[romania_eu_list] Opportunity to help European Union language project

2010-07-01 Fir de Conversatie joel_josephson
r.e. GLOSSA – Advancing the teaching and learning of less widely taught European languages GLOSSA is a European Union education project under the LifeLong Learning Program. The project is for language educators and authorities across Europe. It is building methodologies, practices and courses

[romania_eu_list] European Union early language learning project

2009-09-17 Fir de Conversatie joel_josephson
European Union early language learning project The 'Lullabies of Europe' project http://www.lullabies-of-europe.org/ was a funded project within the EU Socrates programme. It has collected lullabies in 7 European languages (Romanian. English, Italian, Greek, Turkish,and Danish) is now looking

[romania_eu_list] Proiectul Uniunii Europene pentru înv#259;#355;area limbilor

2009-09-08 Fir de Conversatie joel_josephson
Pove#351;ti în lan#355; – motivarea înv#259;#355;#259;rii limbilor str#259;ine la vârste mici Pove#351;ti în lan#355; este un Proiect al Uniunii Europene pentru elevii a c#259;ror limb#259; matern#259; este una dintre limbile romanice. Cinci #351;coli, fiecare vorbind una dintre limbile

[romania_eu_list] Proiectul Uniunii Europene de Înv#259;#355;are Mixt#259; a Limbilor Str#259;ine

2009-06-04 Fir de Conversatie joel_josephson
r.e. Înv#259;#355;area Autonom#259; a Limbilor Str#259;ine – cursuri de limbi str#259;ine prin înv#259;#355;are mixt#259; În cadrul proiectului de Înv#259;#355;are Autonom#259; a Limbilor Str#259;ine (ALL) au fost concepute cursuri de înv#259;#355;are mixt#259; în patru limbi europene

[romania_eu_list] International Conference - Iasi - Romania, on 25 – 26 June 2009

2009-05-13 Fir de Conversatie joel_josephson
This is to warmly invite you to participate in the International Conference entitled CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION TO PROMOTE MULTILINGUALISM AND INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE. The event takes place in Iasi - Romania, on 25 †26 June 2009, at Unirea Conference Centre (5 Piata Unirii Square) and is

[romania_eu_list] EU project Blended Language Learning training courses

2009-01-14 Fir de Conversatie joel_josephson
r.e.TOOL for Online and Offline Language Learning The TOOL project that is building A2 blended language learning courses in 5 European languages (Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Maltese, Slovene), has now reached a position where it is ready to offer teachers training in the use of its blended