Michael Guterl wrote in post #980563:
> Hi Kurt,
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:32 PM, Kurt wrote:
>> Did you add these two lines to your spec_helper.rb file or somewhere else?
>> ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, AfterCommit::AfterSavepoint)
>> ActiveRecord::Base.include_after_savepoint_exten
Thanks -- that confirms the results of our experiments.
rspec-users mailing list
Hi Kurt,
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:32 PM, Kurt wrote:
> We're just running into it now, but we're using after_commit in Rails 3 for
> the first time. The callback appears not to fire in our specs -- I noticed
> your posting but have not had luck getting the gem to load. Bundler 1.0.7
> requires
We're just running into it now, but we're using after_commit in Rails 3 for
the first time. The callback appears not to fire in our specs -- I noticed
your posting but have not had luck getting the gem to load. Bundler 1.0.7
requires the gem, and it generates this:
We're migrating a Rails 2.3.x application to Rails 3 and RSpec 2.x.
In Rails 2.3.x we were using
https://github.com/freelancing-god/after_commit to provide
after_commit functionality (now provided by Rails 3).
The plugin version of after_commit came with some helpers to make
testing with `use_tran