But who handles this under Windows.
How is the PATH specified, just like
It is launched using CreateProcess API call. I am using it like this:
command.compile.*.dbd=D:\Prog\DVS\DBASIC\Tools\dbc.exe $(FileNameExt)
command.8.*=perl.exe c:\Util\findheader.pl $(CurrentWord) $(FileN
Felix Kater:
Thanks a lot for this.
In my case (linux, scite 1.71), however, the color of the line does not
change. I've of course double checked the changes, and, other things a
inserted like new line in calltips worked out straight away.
I tried to put the changes also into 1.
Felix Kater napsal(a):
is there a way to change the appearance (color or similar) of the
horizontal line indicating a fold -- independent from the color of the
I've got documents with a lot of folds, so nearly every line gets
underlined. Especially with my gtk contrast theme this make
often when I open a file and it is changed on disk by another software,
I miss an option in scite to detect changes. Is there maybe already such
an option?
I think the "load.on.activate" option do the job.
-- Roman
Scite-interest mailin
marcin krzan:
I have a problem with configuration scite for PHP.
I've already spend 2 days trying to get auto autocompletion and calltip
of function from api file without any result. This is really anoying and
I'm slowly loosing hope to achive that.
I've browsed a lot of sites in google but I
Ozren Lasić:
Ones file is opened and closed (I'm not sure if I even changed
anything), it is impossible to open the same file again until user
session on remote comp isn't disconnected.
Did anyone have similar problems? I'm using SciTE 1.68 on Windows XP,
and remote comp OS is Windows Server
Frank Wunderlich:
Roman Hubacek, 02.05.2006 09:51:
Frank Wunderlich:
ok, i see the error must in this function:
function OnChar(c)
function char_at(p)
return string.char(editor.CharAt[p])
local toClose = { ['('] = ')', ['['] = ']', [
Frank Wunderlich:
ok, i see the error must in this function:
function OnChar(c)
function char_at(p)
return string.char(editor.CharAt[p])
local toClose = { ['('] = ')', ['['] = ']', ['"'] = '"', ["'"] = "'" }
if (toClose[c] ~= nil) then
local pos = editor.CurrentPos
Frank Wunderlich:
Hi Roman,
the script works perfect except files that be commented out...
is there a possibility to exclude values that have // before '..' or (*
and *) or { and } around '..'?
e.g. following files must not be opened:
Roman Hubacek, 26.04.2006 17:23:
function openPasFromDpr2()
local path = props['FileDir'] --without trailing /\
local file = editor:textrange(0, editor.Length)
for uses in string.gfind(file, "uses.*;") do
for c in string.gfind(uses, "\'([^\
Roman Hubacek, 26.04.2006 17:16:
Hi, I made little more examination and I have finished with this code,
which works well also with opening new buffers:
function openPasFromDpr2()
local path = props['FileDir'] --without trailing /\
local file = editor:textrange(0, editor.Length)
Hi, I made little more examination and I have finished with this code,
which works well also with opening new buffers:
function openPasFromDpr2()
local path = props['FileDir'] --without trailing /\
local file = editor:textrange(0, editor.Length)
for c in string.gfind(file, "\'([^\']*)\'")
Hi, I made little more examination and I have finished with this code,
which works well also with opening new buffers:
function openPasFromDpr2()
local path = props['FileDir'] --without trailing /\
local file = editor:textrange(0, editor.Length)
for c in string.gfind(file, "\'([^\']*)\'")
Frank Wunderlich napsal(a):
i'm trying to write a script which opens all files from a
here a such file:
program dfmedit;
SizerControl in 'sizecontrols\SizerControl.pas',
main_u in 'main_u.pas' {Form_DFMMain},
preview_u in 'preview_u.pas' {Form_DFMPr
Pawel napsal(a):
I have searched for a way to insert time and date (like notepad with F5)
is there a standard function that I am not seeing at the moment? I
can’t find it on the website or archieves.
you can use this lua function (placed into your SciTEStartup.lua):
function insert_
What is readtags? Perhaps my ctags is too old...
Anyway, I added a primitive support of ctags a long time ago: you still
have to manually generate a ctags file (either with line numbers or
search strings), open it in SciTE, find a line and hit Ctrl+O: SciTE
will open the file and jump to the re
Dennis Dalessandro wrote:
I am running SciTE on Linux, don't seem to have readtags, I've always
just used ctags, usually with vim.
I got it from here:
there are also sources and rpms. You can build it from sources. Readtags
is small utility that searches tags
Dennis Dalessandro napsal(a):
How can I use ctags with SciTE? I've seen this wiki
but can't seem to get it to work. There is a link to a lua script
(ctags.lua) I put that in my user properties file (should it go
somewhere else?), and under the tools menu I ge
For me, the following works just fine (using Scite 1.67):
Wow, I didn't notice it. When I wrote my script, it wasn't there. So
the script is now quite obsolete ;-(
AFAIK, it "was there" long before Lua was added to SciTE...
Now, your use of custom propertie
I'd be very interested in this!
I wrote something about this, maybe it could help for start. Write out
all bookmarks:
ln = editor:MarkerNext(0,MARKER_MAX)
while ln ~= -1 do
ln = editor:MarkerNext(ln+1,MARKER_MAX)
Set bookmark to line ln:
lexers = {
[1] = "null",
[2] = "python",
[3] = "cpp",
Lua knows about the symbolic names
Yes, I've known it. But I needed reverse conversion from constant to
text. It allowed me to access readable properties like "ta
For me, the following works just fine (using Scite 1.67):
Wow, I didn't notice it. When I wrote my script, it wasn't there. So the
script is now quite obsolete ;-(
-- Roman
Scite-interest mailing list
is it possible to set tab width and indentation for different file types
individually? For example:
ini, dat, txt - 0
js, java - 2
css, html, xml - 4
haskell, python - 8
Yes, it is possible. I am using following lua code for this purpose. Put
it into your SciTEStartup.lua. It is bit long, but
This is what the Extras page is for. Uploaded to:
If it is likely that you will be changing this then it would be
better for you to maintain a web page and for there to be a link from
the Extras page.
I've just started using AHK, so it is
Hi all,
I made a properties file for AutoHotkey program. It is quite simple,
but maybe somebody find it useful. I based it on asm lexer with
customized keywords, defined run and help actions. It also allows to use
api file included in AutoHotkey distribution.
Maybe it helps somebody and
william wrote:
I'm using Scite for all my text files (maybe not a good idea). But I don't have
knwoledge concerning configuration aspects ;-(.
Thus I'm using Scite for wiki texts (I'm writing it in scite, with correct
formating) then copy/paste to the wiki tool.
In that context I would like to
Neil Hodgson:
Roman Hubacek:
I reached one minor but unpleasant problem. I have a lot of found
items in output pane and processing it step by step (F4). For modifying
source I use some simple lua scripts started as a tool. After run of the
script (even very simple - empty, outputing nothing
I reached one minor but unpleasant problem. I have a lot of found
items in output pane and processing it step by step (F4). For modifying
source I use some simple lua scripts started as a tool. After run of the
script (even very simple - empty, outputing nothing), position in output
OK, there is a version that does this in CVS and
http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/scite.zip Source
http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/wscite.zip Windows executable
This patch sets the file path of a "New" document to the directory
of the active document followed by a slash, so it has a direct
Typically I work on a project (i.e. a few files in one directory), so it
is useful to open files from there - it works great. When I wanted to
add new file, the same applied. I can't see why not hold current directory.
Which directory do you mean *exactly*? The directory of the file
active b
In older versions, the New command would set the file name
information to use the current directory at that time with an empty
file name. Now a new file has a completely empty path and the open
dialog opens on the current directory at open time. I can't see strong
reasons for preferring any par
recently I've upgraded to new Scite (1.66) and after some time I've
noticed some different behavior. I have some files in a directory and
editing some of them in Scite. When I create new file and try to save it
(SaveAs), I'm in "Documents" directory instead of last file directory
(as in
Milan Babuskov wrote:
I'm using SciTE a lot. I edit everything with it. As I'm a C++
programmer, I work a lot with .cpp and .h files, and often need to open
.h file for some .cpp file and vise versa.
It is possible to add "open header file" and "open source file" actions
to SciTE? It could
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