[R] Library(mice) too slow for my dataset

2014-08-05 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone I have a big dataset (40.000 columns (variables) and 50 rows) I want to impute a lot of  variables  with  library(mice), the problem is that this process is too slow (because of my dataset, the library is brilliant). I am looking some options like Amazon web services, ( 

[R] Variable names in plotCI

2014-04-11 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hello to everyone, I would like to put the variable names in the x-axis of this plot instead of number 1:63: plotCI(1:num_col_comp,med,2.06*des/sqrt(n),lwd=1,col=red,scol=seashell4,main=Intervalo de confianza,xlab=Variables clínicas,ylab=Intervalo de confianza)abline(h=0,

[R] Box plot without original data

2014-04-04 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone! I need to plot a box plot but I don't have the original data, is it possible to make it just with the median, mean, sd and range of values? Any idea is welcome. Thanks in advance. __

[R] Simulating data

2014-04-04 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone To simulate data I only know this command: rnorm(n , mean, sd)   It exists another way to specify Median and range as well? The point is that I have  this information about the variable: Median: 4.3 Mean: 4.2 SD: 1.8 Range: 0-8 and I need a boxplot, but I don't have the

[R] ANOVA repeated mesures

2013-12-18 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone, I am tring to make a Anova with repeated measures,my data set looks like: participantes - c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) grupo - factor(c(rep(A, 8), rep(B, 8), rep(C, 8)))valor - c(1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 5,

[R] Confidence interval, multiple imputation

2013-12-02 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone, I have a big data set where rows are observations and columns are variables. It contains a lot of missing values. I have used multiple imputation with library mice and I get an “exact” prediction of each missing value. Now, I would like to know the error I can commit or the

[R] colours legend, for loop,density plot

2013-11-11 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi , thanks in advance I have the follow code: normal-sort(rnorm(1000))cauchy-sort(rcauchy(1000)) t3-sort(rt(1000,3))t10-sort(rt(1000, 10)) col-c(green,blue,orange,purple) v-list(normal,cauchy,t3,t10) names(v)-c(Normal, Cauchy, T-stud 3 df, T-stud 10 df)

[R] R Help

2013-09-05 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi everone and thanks for this service, I have a dataset which look like: X. IE.2003 IE.2004 IE.2005 IE.2006 IE.2007 IE.2008 IE.2009 IE.2010 14560 118958 187 475 571 76410471203 715 807 12737 105571 935 942 917 948 991 861 NA

[R] Legend Help

2013-09-03 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone and thanks for this service. I have a doubt with legend, I have seen ?legend, but I don't get the way to write in my code the legend that I want, This is my code: for( i in 1:4)} pdf(paste(plotImputed, i,.pdf,sep=)) plot(a[,6], type=l, main=paste( Imputed

[R] Outliers Help

2013-08-30 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
This is my a part of my data set D[1:15,c(1,5:10)] X. media IE.2005 IE.2006 IE.2007 IE.2008 IE.2009 IE.2010 1 1108 22.060.0 39 4.0 8.016.0 5.0 2 1479 110.0 NA NA53.0 1166.0 344.8 110.0 3 1591 86.6 247.0 87

[R] Help If

2013-08-29 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone and sorry for my question, I would like to use IF in an example like this: If((condition1 and condition2) Or (condition 3 and condition4)) {print uhvef} BUt I don´t know how to write it correctly, Thanks in advance

[R] Help R

2013-08-29 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone, I would like to replace some values in a data.frame (D) str(D) 'data.frame': 116 obs. of 10 variables: $ X. : int 1108 1591 3408 3872 5823 8099 10640 12600 14680 14698 ... $ media : num 22 86.6 807 103.2 73 ... $ IE.2003: num 32 92 166 237 161 ... $ IE.2004: num

[R] R plot

2013-08-06 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone, first of all, thanks hor this excellent service. I have a doubt in R, it looks like: I want to get a plot of my data.frame, but I have used the funtion split in this data.frame and I don't know if there exist some function which could help me, I was using for loop. The

[R] R help

2013-08-06 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi everyone, I'm sorry for my questions, I'm sure they are totally stupig, but I am completely new in this program and I am facing this danger alone I have done imputation for one part of my data set, however I am not able for doing in general. this is part of my data set (cast2)

[R] R help

2013-07-31 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi First of all, thanks for this service, it is being very useful for me. I am new in R so I have a lot of doubts. I have to do imputation in a data set, this is a sample of my data set which looks like: NUMERO Data1 Data2 IE.2003 IE.2004 IE.2005 IE.2006 IE.2007 IE.2008 IE.2009

[R] Help R

2013-07-26 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi to everyone, first of all thanks for this service, it is being very useful for me, thanks in advance. I am new in R, so I suppose I could make really naive questions, I'm sorry. I have to impute some missing values and I am trying to do it with VIM library trough Hot Deck imputation. I


2013-07-22 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
HI everyoneI sent you an e-mail yesterday about apply function, this morning I have done something else but I still having problems, could you help me? Thanks in advance DATOS NUMERO Provincia CENAES IE.2005 IE.2006 IE.2007 IE.2008 29183 Alicante 771142.00046.000


2013-07-22 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi, I did what you have told me but I can not do it well, NUMERO Provincia CENAES IE.2005 IE.2006 IE.2007 IE.2008 29183 Alicante 771142.00046.00055.000 47.00030 479 Alicante 8299 1158.000 476.000 503.000 300.00031591 Alicante

Re: [R] HELP R

2013-07-22 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi, I did what you have told me but I can not do it well, NUMERO Provincia CENAES IE.2005 IE.2006 IE.2007 IE.2008 29183 Alicante 771142.00046.00055.000 47.00030 479 Alicante 8299 1158.000 476.000 503.000 300.00031591 Alicante

[R] R Help

2013-07-19 Thread Teresa Martinez Soriano
Hi everyone, I have a dataset which I am handling with R . Unfortunately I have two kinds of empty cells, one corresponds to missing values and the other one is empty because it has to. I ‘m going to put an example (just a part of my dataset ) to try to clarify my question: missing values are