Hardware help needed...

2002-11-21 Thread Christopher Yoder
All, Hello! I've installed RedHat 8.0 on my Dell Inspiron 8200 and have found a few problems. 1. My NetGear MA401 wireless adapter does not work. I've configured it as I have in Windows XP. Channel, Speed, and Pass Phrase. (No option for 64bit encryption, but that is what my

Hardware help needed...

2002-11-20 Thread Christopher Yoder
All, Hello! I've installed RedHat 8.0 on my Dell Inspiron 8200 and have found a few problems. 1. My NetGear MA401 wireless adapter does not work. I've configured it as I have in Windows XP. Channel, Speed, and Pass Phrase. (No option for 64bit encryption, but that is what my