[R-sig-Geo] summing up the highest Raster values within polygons

2012-01-12 Thread didimayr
Dear all, I have a little bit complex problem and don't know how to start solving it. Maybe someone has experience with similar issues or knows a solution. 1) I have many Raster files with (solar-)energy-Values, based on a digital elevation model (DEM). Depending on the orientation and the slope

Re: [R-sig-Geo] rotate-ing a raster brick?

2012-01-12 Thread Andy Hartley
Hi Robert, Thanks for replying. Unfortunately I can't change my version of R (we have a centrally installed version that gets rolled out every so often). I think raster is up to date though. Here's the info you asked for - the traceback doesn't make much sense to me! I've already done a work

Re: [R-sig-Geo] summing up the highest Raster values within polygons

2012-01-12 Thread Mathieu Rajerison
Hi, You could use focal function on your whole raster with a radius appropriate to your roofs: not too large. raster::focal You could then use your rasterized roofs as masks then visualize the result raster::rasterize raster::mask plot If you want to go further than just visualizing: Also, for

[R-sig-Geo] how can I add back transformation for ploting

2012-01-12 Thread Saman Monfared
Hi. How can I add back a transformation in cokriging?? dd-read.table(besss.txt,header=TRUE) summary(dd) *my target variable is B* I used box-cox transformation by lambda=-.14 d-((dd$B)^-.14-1)/-.14 then used transformed data to cross variography: m-vgm(

Re: [R-sig-Geo] how can I add back transformation for ploting

2012-01-12 Thread Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr
A general approach is by using the (conditional) simulations - perform prediction obtaining conditional simulations - back transform the simulations (inverse box-cox transform) - obtains the summaries from the transformed values (such as the mean for the krigedmap on the original scale

[R-sig-Geo] for loop for raster class

2012-01-12 Thread Vikram Ranga
Hi, I am trying to crop images using raster library it works fine but when i put that on loop it does not work my syntax is febb3-raster(C:/landsat/New Landsat/February/L5146041_04120110201_B30.tif) febb4-raster(C:/landsat/New Landsat/February/L5146041_04120110201_B40.tif) . . . . so on

Re: [R-sig-Geo] for loop for raster class

2012-01-12 Thread Edzer Pebesma
The error message suggests ls.im is a list; your script would be easier to understand (for me) if you used ls.im = list(x1=janb3,...,x10=decb4) If ls.im is a list, you need to pass ls.im[[i]] to crop, which is a list element (a raster), whereas ls.im[i] is a list (with one element). On

Re: [R-sig-Geo] redundancy of coordinates of pixels

2012-01-12 Thread Komine
Hi everybody Thank Robert for your help. I rounded the coordinates but the problem persists. However, I don’t understand well the second suggestion (certainly problem of language). I thought to affect a number for each pixel and in this case, the problem with the coordinates would be suppressed.

Re: [R-sig-Geo] connection error when calling maxent()

2012-01-12 Thread Rafael Wüest
It appears that the MaxEnt output file gets overwritten by another process. Yes, I also have this impression after some testing (e.g. the temporary raster directories got emptied every time I started a new R raster session in parallel). The problem disappeared when I updated to R 2.13.2, so