: Am trying to compile QTJambi on my Mac (OS = Lion, 10.7.4). I'm using the steps detailed in this page for reference. Am not certain what are the pre-requisites required to build it. Obviously, QT libraries and QTWebKit will be

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] QtJambiTypeManager::getExternalTypeName: Couldn't convert 'QVariantList' to Java type

2012-08-22 Thread Darryl Miles
Gowthamram Nallan wrote: QtJambiTypeManager::getExternalTypeName: Couldn't convert 'QVariantList' to Java type QtJambiTypeManager::convertInternalToExternal: Cannot convert to type '' from 'QVariantList' Exception caught after invoking slot java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: at

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] QtJambi AWT bridge project has been updated

2012-08-15 Thread Darryl Miles
Philipp A. wrote: ok, i try to answer everything at once: 1. out of curiosity, i have boiled down the build script ( to the bare minimum of what’s needed. only ~30 lines of code are left (of course sacrificing stuff like mac build and paths that differ from my

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] QtWebkit on archlinux can’t be found/linked

2012-08-14 Thread Darryl Miles
Philipp A. wrote: unfortunately it fails for the current master branch, not being able to compile HelloWebkit. a locate qwebview yields the directories /usr/include/QtWebKit/ and /usr/lib/qt/plugins/designer/ how to set my paths for this setup? currently i have it like so, and despite

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] QtJambi AWT bridge project has been updated

2012-08-14 Thread Darryl Miles
hi darryl, i tried to get it running, but hit some obstacles: 1. i have to set some paths. i compile against system QT, so i set QTDIR to /usr, is that OK? Usually QTDIR it not set at all (when building against a Linux disto system Qt). When building QtJambi itself. As for building

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Using QThread

2012-06-21 Thread Darryl Miles
Ralf Van Bogaert wrote: The problem is this signal is never triggered. I assume this would happen when the run() method reached the end. It depends if you really need a QThread. With QtJambi the first design decision to make is does this thread really need to be a QThread since Java

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] returning from a reimplemented data method

2012-06-21 Thread Darryl Miles
Ralf Van Bogaert wrote: I have subclassed SqlTableModel to reimplement it's data method. I'm having some problems with this. What I should be able to do is public Object data(QModelIndex index,int role){ if(role==1 index.row==1){return new QIcon();} else{return;} }

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Library 'libQtCore.4.dylib' was not found problem

2012-06-17 Thread Darryl Miles
unzip/unjar the native JAR with the *.dylib files in it. Setup DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the elocation of the lib subdir. Now restart your Java VM / application from this environment. HTH Darryl Vladimir Sapronov wrote: I'm trying to run my application on Mac OS X. The application

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] QSettings returned value type question

2012-06-11 Thread Darryl Miles
Samu Voutilainen wrote: maanantai 11 kesäkuu 2012 09:25:36 Ralf Van Bogaert kirjoitti: When retrieving values with QSettings, the value is returned as a Java object by default. I can typecast it to a string if needed, but in many cases the values returned are integers or booleans and I'm not

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Maven repo

2012-06-06 Thread Darryl Miles wrote: Do you plan to release jars to maven central? No. We are using qtjambi in our project (maven based) and we had to upload qtjambi jars to our repo:;quick~qtjambi This is your repository ? Maybe you mean it is your

[Qt-jambi-interest] QtJambi AWT bridge project has been updated

2012-05-31 Thread Darryl Miles
This is a heads-up posting that I have updated the QtJambi AWT bridge. The AWT bridge allows for the mixing of QtJambi/Qt GUI components with existing AWT and/or Swing components inside a single application project and inside the same windows/widgets and other GUI artifacts within a single

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Qt-Jambi with OSGI

2012-05-24 Thread Darryl Miles
ahmet erdinc yilmaz wrote: Is there anyone that used jambi with OSGI? I had some trials with both equinox and felix, jambi could not find the file. I have included the jars to my bundle as an bundle-classpath. Although I can open this properties file from the classloder as

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] how to use .qrc

2012-05-04 Thread Darryl Miles
Χρήστος Τριανταφύλλης wrote: Hello everyone, can someone tell me how to use the .qrc file so i can have icons in my application? I think you are referring to the facility C++ Qt provides to embed resources into an EXE to access them, much like native Windows application can do. C++ Qt

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] No 'qtjambi-deployment.xml',' was not found

2012-05-02 Thread Darryl Miles
When trying to compile ? Your snippet looks like you are trying to run/execute your QtJambi based application. Which version of QtJambi ? How is it installed/deployed, such as into Ubuntu system areas or as a standalone bunch of JARs on the classpath ? There should be a version of

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] QLabel with pressed Event

2012-04-24 Thread Darryl Miles
Marc Ortolà Ibàñez wrote: Hi, I want to enable the mousePressEvent in QLabels. I make a class that is MyCustomLabel: How can I connect the event in the other classes? Am I in the correct way? Please don't use pastebin to contain your example on a mailing list.

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Qt-Jambi - Windows - Amd64

2012-04-11 Thread Darryl Miles
Kenny Moens wrote: I'm using Qt-Jambi for a Java-based project. Our users have fairly different machines and have few knowledge of computers. Many of them think Oh I have a 64-bit machine, I must install 64-bit Java for many common (sometimes false) reasons. You can educate your users that

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Access to QX11Info

2012-02-20 Thread Darryl Miles
Cvetoslav Ludmiloff wrote: How to modify generator xml typesystem specification to gain access to QX11Info class? Could anybody advice me with better example with how generator works. All I need is a simple access to QX11Info class and separate library with some handy X11 functions like

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Qt-Jambi Status for real world application

2012-02-03 Thread Darryl Miles
Michael Jones wrote: The major pain point for us was difficulty in getting QtJambi working on the RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 family of Linux distros with an rpm installer package and compatibility with recent Qt versions. I managed to get everything compiled with a couple of weeks worth of

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Need help with qtjambiawtbridge

2011-11-22 Thread Darryl Miles
I also hope you add the bridge to the Jambi core where it belongs. That tool is just too important to leave out This is still on the work queue to be done before Christmas. There are currently 98 patches in my gitorious tree that should be merged with master by the end of the week. git

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] QTJambi Eclipse Integration Plugin

2011-09-05 Thread Darryl Miles
Poalo Pacussi wrote: I just tested the eclipse integration with ubuntu (32 bit, however) - it works. So if I'm not mistaken your problem is not the eclipse integration but the (new) jambi libraries itself? From my point of view getting a newer Eclipse integration is in the pipeline to look

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] qtjambi-win32-msvc2008-4.7.3.jar and qtjambi-win32-mingw-4.7.3.jar

2011-08-31 Thread Darryl Miles
Darryl Miles wrote: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) Please advise if this corrects the problem. This was confirmed via private email to resolve the problem

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] qtjambi-win32-msvc2008-4.7.3.jar and qtjambi-win32-mingw-4.7.3.jar

2011-08-30 Thread Darryl Miles
Have you installed MSVCRT90*.DLL on the machine showing the Application startup problem. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) Please advise if this corrects the problem. Alternatively install

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] building qtjambi 4.7.3

2011-08-29 Thread Darryl Miles
Compiler version ? gcc -v QtJambi-Community git commit-id ? git log -n1 exitStatus=-1073741511 looks like 0xc139 #define STATUS_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND ((NTSTATUS) 0xc139) Can you try to run the generator.exe manually from a command shell using the output from the build log to

Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] qtjambi compilation for macosx

2011-03-02 Thread Darryl Miles
Michael Douglass wrote: Darryl, So you are not interested in any builds I can provide? Michael In a few weeks (once I have finished the work), maybe it is worth trying to run the auto-build environment from a Mac and fixing it to work. This is a Perl script that downloads source/version