Re: [R-sig-Geo] Fitting a STvariogram

2013-02-26 Thread Benedikt Gräler
Dear Alexandre, currently, the parameter anis in one of the building blocks of a spatio-temporal variogram model is not supported. The spatio-temporal anisotropy (e.g. in a metric model) is part of the spatio-temporal variogram model definition (stAni), see ?vgmST for available models and

[R-sig-Geo] space time variogram

2013-02-26 Thread Jonesmus Wambua
hi, am specifying a variogram with 53 years by generating the time variable as follows: time - as.POSIXct(paste0(1960:2012,-01-01), tz = GMT) When i generate the map variagram, it comes with time in thousands (see attached map). how can i make sure that it gives time in years with a reasonable

[R-sig-Geo] Incorrect result of gDisjoint in rgeos?

2013-02-26 Thread
Hello, I have encountered strange results, when using Geometry Relationship tools in rgeos package. I have set of lines and points and want to check, which point lies on which line. The results, which I obtain using rgeos tools, are incorrect, however. For example, I have point 59 and line 63.

Re: [R-sig-Geo] space time variogram

2013-02-26 Thread Hodgess, Erin
Hello! I think it is showing days rather than years. From: [] on behalf of Jonesmus Wambua [] Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 4:03 AM To: Subject:

Re: [R-sig-Geo] space time variogram

2013-02-26 Thread Edzer Pebesma
Erin, there is AFAIK in R no other way to represent a year then by its first Date, and that is what Jonesmus did. Jonesmus, I didn't see the map that you mentioned in your email. In the plot that you sent, lag1 refers to the first temporal lag. variogramST will assume time to be strictly

[R-sig-Geo] rpart - regression tree

2013-02-26 Thread Waldir de Carvalho Junior
Hi, everybody I am trying to use the regression trees to map some soil attributes of tropical hillslope areas with rpart package. The regression trees shows good results (in r2 evaluation = 0.28 - it is not so bad for soil attributes mapping comparing wiht others models like lm or geostats), but I

[R-sig-Geo] KDE in Geospatial Modelling Environment

2013-02-26 Thread Mendenhall, Laura
Hi, I am trying to use Geospatial Modelling Environment to run kernel density estimates on GPS transmitter data for several individual animals. I want to run 1 KDE per animal, then average them all using Raster Calculator. This means I must force the extents of each KDE to be the same across all

[R-sig-Geo] error Install package

2013-02-26 Thread Lilis Husna
i want to install package spgwr by zip file. the package is succesfully unpacked, but when i call it library (spgwr) there is a comment error : Error: package ‘sp’ required by ‘spgwr’ could not be found Regards, Lilis Nurul Husna Institute of Statistics  Jakarta

Re: [R-sig-Geo] error Install package

2013-02-26 Thread Pascal Oettli
Hi, The error message is explicit enough. You need to install the 'sp' package. Regards, Pascal Le 27/02/2013 13:12, Lilis Husna a écrit : i want to install package spgwr by zip file. the package is succesfully unpacked, but when i call it library (spgwr) there is a comment error : Error:

Re: [R-sig-Geo] spsample random sampling a subset of polygons based on a variable from a different dataframe

2013-02-26 Thread Ross Dwyer
Hi Kate, It's always tough to decipher errors in code without the raw data to play around with. However I appreciate that the acoustic detection datasets can be huge (102656 in your case) and not easy to push around. From reading your code, I'm unsure why you need to run the for-loop on the

[R-sig-Geo] Confusing raster file? GDA94 aus albers...

2013-02-26 Thread Adam
G'day, I have a raster file ( Landuse for Australia ) with projection GDA94 Australian Albers (EPSG:3577). class : RasterLayer dimensions : 76740, 80200, 6154548000 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 50, 50 (x, y)

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Confusing raster file? GDA94 aus albers...

2013-02-26 Thread Robert J. Hijmans
Adam, library(raster) # create RasterLayer with the same parameters as yours r - raster(nrow=50, ncol=50, xmn=-1888000, xmx=2122000, ymn=-4847000, ymx=-101, crs=+proj=aea +lat_1=-18 +lat_2=-36 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=132 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs) # to

Re: [R-sig-Geo] z and p-values for Moran Local raster map

2013-02-26 Thread Robert J. Hijmans
Juliann, For a p-value for the global Moran I think you could do a permutation test, something like this: library(raster) r - raster(nrows=10, ncols=10) r[] - 1:ncell(r) M - Moran(r) s - r n - 100 m - rep(NA, n) for (i in 1:n) { values(s) - sample(values(s)) m[i] - Moran(s) } p - sum(m M)