still doesn't work.
> Hello,
> I've just seen the error, you are _not_ searching for colnames in
> mod5.sig$snps. Corrected:
> Selec = todos[ , colnames(todos) %in% mod5.sig$snps]
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Em 23-10-2012 21:17, Silvano Cesar da Costa escreveu:
>> Hi Rui,
Sorry but, what doesn't work? What is the error message or result?
As for stringsAsFactors not keeping character strings as character
strings maybe this is from calling data.frame from within the
environment used by with(), but you can use other ways of converting to
character strings,
Hi Rui,
it doesn't work:
> (mod5.sig = with(mod5, data.frame(snps = SNP[pvalor<5e-8],
> str(mod5.sig)
'data.frame': 76 obs. of 1 variable:
$ snps: Factor w/ 220 levels "rs10058955_A",..: 89 59 88 73 40 35 97 55
87 204 ...
> Selec = todos[ , colnames(todos) %in% mod5
I've just seen the error, you are _not_ searching for colnames in
mod5.sig$snps. Corrected:
Selec = todos[ , colnames(todos) %in% mod5.sig$snps]
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 23-10-2012 21:17, Silvano Cesar da Costa escreveu:
Hi Rui,
it doesn't work:
(mod5.sig = with(mod5, dat
When creating the data.frame of snps use the option stringsAsFactors = FALSE
I believe your error comes from the fact that you are trying to find
colnames in a variable coded as integers (a factor, like str shows).
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 23-10-2012 19:02, Silvano Cesar da Cos
The program below work very well.
(snps = c('rs621782_G', 'rs8087639_G', 'rs8094221_T', 'rs7227515_A',
Selec = todos[ , colnames(todos) %in% snps]
But, I have a data set with 1.000 columns and I need extract 70 to use
(like snps in command above).
This 70 snps ar
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