Re: The Hobby Lobby Case: Four Thoughts

2013-07-11 Thread James Oleske
Alan, Like you, I haven't given a lot of thought to how the free-speech conundrum might play out in the contraceptive mandate cases, but back in the 90s I gave some general thought to the free-speech objection to constitutionally compelled exemptions. I've copied below what I wrote then about the

RE: The Hobby Lobby Case: Four Thoughts

2013-07-11 Thread Alan Brownstein
This very thoughtful discussion reminded me of an issue that has often perplexed me: how do we reconcile religious accommodation statutes, such as RFRA, with the Court's repeated admonition that discrimination based on religion beliefs, ideas, or messages constitutes viewpoint discrimination pr

Re: The Hobby Lobby Case: Four Thoughts

2013-07-11 Thread James Oleske
An excellent question, but one that I think ultimately challenges the Tenth Circuit's framing of the case, not my argument that the Tenth Circuit's analysis was incomplete within its own frame. In focusing its analysis on Lee, the Tenth Circuit emphasized that Lee was a case in which the Supreme C

RE: The Hobby Lobby Case: Four Thoughts

2013-07-11 Thread Speir, Ian
Why do you say the language quoted from Lee is "arguably the most relevant"? The Supreme Court appears never to have relied on that language in subsequent cases. The Court's most recent reading of Lee comes from the 2006 O Centro case: The Government points to some pre-Smith cases relying on

From the list custodian RE: Marriage -- the Alito dissent

2013-07-11 Thread Volokh, Eugene
Folks: Please make sure the discussion is focused on legal analysis, not general matters of right and wrong or good or bad policy, except insofar as they are tied to the legal analysis. The recent discussion of marriage restrictions has departed in some measure from the list’s focus on the law

Re: Marriage -- the Alito dissent

2013-07-11 Thread Len
How so, Bob? Please explain why the state may interfere in our decision whether to have children or not, or HOW, and why procreation should be a prescribed goal of marriage? Marriage is a contract between two consenting individuals. The terms of that marriage are up to the parties involved, pr