RE: What backup solution for direct-attach?

2003-08-27 Thread procadas
I don't know if someone as mentioned Seagate DAT tapes, but the unit that is installed in one of our main servers work like a charm with arkeia. Atentamente, Pedro "Fu

Re: Copy entire hard disk - how ?

2003-08-27 Thread procadas
It's not the definitive app for dummies but it's close :-). Atentamente, Pedro Sasa Stupar

Deliver email form localhost to a different server

2003-08-27 Thread procadas
Greetings We are upgrading our fax server and we are using the latest release of sendmail with Red Hat 9 to delivery the email generated by the fax software. To avoid the use of two different MUA I send the emails to our main email server in our LAN. Both servers have internal IPs and no DNS is us