> I am trying to get ports opened for both ssh and cvs so that I can get code
> from external sites, but our firewall uses proxies and proxies do not exist
> for these two protocols. Does anyone know if any other proxy will work for
> these two systems. For example, will an ssl proxy work for ssh a
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Chad Skinner wrote:
> these two systems. For example, will an ssl proxy work for ssh
No. SSL and SSH are two totally different protocols.
Sen. Orrin Hatch thinks destroying private property to ensure bigger
campaign contributions from media cartels is "good politics." Let
I am trying to get ports opened for both ssh and cvs so that I can get code
from external sites, but our firewall uses proxies and proxies do not exist
for these two protocols. Does anyone know if any other proxy will work for
these two systems. For example, will an ssl proxy work for ssh and telne