I have to indorse this book as well. I had not seen it before this
message. I went and had it look and bought the book. It was well worth
the purchase.
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Scott Eagle wrote:
> Linux Administration Handbook, Nemeth, Snyder and Hein is the standard Linux
> Admin manual.
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Jedicosmonaut wrote:
> I am looking for a good book on how to do the semi
> everyday tasks in Red Hat 8.0 or Linux in general. I
> have questions regarding items like USB devices in
> general, installing a new mouse, installing a local
> printer, configuring my Handspring, con
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 06:59:51 -0800 (PST)
Jedicosmonaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled furiously:
> I am looking for a good book on how to do the semi
> everyday tasks in Red Hat 8.0 or Linux in general. I
> have questions regarding items like USB devices in
> general, installing a new mouse, instal
Jedicosmonaut wrote:
I am looking for a good book on how to do the semi
everyday tasks in Red Hat 8.0 or Linux in general. I
have questions regarding items like USB devices in
general, installing a new mouse, installing a local
printer, configuring my Handspring, connecting my
digital camera, moun
Linux Administration Handbook, Nemeth, Snyder and Hein is the standard Linux
Admin manual. All Sys Admins I know use this book, and with the minimal
administration I have done, this book has had all the answers. It covers
all Sys Admin's general tasks from adding peripherals, to security, to shel
I like the Red Hat Bible,
and others I like for general Linux help are Running Linux
...and Linux in a Nutshell