Title: RE: DNS named permissions
Assuming this is a fairly standard DNS install, check the permissions on the /var/named and/or /etc/named so that they are writable by owner (at least).
-Original Message-
From: David Brett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, Februa
I have to versions of RH6.2, one running with kernel version 2.2.14-5.0
and the other 2.2.14-6.1.1. I found out that the latter has Large File
Support enabled in the kernel while the former doesn't have this
loaded. I need to remove Large File Support from the 6.1.1 kernel in
order to install Cl
Title: removing Large File Support from kernel
I have to versions of RH6.2 one running with kernel version 2.2.14-5.0 and the other 2.2.14-6.1.1. I found out that the latter has Large File Support "enabled" in the kernel while the former doesn't have this loaded. I need to remove Large File
Title: RE: Ping Error
Try flush the arp and cache on your Win9x machine: nbtstat -RR (see nbtstat /? for more details). Find out what your arp tables say: arp -a and delete any rogue routes. Also check your default route and netmask via Programs | control panel | network | TCP/IP Propertie
Title: RE: Sendmail configuration question
This may be a simplistic answer, but it's the only thing that comes to mind, as it sounds like your Sendmail config is OK. I would look to make sure your nsswitch.conf file is set so that it uses the proper name services (NIS, DNS, hosts table, etc)
Title: kickstart via network question
I'm in the process of setting up kickstart for network installs. I'd like to copy the CD contents onto a filer on my network (NetApp filer) on a "mixed" volume. The filer is capable of sharing data via NFS and CIFS. However, I've run into problems copyi
d set "Send in this message format" to "Plain Text"...
David Rhodes
IT Systems Administrator
The views expressed in this message are those of the author
and not those of Oxford Molecular.
-Original Message-
From: Guillermo Navarrete [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Title: /net automount functionality
I'm reposting my Outlook client was configured to send HTML. My apologies for the dual posting, but I want to make sure that if there is someone who can help that they can read my email.
I'd like to setup the auto.master and auto.net file so tha
Title: /net automount functionality
I'd like to setup the auto.master and auto.net file so that when you cd /net// it can map any exported filesystem from any host on my network without having to manually enter each host in an automount map? I have nis running and have been able to use regula