Re: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-17 Thread Ira Lupu
The baseline set by the ACA is NOT a matter of obligation between parents and children. In that regard, the parent has no obligation to obtain health coverage for his non-minor daughters (although the 12 year old, either now or sometime later but before the age of majority, might need emergency co

Re: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-17 Thread James Oleske
Eugene, No federal or state law required the Amish farmer in Lee to employ workers, but once he made that choice, the Supreme Court used the federal requirements governing employment benefits as the baseline for evaluating externalities ("Granting an exemption from social security taxes to an empl

Re: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-17 Thread Marci Hamilton
I agree w Chip and Jim on the baseline issue, but also the previous point about the point of the Religion Clauses is not just rights for the believer but also the path to peace in a diverse religious culture. Lee and Bowen v Roy stand for the proposition that if one chooses to employ or to tak

RE: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-17 Thread Volokh, Eugene
I just don't see how that argument is at all compelling. It's true that the Amish farmer in Lee didn't have to employ workers, but the government was essentially putting a tax on the employment of workers, and there was a compelling interest in enforcing the tax evenhandedly.

RE: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-17 Thread Volokh, Eugene
That is a different argument, and potentially a plausible one. The concern isn't that the parent is trying to force his religion on his daughters, but rather that taxpayers will be left holding the bag. (I don't think the "temptation" argument suffices, at least under the strict scrutiny test,

Re: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-17 Thread Marci Hamilton
I was not suggesting only the burden on taxpayers, though when it comes to a national scheme of healthcare, I think the compelling interest standard is met by women's reproductive health. I was also suggesting the govt has a compelling interest in (1)ensuring women have reasonable means of obta

RE: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-17 Thread Alan Brownstein
This has been a fascinating thread. I'm on vacation and have not had the opportunity to participate except for a quick comment right now. With regard to the substantial burden, would the analysis change if we characterized the ACA (at least for employees who would not receive subsidies for thei