[R] Assign new observations to Clara clusters

2005-07-26 Thread Nestor Fernandez
Dear all, I need to assign new observations to cluster groups previously identified for a different dataset. The original clustering was performed using Clara. I gess one way is to assign each new observation to the nearest medioid of the original cluster. Is there a way of doing this in R? Is

Re: [R] generalized linear mixed models - how to compare?

2005-04-20 Thread Nestor Fernandez
Dear all, Thanks for the responses to this post. I understand that the topic still requires more research. However, I am a non-statistician in a desperate need to analyze my ecological data with the currently available tools. Please excuse again my non-expert question: Would I commit a huge

[R] generalized linear mixed models - how to compare?

2005-04-17 Thread Nestor Fernandez
Dear all, I want to evaluate several generalized linear mixed models, including the null model, and select the best approximating one. I have tried glmmPQL (MASS library) and GLMM (lme4) to fit the models. Both result in similar parameter estimates but fairly different likelihood estimates. My

[R] Gap statistic

2005-03-10 Thread Nestor Fernandez
Dear All, I need to calculate the optimal number of clusters for a classification based on a large number of observations (tens of thousands). Thibshirani et al. proposed the gap statistic for this purpose. I tried the R-code developed by R. Jörnsten but R hangs with such amount of data (). Is