Re: [scite] bug report: segfault on recursive import

2007-02-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Martijn van Iersel: dir | | \ subdir | |import ../SciTE \-subdir | \ import ../SciTE I reconfirmed the problem with todays CVS version, GTK build, on linux (ubuntu Edgy). Looking at the backtrace this seems to be a

Re: [scite] xml-tag completion/userlists

2007-02-09 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: another Question: how can i write a SString to output-pane (error message)? If you are running in the main thread OutputAppendString(s.c_str()); From either thread OutputAppendStringSynchronised(s.c_str()); Neil ___

Re: [scite] Re: How to create a new keyword list?

2007-02-07 Thread Neil Hodgson
Robert Roessler: BTW, I had rounded up a replacement hashing function some time ago - it gives better distribution than the stock one used by Scintilla, which of course translates to fewer items sharing buckets. If someone is interested... You are probably thinking of PropSet which should

Re: [scite] strange problem (LUA: favorites - backup)

2007-02-07 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: i have build in a function to replace vars (in my case $(SciteDefaultHome)) with their value. This value is D:\Programmierung\wscite but will be replaced by the old short value D:\PROGRA~1\wscite. is there a way to get the long format? You can try to run dir /X but that

Re: [scite] A feature request for a scite action - savesession:

2007-02-07 Thread Neil Hodgson
신명섭: else if (isprefix(action, savesession:)) { if (*arg) SaveSession(arg); } OK. committed. I wonder why the original implementor of loadsession: didn't include savesession:. To use from the command line. Neil ___ Scite-interest

Re: [scite] ASP Calltips + Autocomplete

2007-02-06 Thread Neil Hodgson
b3n: autocomplete.php.fillups=$(SciteDefaultHome)\php.api autocomplete.asp.fillups=$(SciteDefaultHome)\asp.api These are invalid. autocomplete.lexer.fillups is set to a set of characters, not a file name. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Check/Uncheck menu entry with lua scite.MenuCommand

2007-02-06 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: why isn't $(LineNumber) and $(ColumnNumber) working here? these variables were useful at this place. $(LineNumber) and $(ColumnNumber) are only defined for the status bar, not for any other use. if using $(SelectionStartLine),$(SelectionStartColumn) i get a selection,

Re: [scite] Re: How to create a new keyword list?

2007-02-06 Thread Neil Hodgson
Robert Koch: So, now I come with another question: is there a limit for the number of words in a keyword list? Is there a problem if I place one word by line, like this? Because when I placed the entire word list (all the field names of all the tables of my system - about 46000 words), the

Re: [scite] Re: Help With Custom Abbreviation File

2007-02-05 Thread Neil Hodgson
mitchell: You might also want to take a look at something more powerful: This is probably overkill for simple abbrevs, but if you'll ever want something more feature-full, it doesn't get much better than snippets. Its a bit complicated...

Re: [scite] Make Load/Save Session Always Start in Same Folder ?

2007-02-05 Thread Neil Hodgson
b3n: Is there any way to achieve the above? Not with the distributed version of SciTE. You could change the source code. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] Re: Help With Custom Abbreviation File

2007-02-05 Thread Neil Hodgson
mitchell: Yeah, when I was trying to write code to get clipboard contents, I took a look at the paste function and it was over my head, so I didn't bother. Maybe someone could help in that respect. I think what you are after is to retrieve the clipboard contents as if it was going into the

Re: [scite] Open Scite Help in Firefox?

2007-02-05 Thread Neil Hodgson
b3n: If I go to: Help SciTE Help the Help file opens in Notepad. Can I instruct Scite via to open the file using Firefox instead? I don't want to change my default editor for .htm files. Opens in Firefox for me. The standard properties say to open the file using

Re: [scite] UTF8 BOM

2007-02-04 Thread Neil Hodgson
Jim Hill: Since i put character.set=utf8 in options, SciTE This should have no effect. character.set is a numeric property and is incapable of setting Unicode mode. can be set to 65001 for UTF-8. character.set is used to find a font for drawing the text. is used to work

Re: [scite] strange problem (LUA: favorites - backup)

2007-02-04 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: as you see i use, not In readFavsFile() you call for every file in the favs file to see if they exist but don't call close. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] ActionScript language

2007-02-02 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: as you can see, you have to set the complete list (all filters)... i dont know why append (seen below) not work... open.filter=\ $(open.filter)\ Action Script (as)|*.as| won't work Expressions are evaluated when they are used, not when they are defined so that, for example

Re: [scite] Re: Multiple SciTE Windows

2007-02-02 Thread Neil Hodgson
Jonathan: It seems like you get a lot of traffic for this editor and scintilla... Ever think about getting an IRC channel like on freenode or something? I've never been happy with the interruption stream from messaging when I've been forced to use it as part of a job so won't use it for

Re: [scite] bug in AfterName()

2007-02-01 Thread Neil Hodgson
Don Kinzer: Clearly, the third line is coded incorectly; the second part should read *s = 'Z'. The effect of this error is that option names with upper case characters are not correctly recognized. OK, committed. Neil ___ Scite-interest

Re: [scite] user properties, file patters xml

2007-02-01 Thread Neil Hodgson
Ervin Peters: That workd vor the most things like all the suggestions of the global properies, the keywords.$(file.patterns.sql) but not for the file.patterns.xml=*.tmpl;*.xml;*.xsl;*.svg;*.xul;*.xsd;*.dtd;*.xslt;*.axl;*.xrc;*.rdf which is part of the html properties. It works if I change th

Re: [scite] strange problem (LUA: favorites - backup)

2007-02-01 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: the lua-function Open() opens the given file exclusive, so i cannot rename it while it's open. opening a file in scite normal let me rename the file. Can the lua-function changed to work like normal open? Do you mean or scite.Open? If you are using the lua

Re: [scite] teste the scite version inside a lua script

2007-02-01 Thread Neil Hodgson
Kein-Hong Man: I searched for 72 in a CVS copy, and for SciTE we have: SciTEBase.cxx SciTERes.rc apart from the docs... If we put the versions in SciTE.h, the Lua extension can get the version number from there and create a string constant in scite. Now look at the different formats of

Re: [scite] Re: os.execute is not cutting it

2007-01-31 Thread Neil Hodgson
Philippe Lhoste: Perhaps alternate wordings: ... OK, committed. This command opens the file for the file name selected in either the edit or output pane. It uses the current selection or searches around the caret to try to find a file name based on which characters are normally used in

Re: [scite] default find expression

2007-01-31 Thread Neil Hodgson
Howell, Andrew: Is there a way I can change the default find / find+replace expression? Having a combobox history is quite nice but I'd rather my last search was there by default instead of the word at the current caret position. There is no support for this so you will need to change the

Re: [scite] teste the scite version inside a lua script

2007-01-31 Thread Neil Hodgson
Kein-Hong Man: An scite.VERSION entry in the Lua extension would be helpful... is such a scheme acceptable? If there was a reasonable way for it to be set, preferably automatically. There are already too many locations where I have to change the version number for each release. Neil

Re: [scite] backup-patch

2007-01-31 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: i hope there is a way to include this (maybe modified) into next version... Unless there is very strong support from others, I won't be including this in the version of SciTE I distribute. It is far too prescriptive in the policy it follows and its not a policy I would

Re: [scite] Re: os.execute is not cutting it

2007-01-31 Thread Neil Hodgson
April White: Is there any programmer on a linux PC that would volunteer to implement the necessary changes in gtk? I believe it is mostly some stub methods. It should be simpler on Linux as SciTE only is single threaded on Linux. Neil ___

Re: [scite] teste the scite version inside a lua script

2007-01-30 Thread Neil Hodgson
Walter Cruz: Hi All. Can I test the scite version inside a lua script? There is no direct way. One workaround is to find the SciTE.html file (on Windows this is in the directory given by the property SciteDefaultHome) then in that file the text Release version is followed by the release

Re: [scite] Re: Saved sessions

2007-01-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
A possible way to do this is via a Lua script, perhaps watching the OnOpen event: new file coming up - update session. For closed buffers, perhaps OnSwitchFile? I can be wrong, but it seems that buffer management in Lua is still a bit primitive. And we don't have, AFAIK, an OnSciTEExit

Re: [scite] Re: Saved sessions

2007-01-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
Robert Roessler: It just seemed that since a) SciTE can already save the current set of buffers and minimal state info, b) bring this back, and c) handle explicit loads and saves of *named* buffer bundles (sessions), substituting in the last named bundle for a) and b) shouldn't be all that

Re: [scite] Changing keycodes?

2007-01-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
Spencer Nelson: I am currently using a UK keyboard but have told Windows that it is a US keyboard so that I don't have to re-learn how to type. The problem that I have is that every once in a while the key handling in SciTE will revert from thinking it's a US keyboard to UK. This only

Re: [scite] Re: os.execute is not cutting it

2007-01-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
Philippe Lhoste: PS.: Neil, perhaps some of the above could go in the doc? Yes, but its one of the features that is sometimes useful but not as often required as others so it shouldn't be emphasised too much. A nicely edited version can go in but don't know when I'll have time. Neil

Re: [scite] os.execute is not cutting it

2007-01-28 Thread Neil Hodgson
Benjamin Fisher: What I would like access to is the same subsystem that are in the commands defined in the properties file. I wish there were a os.ShellExecute, or perhaps a scite.CallCustomCommand(11, arguments). April White did a lot of work on this but her implementation hasn't been

Re: [scite] UTF-16, unintended changes at 128kB boundary.

2007-01-26 Thread Neil Hodgson
Jim Hill: It looks as though the buffer stores unicode as utf-8, and i guess the error may be in conversion from utf-8 to utf-16 when saving. The buffer is in UTF-8 and there is a bug that can break writing on 128K boundaries. There's even a TODO comment saying it is wrong. Fixed by

Re: [scite] overriding commands

2007-01-25 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: but i wonder why command#2 isn't shown when i uncomment this in and why only command 2 is affected, command #0 and #1 also set in but they were overridden. As I said earlier, the priority between different wildcards is undefined. You may

Re: [scite] overriding commands

2007-01-24 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: if i do this, command 2 is also hidden and also when i comment out all command-definitions in't know why... also both together... Restate the property name used in with your preferred value to override it. If you set a property

Re: [scite] SciTE 1.72 .31Ru-Board released

2007-01-23 Thread Neil Hodgson
mozers: SciTE 1.72 .31Ru is now available from the web site. It appears that this version omits the position and line fields for the SCN_DOUBLECLICK notification in Editor.cxx. This is incompatible with other versions of Scintilla. Neil

Re: [scite] overriding commands

2007-01-23 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: works for me too, but not for pas-files. command #2 won't be displayed in pas-files. the others work... Works for me for pas files. Try emptying user properties, reverting any other changed properties files from installation, then add the quoted lines. Neil

Re: [scite] overriding commands

2007-01-23 Thread Neil Hodgson
If you are going to edit you may as well just set all the properties you want to change. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] (no subject)

2007-01-22 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: i dont need commands defined in Scite by the pascal-lexer (compile/build/start/debug compile/GDB) so i removed them like this: ...*.pas= command.1.*.pas= ...*=Datum einfügen command.1.*=insert_date The priority between different wildcards is

Re: [scite] Perl properties enhancement to edit AWK file

2007-01-22 Thread Neil Hodgson
Pedro A ARANDA: this is a very simple addition to use the Perl Properties to edit AWK files Committed except it looks like you have the shbang setting reversed. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] output got slow (like typewriter)

2007-01-22 Thread Neil Hodgson
Felix Kater: The first 5 to 10 lines are displayed awfully slow (about one second per line and nearly letter by letter like a typewriter) and then the rest of lines is displayed at normal speed (like at once). I have seen this before on GTK+ and expect its an unfortunate synchronization

Re: [scite] Ctrl-Tab behavior

2007-01-22 Thread Neil Hodgson
Robert Roessler: Was the cool Ctrl-Tab behavior that got added last year a Windows-only thing? I notice that when using the executable from gscite172.tgz on FC6 - Ctrl-Tab just does the older next-tab-in-order-with-wrap bit. This requires handling the depression of the Ctrl key creating a

Re: [scite] Has the default value of selection.alpha changed?

2007-01-22 Thread Neil Hodgson
Hz: Using the following user setting worked on previous versions of SciTE. On 1.72 the selection looks different. Setting selection.alpha=256 seems to fix it. Is it just a new default value? This works on 1.71, giving a standard WinXP dark blue background and white text. On 1.72 the selection

Re: [scite] (no subject)

2007-01-22 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: so i have to change the no way change this by sciteuser. i think there must be implemented a priority so that e.g. sciteuser always overrides lexer definitions. Setting the same property in will override Neil

Re: [scite] (no subject)

2007-01-22 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frank Wunderlich: i want to replace commands 1-3 defined for *.pas define as *, so this seems not work. pas-commands should disabled (also go, compile, build). command-range 0-9 used for all files... Adding this to my works for me:*=Datum einfügen

Re: [scite] [GTK patch/feature] Fullscreen Mode

2007-01-20 Thread Neil Hodgson
Committed the full screen patch. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] bracket matching

2007-01-16 Thread Neil Hodgson
The problem is that for HTML, the style checking is turned off ( since each of the sublanguages has their own brace styles but the code that checks after the caret didn't handle this case. On a related note, SciTEBase::FindMatchingBracePosition() twice pulls out style

Re: [scite] Autocomplete in Windows 98

2007-01-16 Thread Neil Hodgson
askm: I'm not seeing the text in the ac-box on my (Windows 98) machine when typing. However, when I use my scite on another's (Windows 98) machine I can see it in the ac-box. Can someone tell me what in my possibly inferior machine is affecting this ? Either your properties are set

[scite] SciTE 1.72 released

2007-01-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
SciTE 1.72 is now available from the web site. SciTE 1.72 improves performance, enables incremental search on GTK+ and allows Find in Files to ignore binary files and directories starting with .. A bug fix may make keyboard input work on Solaris and other less common

Re: [scite] Enabling Lua loadlib for SciTE

2007-01-13 Thread Neil Hodgson
Me: This exports a lot of symbols that aren't needed for Lua. Isn't there an equivalent to a Windows DEF file that lists the functions to be made available? This document explains symbol export on Linux: The visibility attribute for

[scite] 1.72 release candidates

2007-01-13 Thread Neil Hodgson
Release candidate code for Scintilla and SciTE 1.72 is now in CVS and also can be downloaded from Source Windows executable If there are no problems reported then this will be released in around 1 day.

Re: [scite] F5 Go not working for Ruby code execution

2007-01-11 Thread Neil Hodgson
When I hit F5 this short program doesn't execute in the right pane. The DOS prompt pops up but with no text, no way to enter text, and the curser sits in the top left corner and flashes. Neil

Re: [scite] Re: [scintilla] Regarding 1.72 Windows binaries...

2007-01-11 Thread Neil Hodgson
Robert Roessler wrote: For me on VS 2003 and using smallest code settings, SciTE.exe and SciLexer.dll come in at a trim 269KB and 329KB respectively. :) There's a trade-off between efficiency and the hassles caused by dependencies and I mostly favour problem avoidance. That wasn't an

Re: [scite] Re: Version 1.72 in about a week

2007-01-10 Thread Neil Hodgson
Ryan: Not if you downloaded the sc1.exe. Besides, it would be nice to configure sc1 how you like it and then save the configuration. SciTE allows properties to be set over particular domains: often different file types and directories may use different values. With automatic configuration

Re: [scite] Scite dialog input for extensions

2007-01-09 Thread Neil Hodgson
Ben: Another control that would be nice for lua extensions would be a text input. I'm thinking of something similar to the incremental search, but would disapear after the user pressed enter. I worry about the potential for unexpected behaviour and failures when displaying dialogs from

Re: [scite] Re: Re: Version 1.72 in about a week

2007-01-08 Thread Neil Hodgson
Robert Roessler: Yes, it is the default, and the convention [AFAIK] is that the commented assignments shown in the global properties file indicate the default. The convention is supposed to be that the commented assignments are opposite to the defaults so that if you want to flip a

Re: [scite] Re: Lua 5.1.1 in Scite 1.7.2??

2007-01-08 Thread Neil Hodgson
Bruce Dodson: The changes are fairly small to get it to compile - there are a few new files, and the directory structure has changed a bit but can be changed back without problems so that it lines up with the source tree as represented in CVS - that's what I did in my copy. Post-1.72, its

Re: [scite] Re: Version 1.72 in about a week

2007-01-08 Thread Neil Hodgson
Hz: A wrap text at column x would be nice (so I can save it as wrapped text). I have to do this manually now, hitting enter at column 80 for each line. The normal way to wrap in SciTE is dynamic wrapping by using the Options | Wrap command. Text can be permanently split on input by writing

Re: [scite] Enabling Lua loadlib for SciTE

2007-01-04 Thread Neil Hodgson
Steve Donovan: The last isn't strictly necessary to get loadlib going, but you need it to expose the Lua API so that Lua extensions can load; otherwise you can only load plain libraries which can only supply a single entry point to be called. The SciTE binary will be larger however (about 30%)

Re: [scite] Re: Version 1.72 in about a week

2007-01-04 Thread Neil Hodgson
Philippe Lhoste: I don't know if you plan to include my RE improvement (there is a small bugfix to send). I have started to work on the documentation update, I should finish it soon. I hadn't committed it and wasn't using it in my own builds. If there's a bug fix then I'll want that before

Re: [scite] Re: Version 1.72 in about a week

2007-01-04 Thread Neil Hodgson
Roger Sondermann: An option to have the Find results displayed at the middle of the window instead of the bottom would be nice. Or is something like this already available? You may be after the visible.policy settings. Neil ___ Scite-interest

Re: [scite] Lua 5.1.1 in Scite 1.7.2??

2007-01-04 Thread Neil Hodgson
Anton: will scite 1.72 use lua 5.1.1 instead of lua 5.0 ? Large modifications should be added early in a release cycle so that they get tested before release. SciTE currently includes Lua 5.0.2 so that is what will be in SciTE 1.72. If not, is there a simple possibility to recompile

Re: [scite] Re: Enabling Lua loadlib for SciTE

2007-01-04 Thread Neil Hodgson
Steve: Linking to Lua as a shared library is a more elegant approach, but I suspect that Neil wants to keep SciTE as a self-contained executable. Yes, I've had enough dependency installation trouble myself (including for some Scintilla based editors) that I want SciTE to continue to be

[scite] Version 1.72 in about a week

2007-01-02 Thread Neil Hodgson
I'm thinking of making a 1.72 release in around a week from now. If you have something you want included send it real soon. Windows binaries for this release will probably be made with VS 2005 rather than VS 2003 even though that causes a small increase in size as VS 2005 is likely to be in

Re: [scite] change autocomplete key to Ctrl+SPACE ?

2006-12-28 Thread Neil Hodgson
Sandesh Singh: How about skipping the shortcut entirely, and showing the list of entries automatically, say, after typing two characters. Can this be done? The closest things in SciTE are autocompleteword.automatic and autocomplete.lexer.start.characters. Neil

Re: [scite] Indentation Gnu Style

2006-12-28 Thread Neil Hodgson
Jerry DeLisle: Indent two spaces, change 8 spaces to a tab, indent braces two spaces and following text two spaces. Like this: ... if (x = y) { j = y + 3; This is not supported by SciTE's automatic indentation. It may be possible to write an OnChar script to do this. Neil

Re: [scite] Python and Java indentation

2006-12-28 Thread Neil Hodgson
John Yeung: Well, my thought would be not to change the number of settings at all, and simply make statement.indent.filepattern always match only the last nonwhitespace, noncomment character when a character is specified for that option (as opposed to when a keyword or keywords are specified).

Re: [scite] tab completions in scite

2006-12-28 Thread Neil Hodgson
Sebq: Complete word I guess, the way it's implemented in textmate for mac. So it's easy to customize/add new snippests. ie, after typing a word 'class', lets say in php: class| and hitting tab, something easy is triggered, let it be just a file inserted ie from ../scite/snippests/php/class

Re: [scite] change autocomplete key to Ctrl+SPACE ?

2006-12-23 Thread Neil Hodgson
There is now a table of user.shortcuts command values at This is mechanically generated from the menu resource and Scintilla.iface so has a few strange items. Neil ___ Scite-interest

Re: [scite] Linux bug with FileChooser Dialog

2006-12-21 Thread Neil Hodgson
Mitchell: (SciTE:4654): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_file_system_unix_get_info: assertion `g_path_is_absolute (filename)' failed Gtk-ERROR **: file gtkfilechooserdefault.c: line 7772 (gtk_file_chooser_default_should_respond): assertion failed: (path != NULL) aborting... Aborted Can't reproduce

Re: [scite] Moving to Google Groups for SciTE/Scintilla?

2006-12-21 Thread Neil Hodgson
Steve Donovan: That would reduce the moderation overload tremendously. The scintilla-temp Google group required moderation of a couple of messages that I can't see any reason for:

Re: [scite] Re: Linux bug with FileChooser Dialog

2006-12-21 Thread Neil Hodgson
mitchell: I'm running GTK 2.10.6. When the FileChooser dialog comes up, focus is immediately given to the Location text entry. It is there that I can type anything (garbage, file paths, etc.) and SciTE will abort. OK, if you press Ctrl+L you get the Location entry and its sticky, even

[scite] Announce lists moderation

2006-12-18 Thread Neil Hodgson
Greg Stein, who hosts the Scintilla and SciTE mailing lists, mentioned that one contributing factor to the recent list slowdown was the length of the moderation queues. I'm turning off moderation of non-members for the -announce lists now - messages from non-members will be rejected. If

Re: [scite] Python and Java indentation

2006-12-17 Thread Neil Hodgson
John Yeung: The rule I'm looking for is if the line ends in a colon, indent the next one, but I don't know how or if it is possible at all in SciTE. Something along the lines of statement.indent.$( :\n You also need to consider lines that contain extra whitespace or

Re: [scite] a couple of newbie questions

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Brian Blais: perhaps it's just the way I think, but I like to have a directory for each project. I cd into the directory, launch the editor, and have it pick up where I left off in that project. This could include files from other directories, related to the work I am doing on that

Re: [scite] UTF-8 Encoding and BOM handling

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Tom Hummel: Of course I'd expect Scite to write a BOM when I choose UTF-8 Cookie Why would you want both a BOM and a cookie? They achieve the same objective in different ways. and I do not expect a BOM when I choose UTF-8 in the options menu. OK, our expectations differ. Neither

Re: [scite] a couple of newbie questions

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Brian Blais: 1) open up scite with some files 2) within scite open up a file in a different directory (call it directory blah) 3) quit scite 4) rerun scite with no arguments this returns the session with all the files in the right place. If I go to the directory blah, I do not see any session

Re: [scite] Command window in Ruby

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
M.G.Faina: Thanks Neil. Now if you would be so kind please tells me where exactly should I make this change? Options | Open User Options File. Paste line at end of file. All your changes should go there to override all the other files and to survive upgrades. Neil

Re: [scite] UTF-8 Encoding and BOM handling

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Tom Hummel: I didn't know Scite uses a non-standard way to mark utf8 encoded files. SciTE's use of cookies derives from Emacs although Emacs allows more elaborate metadata of which this is only one piece. It spread to other editors and then Python picked it up as the way to define file

Re: [scite] UTF-8 Encoding and BOM handling

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Piotr Fusik: I must agree that UTF-8 vs UTF-8 Cookie can be confusing for people new to SciTE. It's especially how these options affect how the file is saved. The naming was based mostly on opening the file and showing that the user's setting was being overridden by the file

Re: *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Re: [scite] UTF-8 Encoding and BOM handling

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Frédéric Glorieux: Even if it's a multibyte encodind ? Yes. Maybe default was a better name, what I could change in my locale if I want. I don't think default is a great term either but it would be more accurate. Because i usually deal with different encodings, a behaviour I like in

Re: [scite] How can I read inputs?

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Moritz Kreutzer: how can I read an input when i execute a command in Scite? E.g. I have the following java-code: BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; With buffering you are unlikely to see the input until end of file which is relatively difficult to

Re: [scite] strange scite requests

2006-12-15 Thread Neil Hodgson
Kevin Jones: Also screen readers have a say-all command where basically they just keep pressing the down-arrow and speak the text non-stop to the end of the document. When in the Scite editor it will do this for a time and then randomly stop but jaws thinks it's still going. Don't know

[scite] Indentation Settings: GTK+ and Convert button

2006-12-14 Thread Neil Hodgson
The Indentation Settings dialog now works on GTK+. A Convert button is available in the Indentation Settings dialog to convert all indentation to use spaces or a combination of tabs and spaces. First the parameters are set similar to pressing the OK button. Then the amount of indentation on

Re: [scite] Different styles when reusing lexers

2006-12-14 Thread Neil Hodgson
Ernesto Posse: Hi. I'm interested in having a mode for a language I am working on, and since it's syntax is close to Python's I have created my own properties file based on While the lexer does recognize the keywords of my language with the new file, I cannot set different

Re: [scite] a couple of newbie questions

2006-12-14 Thread Neil Hodgson
Brian Blais: function SelectCurrentLine(bWithEOL) Drop the parameter to make this easy to call from a key.*=Cut To EOL command.12.*=CutToEOL command.subsystem.12.*=3 command.shortcut.12.*=Ctrl+K command.mode.12.*=savebefore:no*=Select Line

Re: [scite] custom compile command and regex error output for error line?

2006-12-14 Thread Neil Hodgson
Robert: I want to teach SciTE to complile a .pas file (on Ctrl-F7) with an old compiler like tpc.exe file command.compile.*.pas=tpc $(FilePath) and at best when there is a compiler error (exit status 1) parse this simple output scheme: Turbo Pascal Version 6.0 Copyright (c) 1983,90

Re: [scite] loadlib not included by default in Linux build?

2006-12-13 Thread Neil Hodgson
Steve Donovan: I notice that the very useful 'loadlib' Lua library function is not included in the non-Windows build. There are issues here (which I do not fully understand) that the libraries being loaded need to be able to use the Lua runtime which is currently located in SciTE. There was

Re: [scite] Issues with SciTE 1.71

2006-12-13 Thread Neil Hodgson
Philippe Lhoste: Posted to Scintilla-Temp, I repost to correct list as I see they are back. Copying my reply here so it is seen by SciTE-interest members and goes into the archive. Hi Philippe, Hum, I post a SciTE issue in Scintilla-Temp, but I didn't saw a SciTE-Temp... This group seems

Re: [scite] single quotes in output window: unicode issue?

2006-12-05 Thread Neil Hodgson
Felix Kater: when I use gcc-4.1.1-r1 (gentoo-linux) with nls support, it emits single quotes. On my xterm it looks ok, in the scite output window they are replaced by ugly squares with the unicode in it. Linux distributions now often set the locale to UTF-8 by, for example, setting

Re: [scite] Two questions about custom commands

2006-12-05 Thread Neil Hodgson
R-Junior: 1) I'm using parameters, but I noticed the dialog asking for them will come with empty fields if you didn't use it before. Is there a way to supply default values? Its not really a planned feature but the parameters can be set with properties like: 1=Default value for first

Re: [scite] Re: SciTE-Ru

2006-11-27 Thread Neil Hodgson
Alexander Zenkov: Dear Neil Hodgson. I'm completely agree with you about RECURSIVE_CALL, but it simple to transfere them into RECURSIVELESS function. For example it's possible to write like that: Using recursion in menu manipulation isn't a big concern. The _MAX_EXTENSION_RECURSIVE_CALL

Re: [scite] Re: HTML export with underlined folding; sample for comment

2006-11-25 Thread Neil Hodgson
Kein-Hong's modification is now committed to CVS. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] usefull feature from EMACS

2006-11-24 Thread Neil Hodgson
Pedro: It's very handy and I would like to have a method to access the system's environment variables in SciTE. Environment variables are available as properties. Try typing into the Output pane: echo $(PWD) Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

[scite] Re: [scintilla] [ scintilla-Bugs-1594873 ] SciTE crash on startup

2006-11-14 Thread Neil Hodgson
[Redirecting to scite-interest] Looks like this is a problem with Lua's io.popen as used by extman on GTK+/Linux. The reporter has uploaded some more context and modified the code a bit. Could someone with more

Re: [scite] SciTE -default file extension

2006-11-11 Thread Neil Hodgson
Jens: I have no file extensions offered in Save as dialogue at all! Have to type the extension (i.e. .txt) manually, or I will have a file without any extension. This behaviour is very annoying. Anything I can do about it? Modify the source code. Neil

Re: [scite] CVS checkout wxPython

2006-11-07 Thread Neil Hodgson
Franz Steinhaeusler: I tried to checkout wxPython, but nothing of the following was working for me. I expect you should ask on one of the wxWidgets lists. There were, IIRC, some problems with the recently and SourceForge CVS is

Re: [scite] To Scite developers: Getting Scite to hang (and loose data) - reproducible!

2006-10-27 Thread Neil Hodgson
Ronald: I found the following way to get scite to hang, with the only remedy to kill it (and hence losing all unsaved data). This is reproducible on Scite 1.58. SciTE 1.58 is more than 2.5 years old. Try updating. Neil ___ Scite-interest

Re: [scite] Matlab String Parsing (double-backslash) Issue

2006-10-27 Thread Neil Hodgson
Bob M: I propose replacing the section of code in LexMatlab.cxx that handles the SCE_MATLAB_STRING and SCE_MATLAB_DOUBLEQUOTESTRING states with the following: OK, committed. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] SMTP Email

2006-10-27 Thread Neil Hodgson
Barry: Is there a function within SciTE to send and SMTP email? No. Use an external program. Neil ___ Scite-interest mailing list

Re: [scite] API Calltip: line breaks in the function's comments?

2006-10-23 Thread Neil Hodgson
Felix: if I have a longer comment on the usage of a function to be placed in the API files: Can I somehow insert a line break command into the explanatory comment so that when displayed it is spanning across several lines? Scintilla breaks at new line characters but SciTE has no way to

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