tftp:client does not accept options

2002-07-01 Thread achene
get ip of; it appeared "tftp." for a very short while, then went to no response. In server, I take "tail -f" and saw that: "server in.tftpd[2397]:tftp:client does not accept options". So then I edited tftp to change server_arg= /tftpboot(erase -s) the

tftp:client does not accept options

2002-06-30 Thread achene
workstation get ip of; it appeared "tftp." for a very short while, then went to no response. In server, I take "tail -f" and saw that: "server in.tftpd[2397]:tftp:client does not accept options". So then I edited tftp to change server_arg= /tftpboot(erase -s)