>> 1. How is the program audio loaded into the system, dropbox,
>> manually...? (can you control the max length this way)
>> 2. If you want your program closer to always play can you use a
>> "hardtime start" on this instead? (is fading out the program acceptable)
Fading out the program is no
1. How is the program audio loaded into the system, dropbox,
manually...? (can you control the max length this way)
2. If you want your program closer to always play can you use a
"hardtime start" on this instead? (is fading out the program acceptable)
On 19/10/12 2:50 AM, WWNL Radio (AM-1080)
Unfortunately, an ASI card is not "in the cards" for us right now. . .
A 13-minute program can be anywhere between 11 and 17 minutes.
Here are some things I have considered:
-- Can you play several carts together using a macro command--and, will it
force all of the carts to play out in the m
How much "wobble" is there to the timing of the program elements in question?
If it is not an unreasonable amount, I would think an ASI card with
timesqueeze/stretch capabilities would be the best solution.
Enforce the playout time to be - say - exactly 13 minutes. The card calculates
how much