Is it possible to do file IO from a thread in a plugin. My thread code
works fine but it crashes with a "*PANIC* Stkov file write thread (0)".
I have tested the code by removing the rb->open line and the rest of the
thread and message queue behaves itself. The code is running on an
Iriver H10, ro
I am writing a recording plugin for a Iriver H10. Since I need to be
able to record at 96kHz and 24bit I've decided to not use the plugin api
recording function. The problem I am currently having is with the FIQ
interrupt. I have used quite a bit of code from pcm-pp.c and pcm.c but
I may have mi
I am writing a wav recording plugin for an Iriver H10, I need to be able
to schedule records which is why I am writing one not just using the
record app, for example it will record for 30 seconds every 10 minutes.
I've been attempting to get pcm_record_data to work, it isn't clear what
the callback
I am looking at porting rockbox to the M-Audio microtrack. My
application is a little different, I want to make it a more versatile
recorder and am looking at using the rockbox firmware as a base for my
application. Its based on the PP5020, has a AK5365 codec, 16MB RAM, 4MB
Flash. It takes a com