Hi William,
I’ve never done this but talked to the electrical/electronic engineer
who did:: he took all the CT current, and voltage inputs and ran them into
a small cheap Linux PC, which was easy to find support and used a common
programming language. These guys only used it for a custom moni
Jay, there are three major utilities in CA. I don’t know much about LADPW
nor SDGE.
PGE executes demand charges depending on the ‘rate schedule’ applied
to a specific meter. Customers can request to change their rate schedule,
sometimes with significant financial savings just doing that.
Hi williamIs California now doing demand charges? And is it instantaneous or 15 minute average? JayOn Feb 25, 2024, at 11:23 AM, William Miller via RE-wrenches wrote:Friends:I am pondering a plan to prevent usage spikes. It would involve installing a battery inverter that has true generator supp
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