Re: [R] insert a dot to the numbers

2009-12-20 Thread Marc Schwartz
) - 3)) [1] 110. 112.3210 See ?nchar nchar(s) [1] 7 6 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide

Re: [R] Plot odds ratios on log scale

2009-12-21 Thread Marc Schwartz
, order, code = 3, angle = 90)) See ?arrows for help on the options for formatting the lines. Alternatively, since it appears you are doing a meta-analysis of sorts, you might want to look at the metaplot() and forestplot() functions in Thomas Lumley's 'rmeta' package on CRAN. HTH, Marc

Re: [R] Plot odds ratios on log scale

2009-12-21 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Dec 21, 2009, at 4:13 PM, Ted Harding wrote: On 21-Dec-09 21:19:27, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Dec 21, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Rice, Terri wrote: Hi, I have the following table of odds ratios (or), lower limits(ll) and upper limits(ul), which I would like to plot as horizontal lines beginning

Re: [R] What might be the security issues from installing R?

2009-12-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
-fail_002e From a more generic perspective, if your institution is using Linux, Apache, OpenOffice, Firefox or Thunderbird among others, they are already using open source software. The barrier to using open source gets lower all the time. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] vectors into a matrix

2010-01-07 Thread Marc Schwartz
a list. t(sapply(ls(pattern = ^VD[0-9]+$), get)) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] VD1 12 34 457 67 45 VD2 23 12 45 67 89 90 VD3 14 11 10 19 20 27 VD4 16 22 23 29 27 28 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R-help@r

Re: [R] Installation on 64bit redhat linux question

2010-05-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
configuration of your system correct. Alternatively, if you have a local Linux SysAdmin that you can access, that would be another option. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read

[R] R on the iPhone/iPad? Not so much....a GPL violation

2010-05-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
, not as a catalyst for a discussion on the political aspects of this situation. So please, let's not go there... :-) Regards, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http

Re: [R] Help with R graphics

2010-05-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
?layout: # Create a plot with 3 columns with uneven widths defined layout(matrix(1:3, ncol = 3), widths = c(1/5, 2/5, 2/5)) # show the 3 regions HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list

Re: [R] R on the iPhone/iPad? Not so much....a GPL violation

2010-06-01 Thread Marc Schwartz
character sets, rather than scrolling through them using the default keyboard. I hope that the above is helpful to folks. Needless to say, I do not present the above as being the definitive reference, but it seems to be at least a logical interpretation of the current situation. Regards, Marc

Re: [R] R on the iPhone/iPad? Not so much....a GPL violation

2010-06-01 Thread Marc Schwartz
Ken, See comments inline. On Jun 1, 2010, at 2:25 PM, Ken Williams wrote: Hi Marc, I want to debate a couple points from your post: 1. Distribution of GPL covered applications is not permissible via the App Store due to the Apple Terms of Service language, which infringes upon rights

Re: [R] rgl problem on Fedora 13

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
consider contacting the rgl package maintainers to see if there is any additional information that they can provide based upon their more intimate knowledge. Finally, there is a R SIG Fedora e-mail list. More info at: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] R linux install: FORTRAN compiling error

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
built for your release, you tend to obviate version incompatibility issues, as Prof. Ripley has noted. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R

Re: [R] R linux install: FORTRAN compiling error

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 3, 2010, at 10:38 AM, vaneet wrote: I tried downloading the pre-built binaries of R from this website and then installing the rpms but is seems they depend on so many other packages to be installed first. I tried simply the R package first: warning: R-2.11.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm:

Re: [R] Interaction versus combinations

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
? Thanks in advance Alex van der Spek combn(c(1, 3, 6, 9), 2) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,]111336 [2,]369699 See ?combn HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list https

Re: [R] sig for R and C++

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
lists is at: The Posting Guide also has a question: Which list: R-help, R-devel, or Bioconductor? with some guidance on this point. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list https

Re: [R] data-management: Rowwise NA

2010-06-03 Thread Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] How do I 'merge' a altered subset of a data.frame back into the same data.frame

2010-06-04 Thread Marc Schwartz
165.33 2 2 1.50 79.00 3 3 0.40 51.66 4 4 0.50 57.00 5 5 1.77 7.70 6 6 0.58 99.70 7 7 0.48160.00 8 8 1.04 84.00 9 9 1.93 87.00 10 10 0.43150.70 HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] R plotting on linux, regardless of architecture of local machine

2010-06-04 Thread Marc Schwartz
itself, if you want local display graphics. I am not cognizant of other options, but will defer to others with more recent Windows experience. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE

Re: [R] R plotting on linux, regardless of architecture of local machine

2010-06-04 Thread Marc Schwartz
, X11 port forwarding will be disabled on the RHEL server side of things. I see that Ted has also provided an excellent reply, so hopefully this might supplement his in some fashion. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list https

Re: [R] plotting a dataset with median 0

2010-06-05 Thread Marc Schwartz
, plot.points = FALSE) you can get something similar to the overlapping density plots in the 'sm' package. Food for thought. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read

Re: [R] R-List on Spanish Where I can find???

2010-06-09 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:38 PM, TND (Ing. Marcos Ortiz Valmaseda) wrote: Regards to all R-Help list I ´m searching a R list on Spanish Do you know any? Regards and thanks a lot Go here: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] 45 degree tick marks

2010-06-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
-axis-labels_003f HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained

Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
as described above (3/10/10). Felipe, Do you want the report to be dated for the day that it is processed by latex? If so, just use: \today to generate the current date at run time in the long format that you have above. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R

Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
Felipe, I would not do the processing in TeX, but do it in R and then pass the results to the \Sexpr{}'s. If I am correctly understanding the process flow, put the following R code chunk before the point where you need to output the formatted dates: results=hide START -

Re: [R] Latex: Date Format conversion

2010-06-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 10, 2010, at 12:19 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote: Felipe, I would not do the processing in TeX, but do it in R and then pass the results to the \Sexpr{}'s. If I am correctly understanding the process flow, put the following R code chunk before the point where you need to output

Re: [R] logistic regression with 50 varaibales

2010-06-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
techniques. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] logistic regression with 50 varaibales

2010-06-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
first. Cheers Joris On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Jun 13, 2010, at 10:20 PM, array chip wrote: Hi, this is not R technical question per se. I know there are many excellent statisticians in this list, so here my questions: I have dataset

Re: [R] xtable with Sweave

2010-06-14 Thread Marc Schwartz
directly to specify non-default arguments: print(xtable(, align = l|c), caption.placement = top, table.placement = 'H') See the help pages for ?xtable and ?print.table, including the last examples in the former. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R-help@r

Re: [R] Unspecified [upper] xlim/ylim?

2010-06-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
)) as the argument syntax. The same would apply for the x axis limits. Is that what you are after? HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] list of variables of an expression

2010-06-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
information. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible

Re: [R] RODBC in R

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
list for data base related queries: HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] R licensing query

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
). On a more general level, since you are in a healthcare setting, you might also want to point them to: which might provide additional comfort that R is being used for regulated clinical trial activities. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] RODBC: AD authentication when accessing database?

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
setting and the potential interactions that might be relevant. A search of the archives was also not helpful. I would suggest posting your query to the R-SIG-DB list, where you will avail yourself of a more focused audience: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] R licensing query

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Barry Rowlingson wrote: On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote: Pardon my english but you're working for idiots. I'd look elsewhere if there are other options. IT departments should be here to help get things done,

Re: [R] [OT] Oo-calc StAtistics

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
in, which discuss some of the faults in Calc, such as rounding numbers close to 0 to 0 (like Excel does) and some of the non-IEEE 754 floating point behavior (like Excel does)... HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list

Re: [R] [OT] Oo-calc StAtistics

2010-06-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Ted Harding wrote: On 17-Jun-10 20:36:27, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Jun 17, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Ted Harding wrote: The thread R licensing query currently running has raised the classic critcisms of using Excel for statistics. I was wondering: Has anyone applied

Re: [R] Popularity of R, SAS, SPSS, Stata...

2010-06-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
of graphs as the final output so another term makes sense. But what should it be? Data analysis? My 0.02€, Liviu Well yes, I've used it myself I think, but I was hoping for something a bit 'sexier'. L'analyse des Données Say it with a deep voice ;-) Regards, Marc

Re: [R] Use of processor by R 32bit on a 64bit machine

2010-06-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
I suspect that it was Intel's marketing department, after a few beers at the local bar... ;-) Regards, Marc On Jun 29, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Joris Meys wrote: *slaps forehead* Thanks. So out it goes, that hyperthreading. Who invented hyperthreading on a quad-core anyway? Cheers Joris

Re: [R] Help with dates and characters

2010-06-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
, not a Date class object. If you actually want the vector as a Date class object, but just 'format' the output as YY-MM, then you can use: # See ?as.Date and ?strptime format(as.Date(x, format = %Y-%m-%d), %Y-%m) [1] 2000-01 2000-01 2001-03 HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Sweave, xtable plus/minus sign

2010-06-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
to tweak the sanitize.text.function argument in print.xtable() to properly handle the backslashes. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] seq.dates in reverse?

2010-06-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
something like: seq(as.Date(2010-07-29), length = 2, by = -4 months) [1] 2010-07-29 2010-03-29 ? Note that the 'by' argument can be a negative interval. See the third bullet in the Details section of ?seq.Date. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R-help@r

Re: [R] identifying odd or even number

2010-07-01 Thread Marc Schwartz
/FAQ/R-FAQ.html#Why-doesn_0027t-R-think-these-numbers-are-equal_003f HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] generating list of all arguments that function was called with

2010-07-02 Thread Marc Schwartz
to a list, yielding the argument names and values. 'expand.dots' is used to deal with the '...' args, if they exist. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] logistic regression - glm() - example in Dalgaard's book ISwR

2010-07-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Counting defined character within String

2010-07-05 Thread Marc Schwartz
(as.character(DF$Var), split = \\|), length) [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 and of course get the max value. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R

Re: [R] Need help in handling date

2010-07-07 Thread Marc Schwartz
] November December See ?LETTERS HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self

Re: [R] F# vs. R

2010-07-07 Thread Marc Schwartz
your query. Regards, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible

Re: [R] strange floor rounding

2010-07-09 Thread Marc Schwartz
* .58) [1] 57.99289457 See R FAQ 7.31 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented

Re: [R] Inserting an image into a PDF file

2010-07-11 Thread Marc Schwartz
, you can take advantage of built-in functionality to manipulate these files. Of course using Sweave is yet another option. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting

Re: [R] Run time error when executing sqlQuery using the 64-bit version of R with 64-bit RODBC package in a Solaris 10 Sparc machine.

2010-01-20 Thread Marc Schwartz
can connect using the sqlplus tool provided by Oracle to connect and run the same query that you are attempting inside R with RODBC. Not sure where else to point you for the moment. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list https

Re: [R] Run time error when executing sqlQuery using the 64-bit version of R with 64-bit RODBC package in a Solaris 10 Sparc machine.

2010-01-20 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jan 20, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Eric Ma wrote: Thanks Marc for the quick reply. I confirmed the R binary I built is indeed 64-bit. sqlplus works fine, so is the odbcConnect() call. Any idea the error is thrown by RODBC or R? Eric If you are getting the same error as in the original

Re: [R] Rotating the axis labels in the basic graphic device ?

2010-01-23 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jan 23, 2010, at 10:25 AM, Tal Galili wrote: Marc, Following the R FAQ you linked to, I wonder how to ALWAYS have the text and the plot region fit. I know that if the text is too long, one can use the par(mar = c(big.number, 4, 4 ,4)) and get the text to fit. The question is: Is there

Re: [R] Rotating the axis labels in the basic graphic device ?

2010-01-23 Thread Marc Schwartz
for this ? No, by design there is just the las way ... Uwe Ligges Actually, there is a method and it is in the R FAQs: HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing

Re: [R] Rotating the axis labels in the basic graphic device ?

2010-01-23 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jan 23, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote: On 23.01.2010 16:56, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Jan 23, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote: On 22.01.2010 21:26, Tal Galili wrote: Hello dear R help group, I learned recently that one can change the rotation of labels in the axis

Re: [R] number of decimal

2010-01-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
to the R console. HTH, Marc Schwartz On Jan 28, 2010, at 9:21 AM, Ivan Calandra wrote: It looks to me that it does more or less the same as format(). Maybe I didn't explain myself correctly then. I would like to set the number of decimal by default, for the whole R session, like I do

Re: [R] number of decimal

2010-01-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Jan 28, 2010, at 10:04 AM, David Winsemius wrote: On Jan 28, 2010, at 10:55 AM, Marc Schwartz wrote: Ivan, The default behavior for print()ing objects to the console in an R session is via the use of the print.* methods. For real numerics, print.default() is used and the format

Re: [R] How do people use Sweave / R / Databases

2010-01-29 Thread Marc Schwartz
, along with the .Rnw file and they should be good to go. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide

Re: [R] Problem accessing help files

2010-02-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
information here: and for Firefox: Beware of any line wrapping in the above URLs. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Header in read.table() function

2010-02-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
and it checks for them when importing data. To get around the above default behavior, you can use quotes and such, but you are asking to get bitten by hard to find errors in your code if you proceed. Caveat Emptor. HTH, Marc Schwartz __

Re: [R] Header in read.table() function

2010-02-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
errors that will creep into your code without your realizing it...until it is too late. HTH, Marc Schwartz On Feb 3, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Paul Evans wrote: Hi All, I hadn't realized the 'a-1' will open such a can of worms! Actually, the header elements will look something like 'ABCD-002-234-01D

Re: [R] Problem accessing help files

2010-02-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Feb 3, 2010, at 4:00 PM, RICHARD M. HEIBERGER wrote: If you paste directly into an IE window, will it find it? You need to do that after the attempt fails in order to get the right port number for the current instance. There may

Re: [R] WMF conversion...

2010-02-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
-aliasing options in Acrobat Reader (presuming that is what you are viewing the PDF in) might help: Alternatively, test Zamzar, which is an online conversion facility: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] WMF conversion...

2010-02-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Feb 10, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Jason Rupert wrote: Thank you very much for your reply. I guess I may be using the wrong terminology. I have Office 2007. In PowerPoint 2007, I can navigate to Save As and then choose PDF or XPS. That option is shown in the attached image. When using

Re: [R] Make a table using data with frequency

2010-02-10 Thread Marc Schwartz
~ status + alc + age, data = DF)) status alc age Freq 1 0 0 0 408 2 1 0 0 26 3 0 1 0 64 4 1 1 0 30 5 0 0 1 258 6 1 0 1 78 7 0 1 1 45 8 1 1 1 66 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R

Re: [R] Assign Name of Data Frame

2010-02-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
in the global environment. See ?assign HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self

Re: [R] reading quattro pro spreadsheet .qpw into R

2010-02-16 Thread Marc Schwartz
download a trial of Corel's WordPerfect Office suite, within which Quattro is bundled. You should be able to open the files in that application and then save them to .XLS formats: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] delete repeated values - not unique...

2010-02-16 Thread Marc Schwartz
. Is there another fast function for this problem? Thanks in advance! See ?rle x - c(4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 4) rle(x)$values [1] 4 5 6 4 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read

Re: [R] RODBC missing values in integer columns

2010-02-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
(), since the following code is present in the function: rows_at_time - if (missing(rows_at_time)) attr(channel, rows_at_time) else max(1, min(1024, rows_at_time)) max(1, min(1024, 0)) [1] 1 HTH, Marc Schwartz On Feb 16, 2010, at 4:49 PM, Rob Forler wrote: It turns out

Re: [R] Use of R in clinical trials

2010-02-18 Thread Marc Schwartz
80's that went through various incarnations, was eventually bought by SAS, which then shut it down in favor of JMP. Regards, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting

Re: [R] Use of R in clinical trials

2010-02-18 Thread Marc Schwartz
/prophet.html and The BBN site is now at: But the only references there to Prophet are historical. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list

Re: [R] Use of R in clinical trials

2010-02-19 Thread Marc Schwartz
will continue to see additional growth in this domain. Regards, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide

Re: [R] (Somewhat) broken EPS files produced

2010-02-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
generation process via SWeave is not at fault. Regards, Marc Schwartz test.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] gsub patterns from vector elements w/out loop?

2010-02-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
blah Thus: paste(x, collapse = |) [1] one|two and finally: gsub(paste(x, collapse = |), something else, y) [1] something else blah something else blah something else blah [4] something else blah See ?regex and ?paste HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R-help

Re: [R] R Graphics into Latex‏

2010-02-24 Thread Marc Schwartz
available here: You want to download epslatex.pdf. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R

Re: [R] R Graphics into Latex‏

2010-02-24 Thread Marc Schwartz
epsfig is obsolete and has been replaced by graphicx, which Lars is using Regards, Marc Schwartz On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:28 PM, Saeed Abu Nimeh wrote: Use \usepackage{epsfig} after your \documentclass. Then make sure

Re: [R] barplot border width

2007-09-13 Thread Marc Schwartz
the function definition provides for ... args, the actual function call does not have a ... argument. Hence the additional arguments such as 'lwd' are not passed. I'll make a note of that for barplot2() and post a RFE on r-devel for barplot(). HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Help with a problem

2007-09-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
and ?rep HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] applying math/stat functions to rows in data frame

2007-09-15 Thread Marc Schwartz
] 10.2 9.5 9.4 9.4 10.2 11.4 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self

Re: [R] How to produce a macron symbol (overline / overbar) on a plot

2007-09-17 Thread Marc Schwartz
(1, xlab = expression(bar(temp))) HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self

Re: [R] Cox regression and p-values

2007-09-18 Thread Marc Schwartz
of page): HTH, Marc Schwartz On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 11:08 -0700, Cody Hamilton wrote: Daniel, With regards to the use of Fisher's exact test when cell counts are less than 5, take a look at: D'Agostino, RB, Chase, W

Re: [R] Plotting numbers at a specified decimal length on a plot()

2007-09-23 Thread Marc Schwartz
such as sprintf() or formatC(), the former being preferred. See ?sprintf and ?formatC for more information. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R

Re: [R] Spacing between x axis and labels

2007-09-25 Thread Marc Schwartz
will want to use either 'axes = FALSE' or 'xaxt = n' in your plot call, so that the default axis labels are not drawn. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http

Re: [R] Score test in logistic regression in R

2007-09-25 Thread Marc Schwartz
, where using ?residuals.lrm will provide some examples, including diagnostic plots. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] Password-protect script files

2007-09-26 Thread Marc Schwartz
. You can ignore my first reply, which covers protecting all files by encrypting an entire partition, not just the R code file. If that is not helpful, we will need to gain further insight into your functional requirements. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ R-help@r

Re: [R] Expressing number in percentage

2007-09-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
that the trailing '%' needs to be doubled to be recognized as the character and not a format specifier. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R

Re: [R] add a row to a data frame

2007-09-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
to match d's colnames(X) - colnames(d) # Now rbind() rbind(d, X) HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] sprucing up the R homepage

2007-09-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
Gack Who are you and what have you done with the real Hadley? Marc On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 11:55 -0500, hadley wickham wrote: Jim, After learning that you could produce translucent 3d pie charts in excel. Hadley On 9/27/07, Jim Porzak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hadley, When did you

Re: [R] Y-axis scale in Q-Qplot

2007-09-27 Thread Marc Schwartz
degrees HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Selecting values

2007-09-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
As has been said by fortune(Yoda): Evelyn Hall: I would like to know how (if) I can extract some of the information from the summary of my nlme. Simon Blomberg: This is R. There is no if. Only how. -- Evelyn Hall and Simon 'Yoda' Blomberg R-help (April 2005) HTH, Marc Schwartz On Fri

Re: [R] seq() question

2007-09-28 Thread Marc Schwartz
(e.g., 1.1). Any help/suggestions with the concept or trick that I am missing here? Thank you in advance. See R FAQ 7.31 Why doesn't R think these numbers are equal? HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Problem with Palatino font in pdf figures

2007-09-30 Thread Marc Schwartz
to be using the same font substitution and look the same. You might want to review ?pdfFonts and ?embedFonts for additional information as well as the article by Paul Murrell and Prof. Ripley in R News on non-standard fonts: HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Shading area under density curves

2007-10-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
or perhaps this entry by Thomas Lumley from the R Graph Gallery: HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read

Re: [R] creating objects of class xtabs table in R

2007-10-05 Thread Marc Schwartz
)) yy xxA B x=0 5 5 x=1 5 5 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self

Re: [R] Linux editor for R+LaTeX, but not Emacs

2007-10-05 Thread Marc Schwartz
productive environment for R coding than the combination of Emacs and ESS. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] list matching

2007-10-06 Thread Marc Schwartz
in the result set in error, such as in 'L' here: L - list(a = c(a, b, b), b = c(d, b, a), c = c(d, a)) L $a [1] a b b $b [1] d b a $c [1] d a So: intersectList(aa) [1] e intersectList(L) [1] a HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list

Re: [R] problem installing fields package 3.5 on R 1.8.1 on linux

2007-10-06 Thread Marc Schwartz
of all the packages you require. Once you have done that, re-install the fields package. There is almost certainly a conflict between the latest version of fields and your old version of R. If there is a still a problem, post back and/or contact the package maintainer. HTH, Marc Schwartz

Re: [R] Linux editor for R+LaTeX, but not Emacs

2007-10-06 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Sat, 2007-10-06 at 13:42 -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote: On 6 October 2007 at 11:01, Scionforbai wrote: | What features are you missing in emacs that you wish were there? Are | these ESS features or LaTeX related features? | | is it only me or has anyone else the problem that running

Re: [R] identify number of sequences from a vector

2007-10-09 Thread Marc Schwartz
:3] 1 0 1 length(rle(Vec)$lengths) [1] 3 HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal

Re: [R] 2 Sample Confidence Interval - Formatting Data?

2007-10-09 Thread Marc Schwartz
for the coefficients in a linear model, not for the difference in means in a two sample test. HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] reference for logistic regression

2007-10-11 Thread Marc Schwartz
. More information here: HTH, Marc Schwartz __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

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