[realXtend] Re: Tundra - Avatar Editing

2011-02-25 Thread CecilBergwin
Cheers for the reply Toni, all of the above sounds perfect to say the least, looking forward to those additions being released, just downloaded Boris's avatars, will have a look soon as I'm back from work this evening, 9 days off for me woohooo, oh boy I need it. Regards and Thanks as always

[realXtend] Tundra - Avatar Editing

2011-02-24 Thread CecilBergwin
Hi, was wondering if/when the Avatar Editing features will be available in a demo form for Tundra, as Naali has a great editing suite and would be good to see those features in Tundra as we have recently made that move in the Tundra direction. Regards Cecil --

[realXtend] Re: Back up options

2011-02-17 Thread CecilBergwin
Hello Toni, Well, what can I say but thank you very much indeed, as you say Is a bit incomplete still but we still managed to get our scene from TaigaBackupPythonScriptTundra in the method you said wohoo :). The strangest thing for myself was I actually managed to get the Source to compile, can

[realXtend] Re: Back up options

2011-02-17 Thread CecilBergwin
For the above post (no edit) - http://perf.bpmstudios.com/Tundra_Import.gif -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend http://www.realxtend.org

[realXtend] Re: Back up options

2011-02-10 Thread CecilBergwin
Small update for those who maybe have eyes on this thread and also looking at backing up from your Taiga Servers like us. Last night (after a hard days work as always) sat down whilst also chatting with antont, tried this script and we found that the UUID's referenced in the *.xml or *.scene

[realXtend] Re: Back up options

2011-02-09 Thread CecilBergwin
Hello Toni :) cheers for the script, going to give it a whirl very shortly, (just sat down from work), much appreciate your time :) and lol@the bastard.cecil lmao ;) hope this also helps many others as I'm sure it will. -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend http://www.realxtend.org

[realXtend] Re: Back up options

2011-02-09 Thread CecilBergwin
Just to tie the 2 thread together for Backup as this was the original thread which started this - http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend/browse_thread/thread/53440cacaa98bb7f# -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend http://www.realxtend.org

[realXtend] Re: newcommer

2011-02-08 Thread CecilBergwin
Hello Fred, welcome :) -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend http://www.realxtend.org

[realXtend] Re: Adding Custom Animations to Naali - Help?

2011-02-05 Thread CecilBergwin
Excellent, last night we got our first set of animations exported from Max, working with full skeleton animation from Motion Capture as anObject, Today will look at the script side of things with the latest repo you mentioned. :) Cheers -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend

[realXtend] Re: Adding Custom Animations to Naali - Help?

2011-02-03 Thread CecilBergwin
Well, gentlemen, I very much appreciate your input here, I must be honest and say I didn't realise what a complicated issue this would be, I doubt very much with my knowledge I will be able to do this as I think antont hit it on the head with version .X. I'd be very interested if this can be

[realXtend] Re: Naali Scene Tool (Backup Remote)

2011-02-01 Thread CecilBergwin
When I export, all I get is the *.xml file, no other data is there at all, also selecting all ? that would be nice as my scenes are rammed packed. :( -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend http://www.realxtend.org

[realXtend] Re: Naali Scene Tool (Backup Remote)

2011-01-31 Thread CecilBergwin
Hey folks, sry to top this but at the moment really need a Backup and when I do this from my remote (client login with admin rights) all I get is an xml file with no contents, is there a Console command ? I can use sry if I have totally missed the obvious. --

[realXtend] Saving New Avatar/Attachments crashing constant

2011-01-31 Thread CecilBergwin
As the subject says, when saving a Newly created avatar - and/or adding attachments, Naali crashes 97% of the time but usually after the Completed has been done, however when reloading naali, it seems that the Save procedure hasn't entirely worked as this most of the items or textures are missing.

[realXtend] Re: Taiga installation

2011-01-27 Thread CecilBergwin
Excellent news :) keep us updated on your work, glad to hear you got it working. -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend http://www.realxtend.org

[realXtend] Re: Taiga installation

2011-01-26 Thread CecilBergwin
Hello :), I'm certainly no code guru that's for sure on the compiling anyway, I myself also had compile issues but within QT creator, when I opened up the *.pro I think it was, it compiled with errors, however the executable was created, which worked for me still, is your executable written ? even

[realXtend] Re: EC help examples

2011-01-25 Thread CecilBergwin
Much appreciated folks, :). -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend http://www.realxtend.org

[realXtend] Re: Taiga installation

2011-01-25 Thread CecilBergwin
I feel its your configuration for sure, I had exact same issues when I tried to compile the TaigaWizard and ended up going around in the circles you are yourself, The only thing I can suggest is maybe what you already know but just incase. 1.Try to get a working compile of the TaigaWizard, this

[realXtend] Naali Scene Tool (Backup Remote)

2011-01-25 Thread CecilBergwin
Hey folks, after using the Naali Scene Tool, all worked fine, backing up the *.xml and also the contents and directory structure for the selected items I chose in my scene. However, when trying this from a Remote PC with full privileges set for the user, all what seems to backup is the *.xml,

[realXtend] EC help examples

2011-01-24 Thread CecilBergwin
Hey folks, As we move further down the road of our project I have been looking at the EC Components and there usage, after chatting with the good chaps in the IRC the links below are the one's I have, however... I was wondering if there were any examples out there ? apart from the couple of *.js

[realXtend] Re: Naali 0.4.0 release

2011-01-24 Thread CecilBergwin
So far so good here, just the Avatar animations were missing at the moment (for gestures etc), this would be great if it ever made it to the working to do list of Naali, at the moment just getting a 100% compile on the original source is driving me around the bend let alone hitting some c++ :).

[realXtend] Re: Taiga 0.2.0

2011-01-21 Thread CecilBergwin
Thanking you all kindly :) -- http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend http://www.realxtend.org

Re: packaging taiga wizard? (Re: [realXtend] Re: Ubuntu 10.04 - Taiga/opensim ModRex (BUILD Problems :())

2011-01-11 Thread CecilBergwin
Hello folks, just an update on this post to let you all know that the above works fine, however my delay in reply has been down to my last (3 host companies) which I have been switching to and from the last week for a decent working Linux version. to cut a long story short I now have a working

[realXtend] Re: Mesh Importing issues

2011-01-07 Thread CecilBergwin
Hi Edgar, can't add anything 100% to what your exact issue is however, maybe you could try the Blender route... for which the exporters are well known working. I'm sure you can convert/import your model into Blender with ease, least you will know for sure your export should be as you see it in

Re: packaging taiga wizard? (Re: [realXtend] Re: Ubuntu 10.04 - Taiga/opensim ModRex (BUILD Problems :())

2010-12-21 Thread CecilBergwin
Hi Erno, thx for the replies, I'll be sure to be testing this out soon as I'm back from work Tomorrow, spent most of this evening (after work shift) rebuilding my linux server for the 4th time this week, oh what a mission (damned server company). Not been fun but :) looking forward to testing

Re: packaging taiga wizard? (Re: [realXtend] Re: Ubuntu 10.04 - Taiga/opensim ModRex (BUILD Problems :())

2010-12-16 Thread CecilBergwin
Hi again, Well after an hdd issue I had to go back from square 1 :(, managed to get up until the AvatarUrlReceiever problem as mentioned above, Ive checked the ModreX.ini file, its in the right location and configured fine for db connection. error as follows - thx as awalwys for any help

Re: packaging taiga wizard? (Re: [realXtend] Re: Ubuntu 10.04 - Taiga/opensim ModRex (BUILD Problems :())

2010-12-15 Thread CecilBergwin
Hello again. Well, managed to get even further now :) really appreciate you folks helping out. I can now Start all 4 *.exe's and login with a created user etc all good there, I'm yet to test a mesh/scene upload to see if all goes well but before I do that I though I'd mention the few errors I'm

[realXtend] Re: Ubuntu 10.04 - Taiga/opensim ModRex (BUILD Problems :()

2010-12-14 Thread CecilBergwin
Hello Erno, must Firstly thank you for your time in looking at this issue, greatly appreciate it, Well flued up here atm, got home from work feeling terrible and not had the energy until now to sit down @ pc. This evening... I shall work through the above and be sure to post back. Many Thx Erno

[realXtend] Re: Ubuntu 10.04 - Taiga/opensim ModRex (BUILD Problems :()

2010-12-14 Thread CecilBergwin
Hi Erno (and all), well followed exactly what you said (apart from wizard, as I have got used to doing it manual for now and had errors on that compile but thats another topic. SUCCESS on the BUILD, but when loading the 4th *.exe mono OpenSim. 32BitLaunch.exe we get the following errors, and I am

[realXtend] Re: Ubuntu 10.04 - Taiga/opensim ModRex (BUILD Problems :()

2010-12-08 Thread CecilBergwin
After trying all version possible with all combinations of Taiga/ OpenSim ModRex I just cannot get past these Build Errors, Tonight I have sat and even tried (working windows version) and reconfiguring them for my Linux Box, just to get a server up and running, no good they all fail in some

[realXtend] Looking Good !

2010-11-04 Thread CecilBergwin
Hello folks, thought I'd pass by for a few reasons :) all good... Firstly to say Great work on RealXtend/Naali/Taiga been using it for a few months now with a Local Server setup, together with a good friend of mine starting the foundation for our Virtual World. Been wokring with 3dsmax and the