Have you considered the hostel at Pt Reyes? I've stayed there several
times--it's quite nice. We carry food from the store at Pt Reyes Station and
use the hostel's kitchen. Only downside is the 17% grade that you'll climb to
get out in the morning.
Eric N
So many options... Camping by car, motorcycle, bicycle, or on foot? How far
away would still be considered "near"? And, what's your tolerance for
not-quite-legal campsites?
Sam P. Taylor is a CA State Park on the road out to Point Reyes from San
Rafael, very nice for car camping. There are prim
All of the camp sites in Pt. Reyes National Seashore is hike-in (or
bike-in!) only, but they are all quite nice. I've stayed at Sky Camp and
whatever the one near the beach is called. Sky camp especially is a
pleasant ride in on a fire road from the main road. Each site has a picnic
bench, a