Re: bind-9.2.0

2001-12-29 Thread Devon
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Saturday 29 December 2001 03:27 pm, Szemerédy Gábor wrote: > Hello! > Finally I have my rc file and my named works on RH6.2. > The only problem is that it can startup only if I correct the startup > file from "deamon named -u named ${OPTIONS}" to >


2001-12-29 Thread Szemerédy Gábor
Hello! Finally I have my rc file and my named works on RH6.2. The only problem is that it can startup only if I correct the startup file from "deamon named -u named ${OPTIONS}" to "deamon named -u root ${OPTIONS}" , so it can not startup by user named! It claims : "couldn't open pid f

Re: Bind-9.2.0

2001-12-26 Thread Keith Morse
On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, Emmanuel Seyman wrote: > On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 07:56:43PM +0100, Szemerédy Gábor wrote: > > > > [ After installing Bind 9.2.0 ] > > > Now I have no rc file , no named.conf under /etc! > > So the server does not work. > >

Re: Bind-9.2.0

2001-12-26 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 07:56:43PM +0100, Szemerédy Gábor wrote: > [ After installing Bind 9.2.0 ] > Now I have no rc file , no named.conf under /etc! > So the server does not work. > Please tell me where was my mistake? I don't think you've done any mistakes. You


2001-12-26 Thread Szemerédy Gábor
Hello! I have troubles with my bind-9.2.0 installation on my RH6.2. I downloaded bind-9.2.0.tar.gz , unpacked , removed bind-8.2.2.rpm ,bind-devel-8.2.2 and caching-nameserver-6.2-2. Then made ./configure , make , make install and everything was Ok. Now I have no rc file , no named.conf under