Re: [ntp:questions] why is this clock not even considered?

2007-12-26 Thread David L. Mills
Folkert, First, temporarily remove all but the SHM driver to simplify debugging. Then, look at the rv billoard for that association and note the flasher bits. Then, look at the peer_unfit() routine in ntp_proto.c. The comments detail the reasons for each bit. More information is in the specifi

[ntp:questions] M'I-5,Pe rsecution ' Molestatio n during Trave l

2007-12-26 Thread emfivmi
MI5 Persecution:. Molestation during Travel MI5s persecution of me varies in intensity.. Since 1990 it has been steady for perhaps 80% of the time; there was. a notable quiet period in 1993, and another quiet period in Jan-Feb 1995, as well as a hiatus. in the first two months of 1999. It puzzles

[ntp:questions] M.I 5`Persecuti on . B BC Ne wscasters Lie & Den y Theyre Watch ing Me

2007-12-26 Thread feivmfm
MI5. Persecution: BBC Newscasters Lie & Deny They're Watching Me Central to the persecution campaign waged against me. for some nine years now by the Security Service is their use of the media,. and in particular the broadcast media, to make clear to me that I. am under surveillance and being wat

[ntp:questions] M.I 5`Persecu tion - Fo ur Yea rs of MI5 P ersecution Post s on Int ernet Newsgrou ps

2007-12-26 Thread mifmemi
Four. Years of "MI5 Persecution" Posts on Internet Newsgroups For approximately the. first three years of the MI5 persecution, from June 1990 until late 1992, I kept as quiet as possible, in. the hope that by not reacting, MI5s interest in. me would decrease and they would simply go away of their

[ntp:questions] M.I 5`Persecution - M I5 W aste Taxp ayer M illions on Pointles s Hate-Campa ign

2007-12-26 Thread vfeifie
MI5 Persecution Update: Friday 30 April,. 1999 If You Intend To Reply,. Please Read This Please keep your response to one page!. Faxes. over a page or two will be deleted without. being read. Somewhere between 0 and. 100% The last few days there have. been no clear recordable instances of a

[ntp:questions] M I.5'Per secution Comparing t he M I5 Persecutio n wit h Germ an Fin al So lution

2007-12-26 Thread iefemvfi
MI5 Persecution Update:. Friday 16 April, 1999 If You Intend. To Reply, Please Read This Please keep your response to one page!. Faxes. over a page or two will be deleted. without being read. BBC newscaster. Nicholas Witchell cant stop himself laughing During 1990-91 there were. very many i