On Apr 7, 2013, at 16:06 , Mike Amato wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. Maybe my problem is that prcomp() and varimax()
> are calculating "cumulative proportion of variance" differently?
> When I use the tol parameter with prcomp(), it restricts the number of
> components to 3 and reports that the
Thanks for the reply. Maybe my problem is that prcomp() and varimax()
are calculating "cumulative proportion of variance" differently?
When I use the tol parameter with prcomp(), it restricts the number of
components to 3 and reports that the cumulative variance explained by
the third component
> My concern is with the reported proportions of variance for the 3
> components after varimax rotation. It looks like each of my 3 components
> explains 1/15 of the total variance, summing to a cumulative proportion
> of 20% of variance explained. But those 3 components I retained should
I am attempting to do a principal components analysis on 15 survey
items. I want to use a varimax rotation on the retained components, but
I am dubious of the output I am getting, and so I suspect I am doing
something wrong. I proceed in the following steps:
1) use prcomp() to inspect
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