> Hello,
> Is there any function "argmax" in R ?
> For example, if I have the vector x=c(1,4,15,7,6), max(x)=15.
> But I need a function f such that f(x)=3, 3 being the number where 15 is.
Is there any function "argmax" in R ?
For example, if I have the vector x=c(1,4,15,7,6), max(x)=15.
But I need a function f such that f(x)=3, 3 being the number where 15 is.
Thank you very much.
ues clics pour retrouv
I guess that you are on Windows, and that you need to install the
tools required to build R packages. The instructions for doing this
are at
and then visiting the "Manuals" and 'R Installation and
Administration" links. See especially section 3 and appendix F. This
When I run the code : R CMD INSTALL -c SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz
i have:
"gzip:stdin:invalid compressed data--crc error
tar:child returned status 1
cannot untar the package"
what i do?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
miniar mansouri wrote:
> thank you Martin , but the problem now is that when I run " R CMD INSTALL -c
> SJava.tar .gz" I have the message " perl n'est pas reconnue en tant que
> command interne ou externe"
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
So what about installing perl on your machi
thank you Martin , but the problem now is that when I run " R CMD INSTALL -c
SJava.tar .gz" I have the message " perl n'est pas reconnue en tant que command
interne ou externe"
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch ma
Dear R People:
in the function loess, how can one add the weight of the points which is
contained in the variable "nbtotal"
Data :
Nbtotal P_alim H_eau
xyplot(P_alim ~ H_eau,
auto.key = list(points = T, lines = F),data = data,
type = c("p", "smooth"), span=.2,
At 11:12 26/06/05, pir2.jv wrote:
>Ma première question: puis-je écrire en français, mon anglais est
>pire que pire. J'essaie en français; sinon, j'essaierai une traduction!
>Je sduis débutant. Ma question est donc simple, j'imagine.
I think ?merge is your friend here.
>Je travaille sur des tab
Have you studied "An Introduction to R" [available via help.start()]?
Note especially the sections on "Factors", "Arrays and matrices", and
"Lists and data frames". There are also a couple of French-language
introductions to R available via "www.r-project.org" -> Documentation:
Ma première question: puis-je écrire en français, mon anglais est
pire que pire. J'essaie en français; sinon, j'essaierai une traduction!
Je sduis débutant. Ma question est donc simple, j'imagine.
Je travaille sur des tableaux de statistiques. Je prends un exemple:
J'ai un "frame" que j'appelle
Im working in behavioural ecology Im interesting in doing a
multi-factorial MANOVA with a random effect as of independent variable.
Do you know if its possible to do that and how I can do it?
Julien Martin
Laboratoire de Denis Réale
Chaire de Recherche du Canada en écolog
Just look at the examples in ?persp.
There is a function called trans3d defined in it that will traduce your 3D
coordinates to 2D, and so you will be able to draw lines with lines function.
Corey Bradshaw a écrit :
>I've created a perspective plot using 'persp' in the graphics p
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Benjamin Esterni wrote:
> I have a problem with the dr function: "dimension reduction".
It seems that you are using it inappropriately.
> I give you my example, and i'll be pleased to read your comments.
> #let be X a matrix 50*100:
> library(dr);
You should not be te
Dear users
I have a problem with the dr function: "dimension reduction".
I give you my example, and i'll be pleased to read your comments.
#let be X a matrix 50*100:
X<- matrix(rnorm(50*100,5,1),50,100);
#and let be Y a vector response:
Y<- sample(0:1,50,replace=T);
#I choose (for
14 matches
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